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Alkohol na d. low carb

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Gdzies czytalem (chyba wlasnie w AD) ze picie alkoholu na d. low carb pograza ketoze. Problem w tym ze nie moge tego znalesc i nie wiem czy jest to prawda czy nie.

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Od Lyle'a:
"Hi Lyle,

I'm wondering what kind of effect alcohol has on a CKD. I've
poured extensively over all your diaries, the newsgroups, etc. and
haven't been able to find ANYTHING at all. So I thought I'd go right to
the source. Will having a couple beers in the middle of the week kick
you out of ketosis? What about hard alcohol? I've heard that alcohol is
like a simple sugar, so I've stayed away from it on my CKD?s. But what's
the real story?

If anything, alcohol tends to deepen, not disrupt ketosis (this would
of course assume there weren't any normal sugars present in the
alcohol). In fact, there is a condition called alcoholic ketoacidosis
which is potentially dangerous. It typically occurs in individuals who
aren't eating any food (hence, eating no carbohydrates, hence liver
glycogen becomes depleted, hence ketosis is established) but drinking
heavily. Alcohol affects liver metabolism (it affects redox state and
the ratio of NADH/NAD+) such that more ketones are produced when
alcohol is consumed. In the case of alcoholic ketoacidosis, this causes
problems with acidosis, etc. They are typically treated by feeding the
person carb which de-establishes ketosis.
Also, even though alcohol is technically a carbohydrate, it is
metabolized differently than other carbs, being converted to
triglyceride in the liver. I would expect that alcohol conversion to TG
in the liver also has an impact on ketone production. So to answer your
question, alcohol shouldn't kick you out of ketosis (and that I'm aware
of there is no distinction between beer and hard liquor in the
literature on alcoholic ketoacidosis), but will make it deeper.
Two final things:
1.Calories as alcohol are burned in preference to
all other macronutrients, so alcohol use will tend to detract from fat loss.
2.Anecdotally, several people have reported that they get drunk faster when they are in ketosis, than when they are not. So use caution.Oh yeah, as to the question which is sitting in my queue (that IM still looking for an answer to), it has to do with whether ketosis can falsely trigger a positive test on a Breathalyzer. When I find an answer, I will post it
to Mesomorphosis as well as responding to the asker personally.

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Zmieniony przez - kanarek w dniu 2003-07-23 02:39:58
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alkohol uposledza glukogeneze co jest niekorzystne przy diecie niskoweglowej;

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--Albert Einstein
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