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Walka bronią białą przeciwko...zwierzęciu - 1vs1

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Szacuny 1939 Napisanych postów 17102 Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 90281
Racja z tymi walkami gladiatorów - tam trzeba szukać tropów! nie wiem czemu wcześniej o tym nie pomyślałem

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Zmieniony przez - Puar w dniu 2015-04-01 15:26:47

"Dzięki za złoto, mój ty bohaterze" - 100 dan Diego.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1939 Napisanych postów 17102 Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 90281

...I was still riding quietly along when the two forms loomed up within three or four yards, and these I now recognised as two lions, and their behaviour was such I had little doubt but that their intentions were to attack my horse. Although, of course, I had my rifle (without which I never moved in the veld) there was not time to shoot, and as I hastily pulled my horse around I dug the spurs into his flanks in a frantic effort to urge him to his best speed to get away in time; but the approaching lion was already too close, and before the horse could get into its stride I felt a terrific impact behind me as the lion alighted on the horse's hindquarters.

What happened next, of course, occupied only a few seconds, but I vividly recall the unpleasant sensation of expecting the crunch of the lion's jaws in my person. However, the terrified horse was bucking and plunging so violently that the lion was unable to maintain its hold, but it managed to knock me out of the saddle. Fortune is apt to act freakishly at all times, and it may seem a strange thing to suggest that it was fortunate for myself that I happened to fall almost on top of the second lion as he was running around in front of my horse, to get hold of it by the head. Had I fallen otherwise, however, it is probable that the lion would have grasped me by the head, and then this book would assuredly never have been written! Actually, the eager brute gripped my right shoulder between its jaws and started to drag me away, and as it did so I could hear the clatter of my horse's hooves over the stony ground as it raced away with the first lion in hot pursuit; itself in turn being chased by my dog "Bull".

Meanwhile, the lion continued dragging me towards the neighbouring Metsimetsi Spruit. I was dragged along on my back, being held by the right shoulder, and as the lion was walking over me his claws would sometimes rip wounds in my arms and I was wearing a pair of spurs with strong leather straps, and these acted as brakes, scoring deep furrows in the ground over which we travelled. When the 'brakes' acted too efficiently the lion would give an impatient jerk of his great head, which added excruciating pain to my shoulder, already deeply lacerated by the powerful teeth. I certainly was in a position to disagree emphatically with Dr. Livingstone's theory, based on his own personal experience, that the resulting shock from the bite of a large carnivorous animal so numbs the nerves that it deadens all the pain; for, in my own case, I was conscious of great physical agony; and in addition to this was the mental agony as to what the lion would presently do with me; whether he would kill me first or proceed to dine off me while I was still alive!

Of course, in those first few moments I was convinced that it was all over with me and that I had reached the end of my earthly career.
But then as our painful progress still continued, it suddenly struck me that I might still have my sheath knife! I always carried this attached to my belt on the right side. Unfortunately, the knife did not fit too tightly in its sheath, and on two previous occasions when I had had a spill from my horse while galloping after game during the Boer War it had fallen out. It seemed almost too much to expect that it could still be safely there after the recent rough episodes. It took me some time to work my left hand round my back as the lion was dragging me over the ground, but eventually I reached the sheath, and, to my indescribable joy, the knife was still there! I secured it, and wondered where best first to stab the lion. It flashed through my mind that, many years ago, I had read in a magazine or newspaper that if you hit a cat on the nose he must sneeze before doing anything. This particular theory is, of course, incorrect; but at the time I seriously entertained the idea of attempting it, though on second thoughts I dismissed the notion, deciding that in any case he would just sneeze and pick me up again - this time perhaps in a more vital spot!

I decided finally to stick my knife into his heart, and so I began to feel very cautiously for his shoulder. The task was a difficult and complicated one because, gripped as I was, high up in the right shoulder, my head pressed right up against the lion's mane, which exuded a strong smell (incidentally, he was purring very loudly, something after the fashion of a cat - only on a far louder scale - perhaps in pleasant anticipation of the meal he intended to have) and this necessitated my reaching with my left hand holding the knife across his chest so as to gain access to his left shoulder. Any bungling, in this manoeuvre, would arouse the lion, with instantly fatal results to myself! However, I managed it successfully, and knowing where his heart was located, I struck him twice, in quick succession, with two back-handed strokes behind the left shoulder, the lion let out a furious roar, and I desperately struck him again: this time upwards into his throat. I think this third thrust severed the jugular vein, as the blood spurted out in a stream all over me. The lion released his hold and slunk off into the darkness. Later I measured the distance and found that he had dragged me sixty yards. Incidentally, it transpired later that both first thrusts had reached the heart.

In this case the lion had thought the man defeated, leaving itself open to a fatal stab to the heart and neck. It then fled in pain and bled to death.

For a fight against a tiger I've found...

A Heroic Fighting Between Man And Tiger ( Kaladan News )

In one stage, the tiger ran fast towards the man and attacked him, while the man also attacked the tiger’s face with his sword. Fortunately, the tiger was seriously wounded in it face and retreated a few yards back. At this time, the man was not seriously wounded, said a relative to our source.

A few minutes later, the tiger again came and attacked the man and he also attacked the tiger with his sword. This time, the tiger successfully holding his neck and the arteries have been cut off and the tiger was also fell down on the ground with injuries and instantly dead, sources said.

In that case the man also died of his injuries, and was buried with the tiger. I don't know how long his sword was though, so that might disqualify it for the 'rambo knife' contest.

As the tiger and lion are the largest animals listed, I imagine that triumphing over the smaller gorilla and chimp is also within the realm of possibility for a man with a metal knife.

"Dzięki za złoto, mój ty bohaterze" - 100 dan Diego.

Zgłoś naruszenie
QUEBLO Moderator
Szacuny 2361 Napisanych postów 30617 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 270804
Racja z tymi walkami gladiatorów - tam trzeba szukać tropów! nie wiem czemu wcześniej o tym nie pomyślałem

A moderatorom proponuję żeby zbanowali samych siebie.

Zmieniony przez - Puar w dniu 2015-04-01 15:26:47

z Tobą chyba naprawdę coś jest nie tak...

temat zamykam bo co niektórzy zbyt serio chyba do niego podchodzą.

albo nie, zostawię otwarty.

Zmieniony przez - QUEBLO w dniu 2015-04-04 22:04:16

"Będąc na diecie najważniejsze jest, by wieczorem zasnąć, zanim się zechce żreć"

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 10 Napisanych postów 75 Wiek 12 lat Na forum 13 lat Przeczytanych tematów 558
idź na trening FMA. tam Ci pokażą jak walczyć bronią .... z człowiekiem, takim zwierzęciem, które jest bardziej okrutne, nieprzewidywalne i podstępne

FMA Wieliczka - www.docepuntos.pl
oraz administrator:

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 23 Napisanych postów 434 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 12 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5527
Na zwierzaki szlo sie z wlocznia, ew. specjalnie przystosowana bronia- myk http://muckley.us/Boar Hunting Weapons of the Middle Agres and Renaissance.pdf . A jak jest zwarcie to giniesz.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 23 Napisanych postów 434 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 12 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5527
Na zwierzaki to z czyms dzgajacym- wlocznia albo dedykowanym mieczem - myk link http://muckley.us/Boar Hunting Weapons of the Middle Agres and Renaissance.pdf , jesli jest starcie to giniesz - jesli nie od razu to od ran, zakazenia etc. A jakby ktos sie chcial pobawic bronia biala w starciach z ludzmi to polecam treningi z Bractwem Wojownikow Kruki, w ktorejs z sekcji( Poznan, Bydgoszcz, Wawa, Inowroclaw).
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