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EXCLUSIVE: Ken Shamrock Wants Tito Ortiz Rematch!
Reported By: Boxing Insider - 09.25.2003 03:00 AM

Ken Shamrock “The World’s Most Dangerous Man," gives his thoughts on UFC 44 and a possible rematch with Tito Ortiz.

As part on our continuing UFC 44: Undisputed coverage, Boxing Insider talks with UFC legend, Ken Shamrock.

BoxingInsider.com: How is your knee recovering? I heard you are finished with your ACL surgery and now in rehabilitation?

Ken Shamrock: It's going really well. I had surgery done on Monday two weeks ago. I was doing therapy on Monday and on Wednesday - so yeah - a quick turn around. I don't have any swelling. So my recovery is going to go really fast.

BoxingInsider.com: When will you start training again? When do you plan to return to the UFC?

Photo: Zuffa LLC/UFC.tv

Ken Shamrock: I'm looking at trying to be back by February. It looks pretty good from what I have been told - based on the quickness of my recovery and no swelling - I am going to be able to get back there ... I should be ready to rock and do some hard core training by mid-December.

BoxingInsider.com: What is your prediction for the main matches at UFC 44 Undisputed: the Gan McGee - Tim Sylvia fight

Ken Shamrock: (Laughing) I predict that people make sure they have their popcorn and their beer with them. Make sure you are comfortable because it is probably going to be one of those slow, big heavyweight fights. There’s not going to be a lot of action or a lot of things going on.

BoxingInsider.com: What are your thoughts on this weekend's Tito Ortiz vs. Randy Couture fight?

Ken Shamrock: Well, I think I did an interview before where I stated that my heart goes out to Randy. I wish him the best in that fight. If it was any other time, I would be rooting for Randy. I think he's a great person. But for my own selfish reasons, I don't want any one else to beat Tito because I want him.

BoxingInsider.com: We have heard that you have a re-match clause with Tito Ortiz. Can you comment on that, and would you like to exercise it?

Ken Shamrock: I knew I was pretty beat up to fight him in the first one, but I wanted to do it because I didn't want the opportunity to pass. I wanted that opportunity and I went a head and took it. It was one of those decisions where I felt it had to be made. I thought it worked out well for UFC. Even though I lost, I felt I went out there and did the best I could. But I believe I’ve GOT MORE being COMPLETELY and FULLY healthy with my knee recovered. I had a torn ACL, prior to that fight and I strengthened my hams and calves to try and cover up, but it just didn't work out as well as I planned.

Getting back to that clause in the contract - that is why it is in there. I wanted to make sure that I could come back and fight him again when I am healthy.

BoxingInsider.com: Please comment on the following statement Tito Ortiz made to boxinginsider.com yesterday:

Tito Ortiz: I kind of shun what the old champions [are] compared to the new champions like I did when I fought Ken Shamrock by dominating him the way that I did. It's a totally different sport than it used to be. The athletes that compete now, they are complete athletes. Myself I train 7 days a week, eight hours a day. It’s a full time job for me. I mean I do kickboxing, wrestling, and jiu-jitsu. I run and I lift as much as possible just to prepare: train for the worst and the best will always happen.

BoxingInsider.com: Do you and Ken Shamrock still hate each other?

Tito Ortiz: I don't think it’s hatred. I think maybe a little jealousy between each other and his factor of being that I did pick him apart. I heard a little interview, saying along the lines that he would like a rematch with me. Hey bring it on! If he wants to get another beating, let the beatings begin. Like I said before I'm still here, I'm going to be the champion but in mind it’s all Randy Couture. That's all I am thinking about, eat, sleep, Randy Couture.

Ken Shamrock: I think, for one thing, Tito Ortiz trains too much, if that [statement] really is true. (Laughs). And, the other thing about his comments - about the warriors of yesterday as opposed to the warriors of today - don't let him forget that those people of yesterday made it possible for him to do [the] things he is doing today, which he always tends to forget. That’s OK. I believe that Tito Ortiz understands what he got into last time with me; knowing that I couldn't do certain things - and yet he still couldn't finish me. He hit me with everything that he had and nothing bothered me.

He doesn't have any power. He doesn't have anything that could hurt me. I got cut and had some blood running in my eyes. A lot of that was due to the fact that I didn't have that much mobility because of the problems with my knee. So let’s find out! Let’s find out. I'd like to get in there with him again and that way... I can't say much now because he won the last fight. But I can say this: I have a rematch clause in my contract and hopefully Tito Ortiz will hold up to that. He knows I am healthy now - so we will see what he does.

BoxingInsider.com: Do Tito Ortiz and Ken Shamrock still hate each other? Do you still hate Tito Ortiz?

Ken Shamrock: I dislike him as a fighter. As a person, I don't know him. As for the comments he made yesterday: “fighters of yesterday aren't like the fighters of today" - we train just as hard. We put in just as much. We sacrificed even more trying to get this thing started. And, you have a young kid, a young punk kid say something like that about old timers who made this sport what it is to day to allow him to fight, make money they way he is doing now, and support his family. He needs to shut his mouth. He needs to respect the people that paved the road for him. If not, then I'll just come keeping back. Believe me I'm coming back healthy this time. I thought I was pretty good last time. I made some mistakes and I really overlooked the fact that I need my ground game.

BoxingInsider.com: Before the UFC 40 fight Joe Rogan has some criticisms about your training. Can you give us your reaction to it, and tell us if it was a fair statement, and what you would do differently next time?

Joe Rogan (before UFC:40): Ken Shamrock is obviously very focused for this fight, but one question a lot of people have is who is he training with? He's training with his students. He’s training with the Lion’s Den guys, while Tito is off training with top of the food chain Jiu-Jitsu guys. He's training with Mark Lament. He's training with Scott Adams for leg locks . . . He brings in the toughest guys to work him. He's training with heavyweight champion Ricco Rodriguez. Is Ken Shamrock training with guys who really push him like Tito is going to?

BoxingInsider.com: How do you respond to that then? And, how do you respond to that now if there is a rematch?

Ken Shamrock: I think Joe Rogan was right on. I think I was training with one of my guys and I got to comfortable. I think that he hit the nail right on the head.

I will change things this time. I will go and get some professional people to work with my hands and my feet. Obviously my ground game has been very good, but I haven't been able to use it due to the injury. Those things are behind me.

Things will be... It will be a lot different type of Ken Shamrock coming out. I actually really believed I could knock Tito out the first time and I didn't need my ground game. Maybe I was a little over confident in that fact, but Tito Ortiz cannot compete with me when I am healthy. He couldn't compete with me when I was injured; HE COULD NOT PUT ME OUT! He could not do things to me that I didn't want him to do. I got up off the ground and stood up. He hit me with a bunch of punches - I was unable to move around like I should have been able to, dodge and move - and I had to stand there and take shots so I could give some. I don't have to do that this time. I don't have to stand there and take shots. I am going to give shots and move around.

BoxingInsider.com: What would your game plan be now if you were to face Tito Ortiz? How would that match unfold?

Ken Shamrock: (Laughing). Obviously I am going to be able to. . . If he tries to take me down, I'll be able to stop the take down. I'll be able to maneuver it and move into position for a submission. If he blocks those - I'll pound him. I'll hit him in the face. I'll ground-and-pound his ass. Tito Ortiz is in for a rude awaking IF he accepts the fight. I don't believe that Tito Ortiz will accept another fight with me! I really don't!

I think he took the fight knowing my knee was bad, knowing I was injured, and that he had a good opportunity to beat me. He doesn't have that opportunity this time. So what is he going to do? I bet you he doesn't take the fight!

BoxingInsider.com: Dana White told us earlier today that he was tentative about making a rematch between you and Tito because there were a lot of other guys in line who deserved shots. What do you think you need to do to re establish your self in UFC before a rematch? Or do you feel you can jump right back in there with a rematch?

Ken Shamrock: No, I can't do another fight. I got to fight Tito. If Tito turns the fight down, and doesn't want it, then I know why. I know why. It’s because he's chicken to fight me the second time around . . . he knows I am going to be healthy. So if that fight doesn't happen I don't mind fighting someone else. But let’s face it, I am 39 years old; I am in good shape; and I'm ready to rock, but I am not going to go out there to fight and prove myself when I have been in this thing ever since the first one and proved myself. I walked in, sold the place out, and brought money into the UFC. There is no reason for me to have to prove my self. I have already done it.

That is like telling Larry Holmes that he has to go out and fight to prove him self. I mean it just doesn't happen. When you make a mark for yourself and you have been on top, there is no proving ground.

BoxingInsider.com: What are your final thoughts going into this weekend's UFC 44: Undisputed?

Ken Shamrock: I look at it to be a really good show. I think that Sylvia and McGee, is going to be one of those big ground-him-and-pound him type fights . . . not a lot of speed and not a lot of action. Both are big guys. They are going to clinch a lot, and whoever gets the position on top is probably going to have the advantage.

BoxingInsider.com: Thank you very much Ken, I look forward to hearing your post fight commentary.

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Niech się Schamrock wypcha!! Teraz kolej na Yito vs Chuck!!

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mysle ze Ortiz sklepie Liddella o ile dojdzie do tej walki
a ken jest cieniem - wtopil juz to co mial wtopic z fryem, ortizem wlasnie, severnem i kilkoma japonczykami zaluje ze nie mam mozliwosci obejrzenia jego walki z roycem gracie no ale mowi sie trudno
a co do ortiza to szkoda ze przegral z randym, mysle ze jego czas jeszce nadejdzie ps - ortiz chyba przytyl na zdjeciach prezentowal sie jakby byl wiekszy i ciezszy - nie widzialem walki z couturem ale skoro randy wygral to musialbyc lepszy
tito powinien wrocic do formy walki z silva gdzie kontrolowal go na glebie - wtedy byl szybki i wygladal na lzejszego niz chyba jest obecnie mozliwe ze zatracil cala swoja szybkosc
nie wiem czy bledem jego bylo nastawianie sie na bycie obalonym moze za bardzo wierzyl w swoje sily a moze po prostu nie cwiczyl wystarczajaca dlugo walki ba plecach - w sumie pamieta ktos jak ortiz musial sie bronic lezac plecami na macie? dobrze sie pokazal zapinajac pas nowemu mistrzowi moze to da mu motywacje to jeszce wiekszej pracy
a co do shamrocka to w razie 2 walki znowu dostanie becki
moze zrobia powtorek z frankiem shamrockiem i ortizem?
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