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thermal pro

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potrzebuje informacje na temat Thermal Pro. wiem ze gdzies to jest na SFD.czy ktos moze mnie skierowac do wlasciwego postu?

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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Szacuny 90 Napisanych postów 17398 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 79160
wpisz thermal pro
i dostaniesz cala liste
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Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
a konkretniej czego szukasz o tym wycofywanym preparacie ??

Your body does not like your idea being lean and big-unfortunately

Alternatywna Droga-2003
mniej bledow, koniec z marnowaniem $-prywatna pomoc-prosze o maila
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51597 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
wlasnie informacji na temat dlaczego go wycofano. mozesz mi cos na tan temat powiedziec.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 90 Napisanych postów 17398 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 79160
rzad usa wycufuje ze sprzedazy preparaty z efedryna - to tak w skrocie
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Biniu Moderator
Szacuny 251 Napisanych postów 41358 Wiek 52 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 126211
U.S. To Ban Ephedra

WASHINGTON, Dec. 30, 2003

The General Accounting Office reported this summer that many of the complaints came from users under 30. Reported problems included heart attacks, strokes and seizures.

Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler, had taken a dietary supplement containing ephedra, is driven off the field in February. He died shortly thereafter. (Photo: AP)

(CBS/AP) The Bush administration has decided to ban the herbal weight-loss supplement ephedra from the marketplace because of concerns about its effects on health, government officials said Tuesday.

Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson and Food and Drug Administration chief Mark McClellan were to announce the ban at a midday news conference, the officials said, speaking only on condition of anonymity.

The ban is likely to be met with litigation from manufacturers who dispute the agency's assertion that ephedra, which was blamed in the death of a professional baseball player's death earlier this year, is a health risk.

Congressional investigators have found that many people who followed guidelines for using the herbal stimulant still reported health problems. The General Accounting Office reported this summer that many of the complaints came from users under 30. Reported problems included heart attacks, strokes and seizures.

There are reports of more than 100 deaths being linked to the herb.

The drug's maker, Metabolite, has said it "strongly believes in the science supporting the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements that contain ephedra when used as directed."

Ephedra was thrust into the spotlight in February following the death of Baltimore Orioles minor league pitcher Steve Bechler, who had taken a dietary supplement containing ephedra.

Ephedra is banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the National Football League and the International Olympic Committee but not major league baseball. In May, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich signed the nation's first statewide ban on ephedra.

Congress in 1994 severely limited federal oversight of dietary supplements.

Your body does not like your idea being lean and big-unfortunately

Alternatywna Droga-2003
mniej bledow, koniec z marnowaniem $-prywatna pomoc-prosze o maila
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