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National Geographic o otyłości

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Polecam sierpniowy numer National Geographic, a w nim artykuł Cathy Newman. /skrót poniżej/ :


“Americans enjoy one of the most luxurious lifestyles on Earth: Our food is plentiful. Our work is automated. Our leisure is effortless. And it’s killing us."

* One out of three Americans is obese, twice as many as three decades ago

* The Center for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) has declared obesity an “epidemic"

* 15% of children and teens are overweight, a nearly three fold jump since 1980

* Other countries are catching up to the United States, especially newly industrialized nations. KFC opened a drive through restaurant in Beijing in 2002 with more on the way. UK snack food consumption rose 25% in the last five years. Sales of processed food rose 20% in Latin America between 1980 and 2000.

* Being overweight is now associated with over 400,000 deaths per year

* Obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, stroke, and colon, breast and endometrial cancers

* Next year, Obesity is expected to surpass smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in the United States

* The Puget Sound Ferries increased their seat width from 18 to 20 inches to allow room for bigger bottoms

* An ambulance company in Colorado retrofitted its vehicles with a winch and a plus size compartment to accommodate patients up to a half a ton in weight

* A casket maker in Indiana now offers double-sized models

* One in four Americans gets ZERO exercise, one-third of Americans don’t get the minimum amount the government suggests we need just to avoid chronic disease

* The average child will watch 10,000 commercials per year touting food or beverages, nearly all of them for junk and fast food


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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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pocieszm się że moje siedzisko jest mniejsze niz 18 cali, a do karetki spokojnie wnosi mnie na plecach jeden mikry sanitariusz...

ostatnio znajoma opowiadała, jak reanimowali człowieka (około 140kg) na wozie pełnym siana czy słomy... Ona (ta moja znajoma) musiała się tam wdrapac pionowo po drabinie (a sama ma spore gabaryty) z walizką PP, ktora waży około 12-15kg. Facet niestety nie doczekał i trzeba go było z tamtąd sprowadzić na ziemię... w łyżce koparki
taka mamy wieś u nas!
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dorzooce jeszcze od siebie taka ciekawostke - mysle, ze nawet pasooje do tematu:

Top ten money making drugs

Rank Product Maker 2003 Sales
1 Lipitor [atorvastatin] Pfizer $9.23 billion
2 Zocor [simvastatin] Merck $5.00 billion
3 Norvasc [amlodipine] Pfizer $4.33 billion
4 Zyprexa [olanzapine] Lilly $4.28 billion
5 Procrit [epoetin alpha] Johnson & Johnson $3.98 billion
6 Advair [fluticasone/salmeterol] GSK $3.63 billion
7 Nexium [esomeprazole] AstraZeneca $3.30 billion
8 Prevacid [lansoprazole] Takeda/Abbott (TAP) $3.19 billion
9 Zoloft [sertraline] Pfizer $3.11 billion
10 Paxil [paroxetine] GSK $3.07 billion

This is what the above drugs treat:
3)Blood pressure
5)stimulate the production of red blood cells

That's about 40 billion dollars or more worth of drugs.

That is when the world will end.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 12 Napisanych postów 1897 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9840
61% amerykan ma nadwage i 21 jest otylych porownujac do 34 i 7-u procent, szacunkowo, do zyjacych na Manhattanie.
Nowojorczycy jedza zdrowiej i poruszaja sie wiecej. Wyglad jest bardzo wazny dla nich a szczegolnie smukly, zdrowszy i sprawniejszy image jest miara sukcesu.

po"grubas" w dziale fitness
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

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kto mi ulozy diete ? :)

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