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HGH ile?? pomoc

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z Anabolexu :) Co do długości cyklu według autora tego posta - krótkie dają głównie spadek tkanki tłuszczowej przy długich można zauważyć zwiększenie masy mięśniowej (słynny efekt zwiększenia ilości komórek w mięśniu :)

According to studies in the New England Journal of Medicine GH use will:
Shed Bodyfat, Increase Muscle Tone; Boost your Energy, Strength, and Endurance
Reduce Wrinkles and Create Tighter, Smoother Skin; Help you Sleep Better, Improve Sex Drive and Performance, Improve Immune and Heart Function, Bone Density, Healing Time and Cholesterol, Improve Brain Function, Memory and Mental Focus

Daily injections are a must to maintain stable blood levels as GH has a very short life span in the body. It will peak almost immediately after injection and will clear the body with a half-life of only 20-30 minutes. It is best injected first thing in the morning upon rising to raise levels that are very low from sleeping, and immediately after training. I do not recommend injecting before bed as many bodybuilders do, since that is the time of day that your body will release naturally high levels of growth hormone, and exogenous use will only block that release. If you take it in the morning when levels are low, after training when levels are depleted and then let your body release while sleeping, you are getting one extra release for free! GH is best taken long term, short cycles do not maximize the benefits of muscle cell increase, only fat loss. Here is how I take my GH for maximum benefits:

6iu ed injected sub-q, preferably in the stomach
3iu injected upon rising, 3iu injected immediately post-workout
10iu insulin taken 30 minutes after GH injection
25mcg cytomel ed
use of androgens such as testosterone

The timing of GH and insulin injections is critical. If insulin is injected before the GH, your pancreas will stop release of insulin monitoring due to the exogenous source. GH when injected will mobilize stored glycogen release which will turn into glucose for energy. This will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels that will not shut down or stop rising due to the feedback loop being momentarily cut off. You will go hyperglycemic and end up in the hospital. You must first inject your GH, then the insulin; this will cause a rise in glucose release by the GH and will be controlled and shuttled into muscle tissue for repair by the later injection of insulin.
Use of cytomel or some type of T3 hormone is critical since GH use will severely lower thyroid levels. Small exogenous sources are necessary to maintain normal levels and 25 mcg ed is sufficient. This will also aid in body fat loss by maintaining proper thyroid functioning.
Use of androgens is also necessary due to the promotion of anabolism by increasing muscle size that benefits the new cell number increase by the GH. Remember GH will not directly cause muscle cell size increase, just the number of cells, therefore, androgens are necessary to increase size. Testosterone or trenbolone are both highly androgenic and perfect for out stack.
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macie tu linka i zobaczcie jak to wygladało u mnie jak brałem https://www.sfd.pl/temat229910_strona4/ jak tak czytam wypowiedzi ludzi ktorzy nie mieli z tym nigdy do czynienia to heh... ze smiechu nie moge wyrobic.Oczywiscie w ksiazkach,artykułach wiele ciekaweych rzeczy pisza ktore oczywiscie sa jedynie przestroga, a ja biorac to za***iscie długi okres i to co dzien po 12 jednostek gena 16 i nie mam ani 3 rak ani jezyka zamiast balona i ani wozka z powodu roz***ania kregosłupa heh...

Thx MICEN :) << 99% budowania masy to czysta dieta >>

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