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Niektóre osoby żle reagują na laktozę, mają problem na poziomie enzymów, odpowiedz układu odpornościowego, retencja wody itd. ale ogólnie to mit, że laktoza tuczy

Po treningu raczej nie ma sensu nie pobudzi insuliny wystarczająco, no i jeszcze taka ilość galaktozy... chociaż dla zainteresowanych mam pewne badanie

Effect of post-exercise supplement consumption on adaptations to resistance training.

Rankin JW, Goldman LP, Puglisi MJ, Nickols-Richardson SM, Earthman CP, Gwazdauskas FC.

Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 24061-0430, USA. [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: Athletes are interested in nutritional manipulations that may enhance lean tissue gains stimulated by resistance training. Some research demonstrates that acute consumption of food containing protein causes superior muscle protein synthesis compared to isoenergetic foods without protein. This benefit has not been verified in longer-term training studies. We compared body composition and muscle function responses to resistance training in males who consumed a carbohydrate or a multi-macronutrient beverage following each training session. METHODS: Nineteen, untrained men (18-25 years) consumed either a milk (MILK) or a carbohydrate-electrolyte (CHO) drink immediately following each workout during a 10 week resistance training program. Muscle strength (1RM for seven exercises), body composition (DXA scan), fasted, resting concentrations of serum total and free testosterone, cortisol, IGF-1, and resting energy expenditure (REE) were measured prior to and at the end of training. RESULTS: Resistance training caused an increase (44 +/- 4%, p < 0.001) in muscular strength for all subjects. The training program reduced percent body fat (8%, p < 0.05, -0.9 +/- 0.5 kg) and increased fat-free soft tissue (FFST) mass (2%, 1.2 +/- 0.3 kg, p < 0.01). MILK tended to increase body weight and FFST mass (p = 0.10 and p = 0.13, respectively) compared to CHO. Resting total and free testosterone concentrations decreased from baseline values in all subjects (16.7%, 11%, respectively, p < 0.05). Significant changes in fasting IGF-1, cortisol, and REE across training were not observed for either group. CONCLUSION: Post-resistance exercise consumption of MILK and CHO caused similar adaptations to resistance training. It is possible that a more prolonged training with supplementation period would expand the trend for greater FFST gains in MILK.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 125 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1523
przeciez ta serwatka ma jeszzcze wiecej laktozy :/

Początkujący :)

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 36 Napisanych postów 3208 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17274
Agizek komplikujesz sprawę...ugotuj sobie ryż/jasny makaron + dżem/banan/starte jabłko lub kanapkę z dżemem i też wystarczy jako posiłek po treningowy; w drugim posiłku spożyj dodatkowo białko <odżywka wpc;tuńczyk w sobie własnym,...>

Istnieją trzy rodzaje kłamstwa: przepowiadanie pogody, statystyka i komunikat dyplomatyczny.

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Suplementacja okołotreningowa

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