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kilka informacji i fimów z układami GTF ułozonymi przez GM Park Jung Tae
Opisy zostawiam po angielsku żeby nie było żadnych błędów w tłumaczeniu.

Jee Sang: "JEE" means earth- representing the foundation of the world, "SANG" means above the earth- representing the spirit of the GTF.
The 24 movements signify the 24 hours of every day that we learn, connect with each other, gain insight, knowledge and wisdom.
The 4 directions in this pattern represent our inner compass with it we will never lose our way. When we connect the "JEE" and the "SANG" we connect the heaven and earth to create an invisible strength that lives on.[24 moves]

Dhan Goon:named after the founder of Korea. The 23 movements in this pattern represent the first two digits of the year 2333 B.C. when, according to legend, Korea was born. This is Grand Master Park's progressive interpretation of the traditional Taekwon-Do pattern of the same name. [23 moves]

Jee Goo:means "Global". The "X" crosses out the years of political strife in TaeKwon-Do that has been evident worldwide. The first movement symbolizes the beginning of the new Global TaeKwon-Do Movement - a concept of global peace and harmony. The 30 movements of the pattern are comprised of three numbers (24, 4, 2) which explain the purpose. There are 24 hours in each day; therefore this concept will be with us every second. The four directions of movements represent the north, south, east and west encompassing all nations and all people. The four directions are done two times to reinforce our commitment to bring global peace and harmony to the world. [30 moves]

Jook Am:is a pseudonym for the Grandmaster Park. Jook means bamboo which shoots up straight forward without any curvature, its roots intertwining to form an inseparable force. Am is an immovable boulder from which the bamboo plants its roots to form an unshakable foundation. This pattern represents Grandmaster Park's life and his constant struggle for perfection. The diagram is a representation of a bamboo shooting up from the boulder. This pattern's 95 movements (112 including combinations) symbolizes the year 1995 in which Jook-Am was created.

Pyong Hwa:means "peace" Grand Master Park dedicates this Hyong for the 50 countries which found the UNO in San Francisco (U.S.A) on year 1950 after the 2nd world war. [50 moves]

Sun Duk:This pattern is named after Queen Sun Duk of Silla dynasty 668 A.D, who was known for bringing martial art from China to Korea. It represents "Lady" in the 68 movements of pattern itself and refers to the year 668 A.D. This pattern was designed by Grand Master Park Jung Tae for 4th Degree Black Belt. [68 movements]


układ Dhan Goon - http://gtfmalaysia.multiply.com/video/item/4

Zmieniony przez - mcz-kt w dniu 2009-05-04 11:36:39

Zmieniony przez - mcz-kt w dniu 2009-05-04 11:37:36
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Ciekawe te układy, wydaje się że większy w nich nacisk na nogi niż w ITF
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OloKK www.olokk.pl
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właśnie chce Sun Duk na zawodach jakoś wypróbować bo chyba najciekawszy z wszystkich.
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Ciekawe ciekawe :)

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gen. Choi Hong Hi [*]

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