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A ten wasz Carbonox nie podbije mi cukru? W diecie nie mam go zbyt duzo, niemniej jednak cukier mam podwyzszony i musze sie trzymac.

Zmieniony przez - jonas93 w dniu 2011-02-11 16:41:45
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Podbije bo to odżywka węglowodanowa ...
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Alpha-lipoic acid
Many studies have shown that ALA may improve blood sugar levels among patients with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes: Doses of 600-1,800 milligrams of ALA have been taken by mouth daily. Doses of 500-1,000 milligrams of ALA per 50-500 milliliters of sodium chloride have been injected.

Konjac glucomannan
Glucomannan is thought to exert its hypoglycemic effects by delaying gastric emptying and slowing glucose delivery to the intestinal mucosa. This is likely, based on results from studies in humans indicating that glucomannan was shown to reduce mouth-to-cecum transit time. The authors suggest that this supports a delay in the whole gut and not only in the intestines. In human study, glucomannan depressed post-prandial glucose and insulin responses. Also, in human study, glucomannan was found to act as an inhibitor of ghrelin signaling and, thus, appetite in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

There are several human trials supporting the use of beta-glucan for glycemic (blood sugar) control.

Chromium has been studied for sugar abnormalities in people with types 1 and 2 diabetes, as well as at-risk populations. Some studies suggest that taking chromium by mouth may lower blood sugar levels. Some research reports that chromium may improve symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Several human studies report that ginseng may lower blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Effects of ginseng in type 1 diabetes ("insulin dependent") are not well studied.

Preliminary human research reports that gymnema may be beneficial in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes when it is added to diabetes drugs being taken by mouth or to insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is often preventable through diet and exercise, as obesity is a major factor in its development. Magnesium taken by mouth has been reported to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and to improve blood sugar control in type 2 diabetic patients. Other than a modest decrease in blood pressure, magnesium supplementation was found to have only a small impact on other important end points associated with diabetes complications.

Whey protein
Whey protein may improve some symptoms of diabetes.
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Biniu Moderator
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kazdy ww podbije poziom cukru

roznia sie jedynie szybkoscia uwalniania do krwioobiegu - na tym bazuje IG (uproszczenie ale oddajace obraz)

Zmieniony przez - Biniu w dniu 2011-02-11 18:36:24
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