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Creatine has established itself as one of the most effective and popular supplements available for people wanting to build muscle and improve performance. However, there are concerns that creatine is unsafe. Are the stories about creatine side effects that often appear in the popular press based on fact or fiction?
One of the main reasons creatine has become so popular is that it accelerates gains in muscle size and strength compared to exercise alone [24]. In a 12-week trial by Jeff Volek and a research team from Pennsylvania State University, creatine users ended up stronger in both the squat and bench press compared with subjects using a "dummy" supplement. They also gained twice as much muscle.
Creatine side effects
There are claims that creatine users are more susceptible to cramps, muscle spasms, and even pulled muscles. However, in a three-year study designed to find out whether these creatine side effects really do exist, creatine had no effect on the incidence of injury or cramping in college American footballers [2].
Research published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise shows similar results [3]. In a group of 26 athletes using creatine for up to four years, there was no difference in the reported incidence of muscle cramp or injury compared with athletes not using creatine.
When I started using creatine in 1996, I can still remember one occasion when I suffered from extremely painful muscle cramps. After teaching a 45-minute exercise class in a hot and humid swimming pool hall, the first thing I should have done was get something to drink. But I didn't. Instead, I went straight into the office and sat down to read a newspaper.
Suddenly, the back of my left thigh started to cramp up. So, I straightened my leg to try and ease the pain. Then, the front of my thigh started to cramp as well. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't bend or straighten my leg ? so I just sat there hoping the pain would go away.
Of course, I have no idea whether or not creatine contributed to the problem. Scientists aren't really sure what causes cramp in the first place. But up until then, I'd never experienced such painful cramps in the front and back of my thigh at the same time. Now, I always make sure to carry a bottle of water with me when I go to the gym.
Most people aren't aware that creatine has protective effects in heart, muscle and neurological diseases. In fact, several months of creatine supplementation in men and women with borderline high cholesterol levels reduces very-low-density lipoprotein levels (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) by almost one-third [1].
Similar findings are reported in the journal Metabolism. Twenty-eight days of creatine supplementation and resistance exercise lowered total cholesterol levels to a greater extent than resistance exercise alone [10].
There are isolated case reports of individuals suffering from kidney problems after using creatine [4]. What's more, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The fact that large trials have yet to link the use of creatine with adverse effects doesn't mean that none exist.
However, carefully controlled studies over the short- (five days), medium- (nine weeks) and long-term (up to five years) have yet to demonstrate that creatine supplementation has any adverse effects on blood pressure, kidney or liver function in healthy individuals [3, 5, 6, 7, 8]. People with existing liver or kidney problems, or those predisposed to such ailments, should seek medical advice before using creatine.

Fakty, nie mity - stan wiedzy na rok 2003
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