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Spice wrzucam linka bo w temacie jest przekrecona nazwa i mogles poslugujac sie wyszukiwarka przegapic. Wypowiedzi p. Ambroziaka sa szczegolnie godne uwagi...




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Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 3448 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57050
Tamtego topica znam juz na pamiec ... czytalem go kilka razy
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Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 136 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 2305
JOGGER, kilkas postów wcześniej pisałeś o fajnym zestawiku obniżającym poziom kortyzolu.
Mógłbyś to troche bardziej przybliżyć szczególnie dawki i czy na czczo, czy po posiłkach. zastanawia mnie też dlaczego w tym zestawiku nie ująłeś magnezu.
z góry dzięki za odpowiedź
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e-lite Moderator
Szacuny 3625 Napisanych postów 36550 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 260959
Z tego co wiem najbardziej skuteczni antagoniści kortyzolu to:

vit C
węglowodorek sodu
kora magnolii

Najbardziej ciekawy środek to Phosphatidylserine (PS). Jak wynika z opinii jest bardzo skuteczny i bardzo popularny wśród PROSÓW. Niestety bardzo drogi. Macie tu ciekawe info na temat kortyzolu i właściwości PS:


I've taken every known anabolic substance there is. The one natural BB'ing supplement which has proven itself effective for muscle building again and again is Phosphatidylserine. It should be used post cycle for reducing supra-high cortisol levels as well as by the natural bodybuilder who wants to accelerate muscle gains. I do not know why a bodybuilding supplement that has been around for a decade - with dramatic, proven results - has not become as basic as protein for the natural and un-natural BB'er. The soy derived phosphatidylserine taken once daily - @ 600 mg orally will lower cortisol levels by ~37%. @ 800 mg it will reduce cortisol by ~45% @ 1000 mg it will reduce cortisol by ~51%. Observations were taken 6, 12, and 24 hours after consumption. After supplementation 1X daily for 30 days @ 800 mg/day cortisol levels were STILL ~46% lower than when tested at the start of the study 30 days prior. Unlike Anti-androgens, which lowever production of cortisol, T3, testosterone, etc. PS has no negative effect on leutinizing hormone or T production. In fact, it has the effect of increasing Test production as well, due to its effect of raising dopamine levels. "Free Test" production was raised 7% while LH was increased 11% after 800 mg administration of PS. This is very significant. There are now hundreds of studies with PS - documenting its cortisol reducing effects for smokers, people suffering from chronic stress, alzheimers, to bodybuilders. To give you an analagy - Dianabol @ 20 mg/day will lower cortisol by ~42% by day 7. By day 14 Dianabol will lower cortisol levels by ~63%. Similar results are seen when Dianabol is increased to 30 mg/day. Phosphatidyserine is right up there with Dianabol in its ability to reduce cortisol, however w/o dianabol's direct anabolic effect from testosterone.

For the AAS user - you take clomid post cycle to start up your body's production of natural testosterone since endogenous production of test is reduced to nothing in the presence of androgens - so post cycle you want to start back up your endogenous production of test, which is down to nothing. Well post cycle your cortisol levels are skyrocketing now that the AAS you were taking are leaving your system. Why not prevent skyrocketing cortisol levels with PS AND jump-start your nat test production with clomid? Why not do BOTH? Seems a good way to prevent your hard earned muscle from being cannibalized.

For the natural - taken before workouts, even once, you will notice the ability to train harder and longer. You will feel "harder" and after 1 or 2 weeks - you will definitely notice the anabolic effect that the lowly soy derived oil will give you.

Enough with loading up on Glutamine and Creatine. Yeah they will bloat you up with H2O (and I've read some articles about how they may increase nitrogen retention slightly - but no more than a piece of chicken, lol) but with PS you will see a several fold increase in nitrogen retention. Your testosterone to cortisol ratio will be enhanced by ~100% - you are doubling your T/C ratio overnight. At night when your body secretes GH, there is 50% less cortisol to antaganize the GH, allowing for more protein syn and muscle growth/repair. Yet it is still being overlooked. Hell, most naturals and AAS users have never even heard of it, yet everyone knows what Glutamine is. Too Bad.

The stuff is extremely expensive. That is why it's not a popular supplement.

When Creatine first came out it was $99 for 150 grams by EAS. Now with widespread use and increased production I don't have to tell you what you can purchase 150 grams of creatine for now. Yeah PS is expensive, but if it was 1/10 th as popular as glutamine the price would be far reduced. Guess that is why the rant, I see a good supplement being passed over for expensive "shitty" supplements.

Reducing cortisol is good, UP TO a certain point. Beyond that point is not only not productive, it is also detrimental to joint health. Drastically lowering cortisol levels will lead to joint aches and pains. Just be are of this when giving PS a try and keep track of how you feel at given dosages.

Back to my point - test cyp @ 250 mg/wk reduces cortisol levels by ~68% by day 15. ~68% ! This is undoubtably why testosterone is so hard on collagen production. If anyone is worried about damaging joints b/c of drastically reduced cortisol levels then they should steer clear of testosterone.

BTW, not all AAS reduce cortisol levels, which is why a main reason some of them are not detrimental to joint health. Take Turinabol for example - it will not reduce cortisol levels at all, while Dianabol will reduce cortisol levels by approx the same as test cyp and test enan.

Mam też bardzo ciekawe e-booki/badania dot. kortyzolu -> jego metabolizmu, wpływu na hormony, poziomu podczas diet itp. Jeżeli ktoś chce to na priva.

Postanowiłem zrobić remont w diecie/suplach/treningu ukierunkowując wszystko pod jak najniższy poziom kortyzolu i zobacze jakie będą efekty, czy warto z nim walczyć. Może wy macie jakieś spostrzeżenia albo coś ciekawego?

-[][]-- r(e)spect --[][]-
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 3448 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57050
Dozylem dnia, kiedy w dziale "Śmietnik" przeczytalem cos wartosciowego ... z ta cena nie jest tak zle - miesieczna kuracja zamknie sie w 100zl.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 3448 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57050
abo i nie ... amerykanskie ulotki - rownie trudne do odczytania co wypelnienie PITa :
Zgłoś naruszenie
e-lite Moderator
Szacuny 3625 Napisanych postów 36550 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 260959
Na ten czas z fasta można zamówć Phosphatidyl serine z Now Foods:

120caps 30$
Phosphatidyl serine 100mg
Phosphatidyl choline 100mg
Inositol 50mg

Jest jeszcze dostępny proch, można poszukać pokombinować ale tak czy inaczej to bardzo droga zabawa. Nawet te tanie metody dla niektórych okazują się drogie (vitC, wapno, magnez, sód -> dziennie dawki to też wydatek kilku pln). Polska...... zvatowany kraj :/

-[][]-- r(e)spect --[][]-
Zgłoś naruszenie
e-lite Moderator
Szacuny 3625 Napisanych postów 36550 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 260959
Wychodzi zatem 220zl/mieś przy dawkach 800mg dziennie.. To troche sporo :) a skoro metson jest tańszy a efekty te same więc po co przepłacać.. ;)

-[][]-- r(e)spect --[][]-
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 29 Napisanych postów 3448 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57050
... no to skoro mowisz, ze lepiej Metson ... buehehehe ... nie bede sie spieral
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