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Olej z oliwek

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By Dr. Barry Sears
We often hear of the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil, but why? It is true that olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, but so is lard. So something else may be the secret of olive oil's remarkable benefits. Unlike vegetable oils that are derived from seeds, olive oil is derived from a fruit. This means that there are unique anti-oxidants not found in vegetable oils, known as polyphenols. Polyphenols are a diverse group of more than 5,000 compounds that are found in fruits (like olives) and vegetables. They act as shuttle systems to move free radicals from lipid membranes to water-soluble anti-oxidants (such as Vitamin C) so that they can be ultimately removed from the body. But like a relay race, if one of the runners is missing, the race will not be won no matter how strong the other runners might be. This is role of polyphenols: They act as the intermediate relay runner to take free radicals from lipid-soluble anti-oxidants (such as Vitamin E) and pass them off to water-soluble antioxidants (such as Vitamin C). The unique aspect of the polyphenols in olive oil is that they are lipid-soluble (that's why they are found in oil), so they act as superb shuttle vehicles to make this free radical transfer process from membrane to water work at the highest possible efficiency. This is the real health benefit of olive oil. That's why olive oil is so effective in preventing the oxidation of LDL particles (a primary cause of heart disease development) and in providing protection of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids from oxidation in biological membranes.
It took more than 5,000 years to understand the mysteries of olive oil, but now the consumer can make choices based not only on taste, but also on the levels of these polyphenols in the olive oil. How can you tell? If the olive oil has a smooth, butter-like taste followed by a peppery taste in the back of the mouth, then you know it contains polyphenols. If you don't notice any peppery taste, then it doesn't contain any polyphenols, which means it has many of the health benefits of lard.

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