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Mediterranean diet 'extends life'

Drinking red wine and cooking with olive oil may help us to live
longer, say scientists.

They have found that key ingredients in both substances can
significantly increase the lifespan of yeast.

Since yeast and humans share many genes, scientists have speculated
they may have the same effect in people.

The findings provide more evidence to suggest that the Mediterranean
diet may be the secret to living a long and healthy life.

The scientists, from Harvard Medical School and Biomol research
laboratory in Philadelphia, have identified resveratrol as the key
ingredient in red wine.

This molecule is abundant in red wine. It gives red wine its
anti-cancer and anti-heart disease properties.

They have found that this molecule can influence genes that have been
linked to lifespan in yeast.

The found that quercetin, which is abundant in olive oil, has a
similar effect.

In particular, they affect those genes that have been shown to extend
life as a result of a calorie-restricted diet by enabling cells to
live longer.

In the case of resveratrol it was found to extend the life of some
yeast cells by as much as 70%.

Previous studies have suggested that severe calorie restriction can
increase the lifespan of organisms like yeast, fruit flies, worms and

Scientists are trying to develop drugs that could have a similar
impact on humans. The discovery that resveratrol and quercetin can
increase the lifespan in yeast could boost those efforts.

"It is early days but we consider this to be a really striking
breakthrough," Dr Konrad Howitz, one of the authors of the study, told
BBC News Online.

"It certainly brings us closer to being able to intervene
pharmacologically in humans to extend longevity."

The scientists found that resveratrol could increase the lifespan of
yeast cells in a variety of doses.

However, similar tests on human cells showed that dosage is important.

"A very broad range of doses were very effective in yeast. However, it
was different with human cells.

"There appeared to be a very narrow range at the low end. If doses
were too high they appeared to have the opposite effect," said Dr

The scientists are planning similar tests on other species, including
mice, to see if the molecules can extend their life.

"I think it highlights the potential health benefits of the
Mediterranean diet," he said.

The study is published in the journal Nature.

Figures from the European Union show that people living in
Mediterranean countries like Spain and Italy can expect to live longer
on average than people in other countries.

Average life expectancy in Spain is 75 for men and 83 for women. This
compares to the UK, where men can expect to live until they are 75 but
women can expect to live to 80.

In the US, average life expectancy is 74 for men and 80 for women.

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