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CLA-niebezpieczenstwo ??

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This review suggests that CLA is generally useless for fat loss in humans, and the isomer that is usually touted as being so great, t10c12, in humans causes insulin resistance and elevates levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of cardiovascular inflammation and a strong predictor of cardiovascular risk. Sounds like not only is it a waste of money, but potentially dangerous.

J Lipid Res. 2003 Aug 16 [Epub ahead of print].

Efficacy and safety of dietary supplements containing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for the treatment of obesity-evidence from animal and human studies.

Larsen TM, Toubro S, Astrup A.

Dietary supplements containing CLA are widely promoted as weight loss agents available over the counter and via the Internet. In this review we evaluate the efficacy and safety of CLA supplementation based on peer reviewed published results from randomized placebo-controlled human intervention trials lasting more than 4 weeks. We also review findings from experimental studies in animals and studies performed in vitro. Overall, CLA appears to produce loss of fat mass and increase lean tissue mass in rodents, but the results from 13 randomized, controlled short term (<6 months) trials in humans revealed only little evidence to support that CLA reduces body weight or promotes repartitioning of body fat into fat free mass in man. However, from mice and human studies there is increasing evidence that the CLA isomer t10,c12 may produce liver hypertrophy and insulin resistance via a redistribution of fat deposition that resembles lipodystrophy. CLA also decreases the fat content of the milk among lactating women and cows. In conclusion, although CLA may attenuate increases in body weight and body fat in several animal models, CLA isomers sold as dietary supplements does not prove effective as weight loss agents in humans and may actually adversely affect human health.

Full article available in pdf format free at:


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a gdybym ja wstawił art po norwesku ... to wszyscy powiedzieli by zę jestem poyebany.

Wszyscy mówili że sie nie da, aż przyszedł koleś... i zaczął to robić bo nie wiedział, że się nie da

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