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Byrd vs Fres Oquendo

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Przez cala walke przewazal Fres Oquendo, a sedziowie wskazali na Byrda. Publicznosc krzyczala BULLSHIT !!

"Nudna walka, Fres duzo faulowal, ale rzeczywiscie powinien wygrac. Patrzcie sie na reakcje Byrda po walce, widac ze czul ze przegral. Miedzy rundami jak rozmawial ze swoim trenerem/ojcem widac ze byl bardzo sfrustrowany. W ringu sie go Merchant zapytal co mysli o tym ze publicznosc za nimi krzyczy "bullshit!" i ze uwarzaja ze wynik powinien byc na odwrot. Byrd powiedzial ze im sie nie dziwi, ze walka byla zblizona i sedziowie mogli punktowac albo tak, albo tak. Przyznal tez ze zlekcewazyl Fresa, myslac ciagle o Lewisie i Jonesie."

Byrd przed ogloszeniem wyniku, mowil "he won" pokazujac na Oquendo.

"Nie narzekam chociaz jestem nizszy niz Cleant Eastwood, chociaz nigdy nie dolacze do grona kulturystow, chociaz nie znam setek przyslow. Nie narzekam, bo fruzie wola optymistow!" [Lona]
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by Rich DiBona

Chris Byrd retained his IBF heavyweight title tonight despite being thoroughly outboxed by Fres Oquendo. Boxing-Central gave Byrd only 4 of the rounds. Yet, the judges amazingly saw it 115-113, 116-112 and 117-111 for Byrd. The fight was broadcast on HBO. The opener was a replay of last week’s highly disputed decision between Oscar De La Hoya and Shane Mosley.

The fight was just as slow and boring as should have been expected. The surprise was that Oquendo was the cause of it. They begun the fight by doing more staring at each other than actual boxing. Byrd was more active and won the first round. A few rounds later he realized he was in trouble. Oquendo was edging him out and taking the rounds. He was not landing big shots. He was just landing more little ones.

Byrd became visibly frustrated with Oquendo’s style. He expressed this to his corner between the rounds. Oquendo looked to be getting tired and resorted to clinching around the middle of the fight. He also added headlocks to his arsenal. Oquendo would commonly land a couple punches and grab onto Byrd. Oquendo further frustrated him with rabbit punches. The ref was not getting involved and Byrd had no answers.

Boxing-Central saw Oquendo take all but one round between the 2nd and the 10th. Byrd needed a knockout and he knew it. He all of a sudden be came the hunter. He chased down Oquendo and looked for the one big shot to end it. Oquendo would land the occasional punch to put a halt to Byrd’s plan.

Byrd could not put Oquendo down and he knew he had lost. His hopes were further dashed when he heard it was a unanimous decision. The scores sounded right at 115-113, 116-112 and 117-111. Then the words “and still champion” were spoken. Judges Don Ackerman, Steve Epstein and John Lawson must have been asleep during the fight. That is the only explanation that makes sense.

Due to the recent poor decision, this will be compared to De La Hoya vs. Mosley. There is no comparison. This was on the level of Lennox Lewis vs. Evander Holyfield. This decision was far worse than last week. John Lawson gave Byrd the fight 9 rounds to 3. It is just unbelievable.

After the fight, Byrd said, “It could have gone either way.” Oquendo simply did not seem to care. He was just happy to be there. Instead of questioning the decision, the first thing he did was thank his promoter, Don King. King also just happens to be Chris Byrd’s promoter. In fact the IBF championship is the one which King purchased. He literally paid Lennox Lewis to drop the belt so that his two fighters would fight for the vacant title.

Mike Tyson o walce z zawodnikami K1:
"To może być dobre, ale według reguł boksu markiza Queensberry'ego. Nie chcę odbierać kopnięć w głowę"
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51589 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816

Oquendo: I got robbed!
By Peter Mark Heintzelman
"The whole world took me lightly, and just like what happened last week...it happened again," said heavyweight contender Fres Oquendo with tears in his eyes and disappointment in his voice following his controversial decision loss to IBF champion Chris Byrd last night at the Mohegan Sun Resort in Uncasville, CT. "It was a heartbreaking loss, the world, not me, but the world thought I won, including HBO's Jim Lampley and Larry Merchant, and I got robbed. But, I have the heart of a lion, and I'll definitely come back, when King puts me back on a heavyweight show, I'll guarantee I'll win my next fight!"

"Nie narzekam chociaz jestem nizszy niz Cleant Eastwood, chociaz nigdy nie dolacze do grona kulturystow, chociaz nie znam setek przyslow. Nie narzekam, bo fruzie wola optymistow!" [Lona]
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