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sprzedam glutamine DYA

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Sprzedam glutamine 500g (w proszku) firmy Dorian Yates Approved za 140 zł.Opakowanie nietknięte.
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Tak a świstak siedzi i zawija w srebverka.W UK kosztuje 38 funtów.
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Dla ciekawych o tej L-glutaminie i innych produktach podaje strone www dot cnpltd dot com

i opis Pro-Glutamine

Glutamine has fast become a product with a stand-alone reputaion, and with very good reason. This is a reputation built on results and backed up by much medical research, something that can be claimed about few supplements.

The most abundant amino acid in human muscle tissue, glutamine use is strongly indicated in periods of trauma and stress. Post-surgical conditions, wasting diseases such as cancer and trials involving stress responses to exercise, have all come up with the same results - massive depletion of glutamine. We also know that low carbohydrate diets can have a disastrous effect on glutamine reserves, a point that deserves more than a little consideration by any athlete who has to restrict carbs or make weight. Its depletion due to gluconeogenesis during prolonged exercise is also well documented, as are the subsequent indications for use by endurance athletes. Likewise, power athletes have also been shown to suffer from low glutamine levels, demonstrating that glutamine depletion is not solely carbohydrate dependant. Uptake of glutamine by the gut, liver and kidneys as an energy substrate is the most likely culprit in these circumstances. Although glutamine has been demonstrated to elevate growth hormone, we know that its ability to attenuate the catabolic actions of cortisol is independant of this activity. Improved immune function is also another direct result of glutamine influence on cortisol and circulating leukocytes.

Pro-Glutamine is made from only the purest glutamine available and is not to be confused with inferior glutamine products. A daily dose of around 5 to 20 grams is best divided and taken in a glass of cold water and preferably on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. Ideal times to consume glutamine: immediately before a workout, just before bedtime or in the middle of the night.

Remember that gaining muscle is about the constant battle between the body's anabolic and catabolic processes.

Pro-Glutamine can help tip the balance in the right direction.

Each 10 grams of powder contains L-glutamine 10g
Each 10 grams of L-Glutamine contains 40 calories

Aids recuperation
Improves immune system
Boosts GH release

Price 38.99 Ł - 500g
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