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nie jestem pewien co do niektórych ćwiczeń z planu Bena Saundersa, którym przygotowywał się do zdobycia biegunów. Gdyby ktoś mógł pomóc, będę zobowiązany. Wkleję cały plan, może kogoś zainteresuje, a pogrubioną czcionką zaznaczę to, co jest dla mnie niejasne.
Żródło: http://www.menshealth.co.uk/building-muscle/get-big/how-to-train-for-a-polar-expedition

Monday: Full body session

All weights are 60% of one rep max
A1. Barbell squats – 5 reps
A2. Rope chin-ups – 5 reps
Complete as many sets as possible in 10 minutes
B1. Rack deadlifts – 5 reps
B2. Dumbbell push presses – 5 reps
Complete as many sets as possible in 10 minutes
C1. Sandbag lunges – 10 reps
C2. Sternum pull-ups – 10 reps
Complete as many sets as possible in 10 minutes
Finish with 20-30 minutes steady state training on the rower

Tuesday: Core circuit

1. Row 250m in under 45 seconds
2. Perform 20 reps of hanging knee to elbows
3. Hold an L-seat position using gymnastic rings for as long as possible
4. Take 30 seconds rest
5. Head back to the rower. Aim to run through the three moves 15 times in total.

Wednesday: Active recovery

Outdoor cycling for up to three hours.

Thursday: Full body strength session

All weights are 90% of one rep max.
A1. One barbell box squat
A2. 40m sprint
Perform six supersets in total, resting for 3 minutes after each one.
B1. Barbell hip drives – 4 sets of 3 reps. Rest 60 seconds after each set.
C1. Romanian deadlifts – 3 sets of 3 reps. Rest 60 seconds after each set.
D1. Dumbbell floor press – 5 sets of 3 reps. Rest 30 seconds then superset with…
D2. Dumbbell single arm bent over row – 5 sets of 6 reps. Rest 30 seconds then return to dumbbell floor press until 5 sets of each exercise have been completed.
E1. Turkish getups (barbell, kettlebell or sandbag). Perform sets of 10 reps, then 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 on each side without rest.

Friday: Hill reps

1. 20 x 30 second hill sprints with 60 seconds walk back recovery (WBR)
2. 5-minute steady state run
3. 10 x 45 second hill sprints with 45 seconds WBR
4. 5-minute steady state run
5. 5 x 60 second hill sprints with 30 seconds WBR
Finish with a 20-45 minute run depending on time available.

Saturday: Rest day

Sunday: Long cycle
On the bike for anything up to five hours.
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anubis84 Instruktor Marcin Moderator
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 17725 Napisanych postów 132241 Wiek 40 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1461067
Row 250m in under 45 seconds ergonometr wioślarski wiosłowanie 250m poniżej 45 sekund
Perform 20 reps of hanging knee to elbows w zwisie na drążku kolana do łokci 20 powtórzen
Hold an L-seat position using gymnastic rings for as long as possible pozyscja l-sit na kółkach gimnastycznych tak długo jak mozesz
przerwa 30 sekund
ostatnie nie wiem co to jest coś o powrocie do wioślarza, mozliwe że robi takich 15 owodów

Gdyby ilość pieniędzy, jakie posiadamy, zależała od tego, jak traktujemy innych ludzi, bylibyśmy milionerami.

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