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Combatives: Military Martial Arts (angielski)

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_Knife_ Moderator
Szacuny 204 Napisanych postów 11365 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 86831

Combatives: Military Martial Arts

From a historical point of view many of today’s martial arts are derived from military hand-to-hand combat training. For example Jiu Jitsu was part of the unarmed combat training given to Japanese warriors to prepare them should they lose their weapon in the heat off battle. Training in Iaido (Sword), Kyudo (Bow) and Naginata-do (pole arm) formed part of the Japanese warriors weapon training in much the same way as training in the use of the assault rifle does for the soldier of today.

In much the same manner as the Russian’s developed Sombo in the 1920’s and 1930’s for use by their armed forces, many other of the worlds militaries have developed effective systems of hand-to-hand combat training for their soldiers. These include:

Defendo (Great Britain, Canada and the United States)
Krav Maga (Israel)
Tukong Moosul (South Korea)
San Shou (China)

Defendo was born as 'The Fairbairn Fighting System' or 'Defendu' in the 1920's. The system was devised to enable the Shanghai Municipal Police to deal with the criminal elements of what was undoubtedly the roughest seaport in the world. The founders, Assistant Commissioner William E. Fairbairn, and Inspector Eric Anthony Sykes, compiled thousands of violent arrest reports and analyzed the data to see what really happened in arrest scenarios. The system they devised utilised techniques drawn from Chinese Boxing, Jiu Jitsu and Streetfighting and proved extremely effective.

At the start of WWII Fairbairn and Sykes were commissioned in the British Commandos and ordered to teach a lethal version of the system at the Commando school in Scotland. It was at this top secret Scottish location that Col. Rex Applegate of the U.S. Army studied under Fairbairn. Through Col. Applegate these highly effective skills were taught to U.S. Troops and OSS operatives and later to the FBI and CIA. Once the British Commando School in Scotland was able to produce it’s own Fairbairn / Sykes qualified instructors, both men were transferred, Fairbairn to North America on Special Assignment, and Sykes to the S.O.E. (Special Operations Executive) where he trained special agents for behind the lines duties. Fairbairn's 'Special Assignment' in Oshawa, Canada was to teach his system to Allied Spec. Ops. at the most highly classified training operation of WWII, Camp X.

One of the most renowned units of WWII to be highly skilled in the system of Defendo was the 1st Special Service Force, better known as "The Devil’s Brigade". The first of its kind, this unique and deadly unit was made up of Canadian and US troops, and carried a reputation for being able to take impenetrable objectives when no one else could. These men were some of the most highly trained soldiers during WWII and their unit was the predecessor to the US Special Forces.

Allied victory in WWII marked the end of wide spread instruction of Defendo within North America as soldiers returned to their civilian lives, and only professional military personnel remained to continue this classified training. Following WWII, Defendo was adopted by a large number of Police agencies throughout Canada and the U.S. including the highly respected R.C.M.P. Since then, Fairbairn’s original system of CQB has been the foundation for almost every modern police and military system of Unarmed Combat in the Western world.

Krav Maga
Krav Maga is the official combat art of the Israeli military forces. Krav Maga originated in the 1940's while Israel was still under British rule, and ordinary citizens were not permitted to own weapons. Unarmed combat skills were developed for self-defence. The words "Krav Maga" translate to "Contact Combat" in Hebrew.

Imrich ("Imi") Sde-Or, founder of Krav Maga, was born in 1910 in Budapest and grew up in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. He first excelled in swimming, and subsequently in gymnastics, wrestling, and boxing. In 1928 Imi won the Slovakian Youth Wrestling Championship, and in 1929 the adult championship (in the light and middle weight division). That year he also won the national boxing championship and an international gymnastics championship. During the ensuing decade, Imi's athletic activities focused mainly on wrestling, both as a contestant and a trainer.

In 1940 Imi left his home, family, and friends and boarded the last immigrant ship that succeeded in escaping the Nazis' clutches. The vessel was an old riverboat named Pentcho, that had been converted to carry hundreds of refugees from Central Europe to the land of Israel (then called Palestine).

In 1944 Imi began training fighters in his areas of expertise: physical fitness, swimming, wrestling, use of the knife, and defenses against knife attacks. During this period, Imi trained several elite units of the Hagana and Palmach (striking force of the Hagana and forerunner of the special units of the IDF), including the Pal-Yam, as well as groups of police officers.

In 1948, when the State of Israel was founded and the IDF was formed, Imi became Chief Instructor for Physical Fitness and Krav Maga at the IDF School of Combat Fitness. He served in the IDF for about 20 years, during which time he developed and refined his unique method for self-defense and hand-to-hand combat. After he finished his active duty, Imi began adapting and modifying Krav Maga to civilian needs. The method was formulated to suit everyone - man and woman, boy or girl, who might need it to save his or her life or survive an attack while sustaining minimal harm, whatever the background of the attack - criminal, nationalistic, or other.

Krav Maga contains no kata or forms, or set combinations as reactions to attacks. Rather it utilises people's instinctive reactions under pressure to various forms of attack and then amplifies those natural movements. Many techniques originated in boxing and wrestling, other techniques are from Jiu Jitsu and Karate. Because of the art's combat-orientation, there are no competitions or tournaments in Krav Maga. Like other arts, Krav Maga issues colored belts to denote higher levels of expertise.

San Shou
In the 1960's, the Chinese government brought together many masters of Kung Fu from all over China to define a standardized martial system. The resulting art became the standard combatives training for the Chinese military and police forces.

San Shou incorporates all the best techniques of Wushu and Kung Fu, including kicks, hand strikes, grappling, and throws.

Most San Shou competitions look like Kickboxing: spectators usually watch two competitors fight as in a Kickboxing match, except that the fighters get to use takedowns. In San Shou competition, fighters can win by scoring points, knocking out their opponent, or by forcing their opponent out of the ring. San Shou matches are fought on a raised platform known as the "lei tai"--making knocking your opponent out of the ring a ballistic event. There are some limitations: knee, elbow, and head butt strikes, and joint locks and chokes, are forbidden.

Military San Shou doesn't have such restrictions. Like the division between Sombo Wrestling and Combat Sombo, military San Shou incorporates the techniques of sport San Shou and emphasizes neutralizing the enemy. As with Krav Maga, there are no forms, or set sequences of techniques--just pure hand-to-hand combat.

Tukong Moosul
Tukong Moosul takes its name from the elite Tu Kong (Special Combat) commando unit of the South Korean Army. As with most military martial arts the originators of Tukong Moosul attempted to take the best of other martial arts and evolve the techniques into combat-oriented, effective training. Tukong Moosul incorporates techniques from other Korean arts like Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido, as well as Judo and Kung Fu.

General Chang K. Oe, commander of the Tu Kong unit, enlisted Won Ik Yi from army headquarters and several top fighters from within the Tu Kong unit to develop the training. Won Ik Yi was trained in Shaolin-style martial arts as a child and incorporated many Kung Fu techniques in the original Tukong Moosul curriculum. Others, including Tukong Moosul Association Grandmaster In Ki Kim, one of the Tu Kong unit masters, have added techniques in more recent years.

Tukong Moosul, like other military martial arts, is all about taking out the enemy. Some of the Tukong Moosul organizations specifically prohibit children from learning Tukong Moosul, instead recommending that they study the sport-oriented Tae Kwon Do instead.

Z nieistniejacej strony http://www.combatsombo.com/

Dla zainteresowanych: http://www.itf.prv.pl/kombat/defendo.html
oraz http://www.itf.prv.pl/kombat/kombat.html

/Staying alive is the primary reason why you should never give your opponent chance to defend himself. Be quick and brutal! When you use a knife, it's for one purpose only - to kill the enemy!


Największe mity i kłamstwa dotyczące dopingu: https://***********/d0ping
Największe mity medyczne: https://***********/mitologia1 

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
_Knife_ Moderator
Szacuny 204 Napisanych postów 11365 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 86831

Jeszcze co ciekawsze z combato (defendo).

/Staying alive is the primary reason why you should never give your opponent chance to defend himself. Be quick and brutal! When you use a knife, it's for one purpose only - to kill the enemy!


Największe mity i kłamstwa dotyczące dopingu: https://***********/d0ping
Największe mity medyczne: https://***********/mitologia1 

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 967 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9601
Kiepska technika przy tym rzucie (choc jak widac rzut wykonany z powodzeniem )
Zgłoś naruszenie
_Knife_ Moderator
Szacuny 204 Napisanych postów 11365 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 86831

W ogóle słaba technika -ale jak pisałem CIEKAWOSTKA. Dużo lepsze w załączniku -ORYGINALNE DEFENDO FAIRBAIRN'A.

/Staying alive is the primary reason why you should never give your opponent chance to defend himself. Be quick and brutal! When you use a knife, it's for one purpose only - to kill the enemy!


Największe mity i kłamstwa dotyczące dopingu: https://***********/d0ping
Największe mity medyczne: https://***********/mitologia1 

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 967 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9601
Knife a co sądzisz o rzucaniu nozem ? Mi sie to wydaje skuteczne (chociaz nie znam sie na tym )
Ale widzialem film "Nożownik"
Zgłoś naruszenie
_Knife_ Moderator
Szacuny 204 Napisanych postów 11365 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 86831
2) To nie ma racji bytu - taktycznie, nóż się wyciąga aby go używać w standardowy sposób (czytaj nie wypuszczać z dłoni).
3) Może i znajdą się jacyś fachowcym rzucający- ale trzeba osiągnąć PERFEKCJE w tym zakresie lub mieć kilka noży na podorędziu, bo inaczej to
4) Nóż do rzucania - wyważony etc.

A w ogóle poczytaj http://www.itf.prv.pl/kombat/walka_nozem.html - pisałem o tym...

/Staying alive is the primary reason why you should never give your opponent chance to defend himself. Be quick and brutal! When you use a knife, it's for one purpose only - to kill the enemy!


Największe mity i kłamstwa dotyczące dopingu: https://***********/d0ping
Największe mity medyczne: https://***********/mitologia1 

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 967 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9601
Dzieki . Czytalem to .
Ale kosą i tak sie naucze rzucac bo mi sie to podoba
A co sądzisz o nożu "osa" . Jest to warty zainteresowania kawałek stali )
Zgłoś naruszenie
_Knife_ Moderator
Szacuny 204 Napisanych postów 11365 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 86831
Ekhmem - poczytaj konkurencyjne forum - dział nóż... Zależy czego potrzebujesz. Ja nie radzę badziewia kupować...

/Staying alive is the primary reason why you should never give your opponent chance to defend himself. Be quick and brutal! When you use a knife, it's for one purpose only - to kill the enemy!


Największe mity i kłamstwa dotyczące dopingu: https://***********/d0ping
Największe mity medyczne: https://***********/mitologia1 

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 967 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 9601
Czytalem troche opini na tym konkurencyjnym forum i oczywiscie byly pewne roznice zdań .
A wlasciwie to jakos specjalnie nic nie potrzebuje , ale chcialem kupic jakis dobry nozyk do rzucania (ale najlepiej jak by byl uniwersalny wmiare )
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