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Scena MMA i K-1

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After the K-1 final in Japan, Alexey didn't fly home but went to a gym in Tokyo where he was about to train for his first (!!!) MMA match. How in heavens name is it possible that a stand-up fighter can learn wrestling techniques in just 3 weeks? The answer for this question was given by Alexey himself when he showed ánd amazed everbody in the hall that he is an extremely good student... he simply outclassed his Japanese (experienced) oponent by a straight KO. Time for MAN-magazine to look up this natural bornfighter and 'SHOOT' some questions at him;

Will you leave kickboxing and chose definitely for MMA?

--No, Of cause not. I've got still everything to prove in K-1 and stand up fighting in general.

What is your best technique on the ground?

--I would say protecting myself from punches and "snaking out" from the mount positions when somebody is trying to go for a lock.

Is it an advantage that you are so strong in erect/stand up fighting?

--My feeling of the "distance" and the ability to reckon what my opponent is trying to do.

Did you have muscle ache after the MMA although you are a well trained athlete?

--I was really "broken". Even been trained, when you use your muscles differently for the ground wrestling it's hard to go through the first week, because the fatigue and pain are so huge.

Would you like to fight Peter Aerts in MMA?

--To tell you all, I don't like to fight Peter Aerts in any style. My respect for him is so great, that psychologically it's almost impossible to be motivated for me fighting Peter. He's the only fighter I feel this way.

What do you think of MMA vs K-1 rules?

--Very difficult to draw a parallel or to make a comparison. Both rules have their specifics. For K-1 I do regret not to have real clinching as well as the elbows use allowed. For MMA I have not enough experience to judge.

Did you ever wrestle before you started to train for this December fight?

--No, except maybe some street fights before.........

Do you see a future for yourself in MMA?

--I do!!! After my first fight I discovered a different world and as the result was encouraging it gave me good taste for the future. It's impossible to fight in MMA on regular basis right now, because I'll have to neglect my K-1 training. From time to time, MMA can be fun for the time being. The future will tell.

What does André, your coach, thinks of al this changing?

--He's not against it. It's also interesting for him from the professional point of view.

What is your goal for 2004?

--For 2004 my schedule for first six months is already done. I can tell you that it's not an easy one. I hope in 2004 to get to the Finals and then try to win it.

Can you explain what happened during the finals in your match vs. Peter Aerts? We didn't see the real Scorpion!

--As I already sad, Peter is a very special case for me. Simply, when I'm in the ring against him there is something that is holding me back out of respect for him. It's maybe not very professional, but it's the way it is. During our Finals match, Peter also choose a strategy which worked for him well. Both things combined...I lost.

Do you have any opinion about the way K-1 works; getting Sumo wrestlers and almost retired boxers into their show?

--I definitely do have an opinion and I know that you might guess it. The only thing I would like to say is that K-1 grows very quickly and the "show business" aspect has a lot to do with it, helping the expansion of the brand K-1 among the general public. All depends the way you interpret it, but if fighters like myself want to be decently paid, the Promoter has to find ways how to make money.

You signed an exclusive contract with K-1, does this includes MMA as well or are you 'allowed' to fight in PRIDE or UFC as well?

--I do have an exclusive contract with K-1, but if K-1 will judge necessary for me to fight for any other Organization and in different style than K-1, we'll have a good faith discussion and I'm sure it won't be a problem for me to fight if it does not interfere with K-1 plans and Schedule.

Do you have any fighters on your list for 2004?

--The list includes fights against Marc de Wit, Martin Holm and Semmy Schilt. All of them are "difficult clients".

What do you think of fighting this tall Dutch guy; Sem Schilt in the Amsterdam Arena May this year?

--Difficult fight! Last fights from Sem tells it all… draw versus Ernesto Hoost, win versus Remy Bonjaski. For such a big guy, Sem has an incredible stamina and technique.

Will 2004 become the year of the Scorpion?

--I'm the first to hope so.

What do you feel when you walk towards the ring, hearing your music and smiling? ( Does this smile hides some excite ness or is it just men to impress your opponent? )

--For me it's a kind of celebration. I love to be in the ring and play in "fighting game". My smile is not intended to provoke or challenge anybody in an unrespectable way. It's a reflection of my inner feelings.

Do you have a girlfriend?

--No. it's not allowed by my manager...

How do you see your future after your fighting career?

--Well, it seems to me to be very far away. Still no precise idea. I just hope to be able to fight for many more years.

Anything you would like to share with our readers?

--Yes, I would like to tell them that fighters are like everybody else, they have their good days and their bad days. Please, support your favourites in both good and bad, because they need it. Than, I hope that all of the readers will have a lot of satisfaction watching my fights in future.
Thank you very much taking the time for making this interview with me, since it's always a plaesure to read MAN-magazine (my manager translates the articles I like to read).

No speaking inglese tawariszcz?

Ojciec Dyrektor Dzialu K-1 www.mmaniacs.pl 2003 - 2010

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