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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51591 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Od dawna chodziło mi to po głowie - dział na SFD w którym tak jak na zachodnich forach ludzie mogliby zakładać swoje indywidualne posty w których opisywaliby całość swojego treningu i diety na przestrzeni dłuższego czasu (tzw. workout reports). Projekt ten kiedyś poddałem pod dyskusję (tutaj : https://www.sfd.pl/temat117643/ ), nie spotkał on sie jednak z konstruktywnym odzewem, trudno.

Dziś jednak widzimy pierwszą dwójkę odważnych która takie posty założyła w fitnessie (brawo Dez i Polna!). Zachęcając innych do założenia takich postów chciałbym jednak pokazać o co dokładnie (lub chociaż w przybliżeniu) nam chodzi. Poniżej przykładowy post z jednego z zachodnich forów, mam nadzieję że posty u nas zakładane będą reprezentować podobny styl :


Hello, All!

I am new to this board and when I made an initial post a short while ago, many of you responded that you thought I might benefit from starting a foundation routine. The question of whether or not I already have a foundation in place has plagued me for the last few days. However, I've decided that the fact that I can't say for certain is evidence that maybe I could benefit from it. So, since its better to be safe than sorry, I am going to start the now famous "Beginner's Routine" tomorrow!


I am currently a senior at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX (small, D III). I am a double major in English and Political Science looking to go to law school. I am also captain of the lacrosse team here. We play all the big Division I schools here including: A&M, Texas, Baylor, Rice, etc. It is quite competitive and a lot of fun to play!


As Mr. Maurice knows, I am eating a diet similar to the spirit of true paleolithic eating. I came to this way of eating because of bad experiences with grains and milk. I concentrate on eating lots of veggies (raw broccolli, turnips, carrots, spinach) and lots of fruit. I also eat a good amount of almonds and olive oil. On top of all that, I eat a few whole eggs, beef, and chicken every day. I supplement with a multi-vit. and fish oil. I have a sleeping disorder that has been diagnosed by a physician, so I am currently experimenting with Melatonin and a nasal spray to help deter the effects of sleep apnea (which my father has).

Per Mr. Maurice's advice, I am going to try and reincorporate some foods into my diet to see how I do on them. This will begin with sprouted wheat bread (if I can ever find some!).

Caloric Intake: 2250 kcal - 2500 kcal, depending on activity level (games, workouts etc.)


Height: 5'5"
Age: 21
Weight: 146 lbs.


Initially, I will take a 1:00 min. rest between sets. As the weights pile on, I might have to extend that to 1:30 or 2:00 min. especially in the squat and deadlift. I will workout M-W-F, for now.

Squat: 3 x 10
OHP: 3 x 8
Conventional Deadlift: 3 x 10
Chins: 3 x 8
Dips: 2 x 8
Incline Situps: 2 x 10

As far as CV training goes, I feel that the practices and games from lacrosse (both last 2 - 2.5 hrs long) will be more than enough. Anymore and I'll be stretched too thin!


These are tough to say. I plan to stay on this program for as long as possible. Six months? A year? I remember about a year ago, I was squatting around 230 for low reps (4-5). I would like to be able to break 225 again when I begin law school, which is a little over six months away. Because I want to keep the squat and deadlift on an equal plain, I am really going to have to push to get the deadlift to 225 (I am a natural squatter). Also, I have never been above 160 lbs. in my entire life. I don't know how possible that is, but I'm going to put it up and see how close I get.

Squat: +225 by September 1, 2004
Deadlift: " "
Chins: 3 x 8 w/BW
Body Weight: 160 by September 1, 2004

That's all for now! I will update tomorrow with my first workout... I am very excited and intend on keeping an accurate log of my work, both in hard copy form and online. Thanks for all the kind words so far...I will not be detered in my quest!

Best Wishes,


Po takim wstępie następne wpisy to konkretne relacje z poszczególnych treningów, na przykład takie :

MONDAY 2/16/04

Time: 58 min. w/ stretching, warm ups, etc. BW: 150 lbs.

Don't get excited about the bodyweight, I was wearing my shoes, a sweatshirt and sweatpants when I weighed in. But because I will be weighing in at the same time of day and with consistant waste movements (sorry) and states of hydration, I think this should be a fairly reliable indicator of changes in the long term.

Squats: 95 x10, x10, x10

These felt pretty good, but I can tell that there is a lot of work to be done. I used to deadlift with a mixed grip which has clearly caused an imbalance in my body, because I descend first with my right side and twist a little. To combat this problem, I squatted to an object.

When I first learned squats, I learned on a box, which taught me how to squat back like I was sitting into a chair. It worked pretty well. I know they can be dangerous, but my intent is only to brush VERY LIGHTLY a stack of thick but spongy rubber plates that are positioned behind me. I take care to descend very slowly and this will allow me to tell two things: 1) Whether I hit proper depth on each rep and 2) That both cheeks are descending at the same rate. Immediately on my second and third sets I could tell which reps were good ones and which were not.

Overhead Press: 65 x8, x8, x8

These felt great. I maintained an arch in my low back and worked on keeping my chin up so I didn't hit my nose with the bar. I went clavicle to lockout on every rep. They were pretty smooth but there was a little wobble on some of the later reps.

Deadlifts: 95 x10, x10, x10

I'd been messing around with the sumo-style for awhile but I read that Mr. Maurice advocates the conventional style for "newbies." I definately felt the low back on this one and I fought to get all my reps. I actually take a long pause at the bottom to reset myself and make sure my form is okay before I hit the next rep. Also, I found that I am much stronger when I start the bar an inch or two away from my shins, brush my shins as I lift, but clear my thighs until lockout. Is this the proper way to do it, or should the bar be in contact with my legs the entire time?

Chins: BW x5, x4, x2

There's a lot of room for improvement here. By the time I was done with the DL's, I was getting pretty pooped, but psyched myself out for these. Actually, I never liked doing chins here at school because the bars have a thick rubber sleeve on them which makes it awkward, but we did get a new smith machine the other day! I am elated because now I can lock it at the highest position and chin until my heart's content. These were great form wise: I pulled through my elbows, and with strong arch, pushed chest into the bar and lowered myself all the way down.

Dips: BW x8, x6

I actually thought that my dips were going to be leaps and bounds ahead of everything else. In all honesty, I thought of doing three sets before I got to the weight room...no way! These babies were about as tough as they get. I maintained great form though, dipping until my upper arms were parallel with the bars, then pressing back up to lockout.

Incline Situps: BW x10, x 6

Notes: There are few times in life when we get instant gratification. I finally decided that I should pursue the foundation routine because I haven't made strides in my physical stature and I'm not certain about my conditioning. Boy, was I tired after yesterday's workout! I'd been doing lots of lower rep sets with long rest periods, so this new program shook me to the ground and I loved every second of it. I knew after I finished my deadlifts with 95 lbs. soaking wet with sweat and huffing and puffing that I would make great strides on this program!

As I mentioned earlier, I talked with Mr. DM about the possibility of me overtraining on this program because of lacrosse. I agreed to increase my caloric intake, while at the same time paying VERY close attention to my state of mind and body. If I feel a little dragged down, I simply will not workout that day. I will look to get at least 2 sessions in during the week and will take advantage of the times that I feel good and have a lighter schedule to get three in. This will become especially important as the weights begin to add up.

Yesterday after finishing, I felt like I desperately needed a nap! I think I am going to try and mix more sleep into the schedule with my minimum being 9 hrs. a night. I expected to feel a bit slow at practice last night, but actually I felt surprisingly light and springy. I had tons of energy and beat out all the other guys in our sprints, when I normally come in 5th or 6th! It was a great feeling and we'll have to see if it continues today at practice.


Mam nadzieję że idea indywidualnych postów rozwinie się, że będą one jednocześnie merytoryczne i pożyteczne zarówno dla piszącego jak i dla czytających.
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 200 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 11629
Czytałem o tej inicjatywie w Moderatorach, wydawało mi się to rewelacyjnym pomysłem. Widzę, że coś się zaczyna dziać w tym kierunku w tym dziale.
Z moim angielskim nie jest rewelacyjnie, ale po tym co jest w poście Desira i co zdołałem zrozumieć, to jednak ciut inaczej to sobie wyobrażałem. Nie jako pamiętnik-blog, bardziej jako kącik porad dla tak mało wtajemniczonego w te tematy osobnika jak ja. Czytam to forum, dość długo, bardzo wiele się dowiedziałem i o ćwiczeniach i o odżywianiu, staram się to wprowadzać w życie, ale jest cały szereg sprzecznych (w jakimś stopniu) z sobą informacji, nie wiem którym dać priorytet. Każdy ma inny rozkład dnia, inne możliwości żywieniowe, finansowe (suplementacja) i mozliwości wykonywania ćwiczeń, myślałem, że w takim temacie fachowcy pomogą rozwiać moje wątpliwości, dostanę informacje (uwzględniające konkretnie moje możliwości) jak i co robić by wygladać lepiej. Może zbyt wiele wymagam, ale .....
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51591 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Tak właśnie to widzę - ten post pokazuje jedynie jak zacząć! Co podać aby inni mogli wyrazić swoją opinię i ewentualnie coś móc doradzić. Potem nastąpić powinny relacje z treningów, a wraz z nimi pytania i odpowiedzi. Nie wklejałem całości postu po angielsku bo mijałoby się to z celem.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 200 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 11629
No, to może się zdecyduję, choć troche mi głupio tak zaczynać. Szkoda, że jednak nie powstał osobny dział, troszkę to może zamieszać w fitness.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51591 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
już są dwa takie posty - dE^SiRE'a i Maurizii

a dział może kiedyś powstanie - jak będzie zapotrzebowanie

o zamieszanie w fitnessie się nie martw
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 9 Napisanych postów 413 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 6565
hmm, całkiem niezły pomysł, Dezir już go realizuje i to dobry z niego przykład, tylko jemu chyba rad nie trzeba udzielać, a pewnie więkość z dzienników byłaby prowadzona przez małozaawansowanych
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51591 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
posty juz są 4 (albo dopiero, zalezy z której strony patrzeć )
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forma lato