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Interview with Tito Ortiz
by Ryan Bennett

After three years of waiting, we finally get to see the big showdown between Tito Ortiz vs Chuck Liddell. Earlier this month Tito Ortiz talked with MMAWeekly about his up coming fight with Chuck Liddell, his loss to Randy Couture and his new found attitude toward fighting. Ryan Bennett asks the questions and Tito answers the questions with a few surprising answers.

Ryan Bennett: What's up my man?

Tito Ortiz: How are you doing Ryan?

Ryan: It's been a while dude. How you been?

Tito: Good man, you know, just getting back in the swing of things with training man. It's been almost two sold months now.

Ryan: Let me ask you Tito, this is such a big fight for you. I know you want this fight. You want to answer all those doubters that said, you know, that you'd never fight Chuck. Let me ask you this right off though, do you worry when a fight of this magnitude comes around that you over train for a fight?

Tito: Not really over train. I mean, I think I really try to push my body to the limit each and every time. I mean, yeah the older I get the harder it becomes. I think I'm becoming a smarter fighter when it comes to training, doing more quality training than quantity.

Ryan: Tell me about this oxygen machine or something. What's that about? Are you going SciFi on me or what?

Tito: Nah man. It's the newest thing in technology. You've got to take advantage of it when it comes. It's here and luckily, I'm on of the guys able to use it. I mean, it's something that will be used in the future. Probably a lot of guys will use it. I know that they're gonna try to we using it for our Army, for guys going to battle in wars, then they will have no problem going into altitude and fighting. It is something used to change the red blood cells, to produce More red blood cells in your body so you can recover quicker and stuff like that. you have to take advantage of technology that comes out.

Ryan: Sounds good man. So, what do you do with it? Explain it for the people who don't know what it is. Tell us what it is.

Tito: All it is, is a tank. I don't know if you've watched Mork and Mindy, but it's an egg sized tank. You just sit inside of it and kick back. It takes you to about, I don't know, 18,000 feet and drops you down to 2,000, and it goes through these little circle changes. through twenty minute cycles and you do three twenty minute cycles. It really changes a whole bunch. I've noticed a whole bunch actually so...It's not going to make me fight any better but, I mean, It's one of those things to make a fighter recover a lot quicker.

Ryan: Look at you dude, getting all high tech on me.

Tito: It just makes my body recover quicker, that's all it is. It's not going to make me fight any better but when it comes to training man, like I said, I'm not getting any younger. I just have to make sure that my body recovers quicker than usual. When I went to Big Bear, that's one of the reasons I went up there for. My boy's home and my wife's home, it's just nice to be home you know. I mean, my boy is getting bigger and he's at that age now with everything. He's learning a lot and I'd like to be around to see that.

Ryan: Tito, lets talk about, I don't want to dive too much into this last fight but, it was a surprise to me watching you lose the way you did to Randy Couture. I know it was a surprise to you. What happened in that fight?

Tito: I don't know, I guess it was just Randy's night. I guess the back injury that I had the month prior had a little bit to do with it, where I didn't get to wrestle the last month. I think that I took a lot out of it here I don't think I respected Randy's wrestling as much as I should of. Randy is a great wrestler. He was a great champion ad in my mind, he's going to win that belt back from Vitor in July I believe. I don't know, I'm hoping for a rematch with Randy. That's something I'd like to have. I don't know, it was his night and in this sport it can be anyones night at any time. On that night, it was Randy Couture's night. He fought a great fight and fought like a true champion. You know what, I thought I was ready and I lacked the wrestling skills that he had man. He had some of the best wrestling skills that I thought I would never see and I did see them that night.

Ryan: Let me ask you, when did you know in that fight that it wasn't going to be your night? Was it the first round, the second, when did you know?

Tito: Actually, I knew about the second round. Um, It just seemed like every just wasn't clicking man. It just seemed like I was a step behind him each and every step that he was. It was just like, I was getting taken down. It wasn't really, in my mind, it wasn't like, wow I got taken down oh no. I expected to get taken down but to get controlled as much as I did, I just felt like it wasn't my night. When he was shooting in on me and I couldn't stop stop his take down, I was like, what's going on? I usually stop people's take downs. Then I just kinda realized that my legs are a little too flat. I didn't have the speed and explosion that I usually have.

Ryan: Hey Tito, that's what happens sometimes. Sometimes guys are on and the other guy's not. I mean, that's what happens in the fight game.

Tito: Yeah, I guess I came to realize that man. It was hard to swallow. It took me a while to kinda accept it but, I've accepted it now and you know what? It's time for Tito Ortiz to come back and show what I do and that's kick ass.

Ryan: I think that's what was so surprising to so many of us. I mean, we've seen you, you were dominating for a couple of years. I mean, it wasn't just a couple of fights, you had such a huge roll and it was tough for us, as fans, to watch the end of that fight. I mean, it was just one of those things that you lost. It was refreshing in a way but I know that was very hard on you wasn't it?

Tito: Yeah, it was really hard. I mean, people say well, Tito Ortiz was crying. You've got to understand man, this sport, this sport is my love man. This is what I'd die for and when I come up empty at the end of a match man, it's like a loved one dying you know. It really hurts a whole bunch. I mean, them tears coming down, those were tears of pain, tears of agony, of defeat man. It's a battle I went out and lost and to me, that's what it feels like. And it's not just a match, just a competition, I mean, this is my life. Like I said, this is my love. This is what I love to do and when I come up short after the match man, it hurts deep down inside and it took a good month to swallow my pride you know. I'm a fighter at heart. I'm a warrior, somebody who wants to step up and give my life when it comes to fighting. When I come up empty, it does hurt but it took a while to swallow my pride man and I swallowed it and now I'm trying to come back in the octagon. I'm excited man, and can't wait to get back in there.

Ryan: Let's talk about you future fight. What is it like? I mean, you have never had to go through this in a long time, come prepared for a fight coming off a loss. How is that different than the win steak you were on?

Tito: You know what, I think I've had enough time now to try and comeback and not think of it as a loss anymore. I think of a loss as win because I think I learned a lot from it, more than anything and it wasn't like I got my ass stomped, got taken out of the round or I got stopped or, I don't know, if I got knocked out. It's just something where i got beat. I mean, don't get me wrong. Randy fought a great fight but it wasn't something where after the match that I was like, awe man, I need to go to the hospital, my body's hurt. I wasn't. I was fine. I went out drinking that night. I was cool, more than anything, it was the loss that hurt. I was like, I mean, I've never really got my ass kicked that bad. I don't know, come April 2nd, hopefully one of us are going to get our ass kicked really bad where we're going to have to go to the hospital and that's what I'm expecting.

Ryan: Tito, you mention this next fight coming up, and you mentioned the last one. You were just a little bit out wrestled there. Le me ask you about this fight. Do you change you training from Randy to Chuck or is it basically the same stuff and you implement a few other things?

Tito: I think I changed my training just a little bit. Like I say, I am trying to do a lot more quality training than quantity training just because this is a three five minute round. This is not the five, five minute as before. I think I'm sticking to a lot more kick boxing and boxing this time. I'm going to do what people say I can't do and that is stand with Chuck Liddell man. I'm going to try to pick him apart. I see a lot of Chuck's weaknesses. I believe Chuck's gonna come in the best shape that he's ever come in. His career's on the line here. I think he's kinda thinking, well I've lost twice in a row and it isn't the fact that he's lost twice in a row. He's got his ass kicked twice in a row where he's been stopped and in my mind, I think he thinks his body's too old now. I mean, he's been through some a lot of wars. Chuck Liddell isn't the same fighter he was two years ago when he wanted to fight Tito Ortiz. In my mind, you know what, it's another match to me and I'm going to try to walk through Chuck Liddell. If he thinks, oh Tito Ortiz doesn't hit hard ad I'm just going to walk through his punches, I hope he thinks that because when I hit him with some good shots ad he gets beat down, he's going to go, oh here we go again. I'm going to be in his head like that. If he thinks he has any kind of mental ability above me as he tries to expect, then he's in for a world of hurting, that is for sure.

Ryan: I think that some people will ask, you know, why would you want to stand with Chuck Liddell? I mean, I know Randy had some success and Rampage did as well but let me as you that. Some people say, hey your game is to get guys down and you know, beat the crap out of them. Why would you want to stand and go away from what's got you so much success?

Tito: I say just because Chuck Liddell is a really hard guy to take down, a hard guy to hold down. So, I don't want to waste all of my energy doing that you know. I'm a great boxer, I'm a great kick boxer. I mean, I spar with Quinton Jackson. I mean, me and him, we get the best of each other. When I fought Randy Couture. I was getting the best out of him when I was standing up, it's just that's why he kept shooting on me from the 2nd round on it seemed like. I've got what it takes in stand up. I've got to believe in my self and the last month and a half, I've been sparring with a lot of professional boxers and kick boxers and it seems like I'm getting the better of them now. For once, I'm knocking people out in my training. It's kinda a surprise to me where I'm starting to learn now. I'm starting to more confidence in my stand up where I believe I can stand with Chuck Liddell and I'm going to stand with Chuck Liddell. I'm going to try to give everybody what they paid for and that's a knock out.

Ryan: You know, it was interesting watching the two of you in the octagon at the last UFC promoting your next fight and you know, just the look in both of your eyes. I mean, you guys have truly gone through being friends to really being enemies, judging from that last look. How personal is it right now between you and Chuck?

Tito: This fight is really personal to me man. I mean, this is something that I've never wanted from the beginning. I mean, I never wanted to beat down Chuck Liddell. I mean, he's always been a friend of mine. We've always been really good friends it seemed like but I guess that people have different views and now we're enemies. I mean, I dislike this guy. The hatred goes back as far as having the hatred for Ken Shamrock. I mean this is someone I hate now. I no longer like, I no longer can even think of the person and it's weird like that. It's just something I'd like to clear up. Everybody says how much I'm afraid of him and this and that. You know what, I've never been afraid of the guy. I just didn't want to give him a beating but now he's asking for t so much and he wants it so bad. He's going to get it on April 2nd.

Ryan: What is the victor tee-shirt going to say?

Tito: Well, if I tell you guys what the victory tee-shirt is going to say, it won't be a surprise so I can't say until the fight is over. Sorry guys, you're going to have to wait but believe me, it's going to be one that you're not going to forget that's for sure.

Ryan: That's been the tradition man. The T-shirt man, that's got a following of it's own. What are you weighing right now?

Tito: This time, I'm actually weighing heavier than I usually have. Before, I always weighed around 211, 212. When I fought Couture I was about 206 or 207 the Monday before the fight. Right now, I'm walking around at least 218, 219 sometimes 220. This is the heaviest I've been in a long time and I think that one of the reasons is that I kinda slowed my training down a little bit. I've kinda consumed a lot more calories wen I eat. I'm trying to eat healthier but a lot more it seems like. Before I wast training so much that I couldn't eat as much. I was just losing too many calories. Now I get to eat a little more and I kinda slowed my training down a little bit, kinda slowed my running down a little bit. I'm not running as much. I'm still just doing about three miles a day. Before I was doing three and four miles a day, I mean, a lot more high tempo running. Now, it's just kinda low tempo just because it's only fifteen minutes you know, not the twenty five like before. I just think the weights going to be a big difference this time man. It's going to be a huge factor and I'm going to have to push my tempo towards Chuck Liddell by using my weight on him.

Ryan: A three round fight, compared to a five round. We have seen what you can do in five. Some people say three rounds favor Chuck, what do you think?

Tito: I don't think so. I mean, people say it favors Chuck? I mean, I usually don't get warmed up until two rounds so it's going to be really funny. I expect for Chuck to come in great shape. This guy better come in great shape or he's gonna have a long night. In my mind, I think Chuck Liddell's going to come in the shape that he did when he fought Randleman. You know, he's coming in really good shape and I expect him to so we're just going to have to see April 2nd.

Ryan: Who hit the hardest? What opponent have you been in with that hits the hardest?

Tito: Who hits the hardest. Well, I wold have to say Rampage in training. Then I wold have to go with Wanderlei Silva for sure. Rampage, when we spar man, his punches will make you stupid. The fight when I fought Wanderlei Silva, I thing that one time that he hit me with the right cross, I'd say that's the hardest I've ever been hit.

Ryan: Let me ask you about Wanderlei Silva. It seems like he's getting better you know. You've only lost once recently. What about a rematch between you and Wanderlei?

Tito: I would love to man. I would love it a whole bunch. You know, I don't See him getting better, I see him getting lighter opponents. He's fighting all the 185 pound guys in Japan it seems like, all the Japanese guys he's fighting. Don't get me wrong, he did beat Rampage soundly but Rampage went to war with Chuck Liddell. In my mind, Wanderlei, yeah he's tough as hell. I would love to rematch with him. I mean, in my mind I've still got some business to take care of in the United States and ten we will see about Pride.

Ryan: When you're on top, everyone's going to call you out. Another guy that's called you out recently is Lee Murray. I've seen the heated exchanges in interviews. Lee came on the radio show and said, hey man, if Tito can cut to 200 then I'll fight him. I saw your interview over at insidefighting that said, hey man, I'll cut to 200. What about Lee Murray man? Is that a fight you really want?

Tito: I'm glad that guy called me out man. I'm going to give him a beating. I mean that guy's been riding on my coat tails all the way through this whole thing. No one even knew who Lee Murray was until he said he knocked me out. He said he knocked me out man. This guy's on cloud nine. If he really wants to fight me, I have no problem fighting him. I'll make weight the day of the event at 199 pounds and Lee Murray will have a fight on his hands. I have no problem doing that. I'm down for the fight.

Ryan: So no matter what happens in this Chuck fight, you want to fight Lee Murray next after this fight?

Tito: Yes. I'd love to fight in July. I want to try to get three fights this year man. I'm sick of fighting one time a year. You know, before the injuries had a lot to do with it. I mean the injuries is what kinda held me back and now it's like I'm pretty much injury free so I want to try and get three fights in this year. In July, I believe July 3rd, will be the next event. I'm not 100% sure about that but I'd like to be on that card. If not a main event, as an under card. I have no problems doing that. I mean, I just want to give Lee Murray a beating just because that guy's been talking so much trash and riding on my coat tails for so long that it's time to slap him off my coat tails.

Ryan: What do you think about Vitor Belfort's "victory" over Randy Couture?

Tito: Um, you know what, people win for reasons. Everything happens for a reason and that match happened for a reason. I mean, I've got to give respect to Vitor Belfort just because of him stepping in and fighting that fight you know. When his sister came up missing is just something that I thought he'd never come in and fight and he proved he's a true fighter by stepping up and fighting. That kinda like, I've got total different respect toward Vitor now. I kinda respect the guy by doing that. You know what, when you do things and sacrifice things, things happen, good things happen to you. I think that's one of the good things that's happened to him. I mean, it's bad for Randy Couture but hey, that was a win you know. But in my mind, Vitor Belfort, you better give Randy Couture a rematch because he deserves it for sure.

Ryan: How many fights do you have left with the UFC?

Tito: Actually, I have three more fights with the UFC and then however Many fights I sign the next time, we'll see. I believe I'll be finishing my career with the UFC and I started here and I'm going to finish here. So, I've got three more fights this year and we'll see what happens in the future.

Ryan: That's cool, so you don't really have any interest in fight in Japan, you'd rather stick in the states with the UFC?

Tito: Well, you know, it just depends you know. If I'm making a million dollars to fight you know, I mean, they got to understand. I mean, I've got to put food on my table for my family. I really don't see it in the future but more than anything, I love fighting for the UFC. They've always been really really good to me. I mean those guys have been really good to me and always gave me what I wanted and I plan on finishing my career with them.

Ryan: You talked a little bit about Vitor Belfort and everything happening. You guys were supposed to fight two different times and injuries prevented that. What about a fight with Vitor Belfort, would you like to finally see that fight happen?

Tito: I would love for that fight to happen man, but more that anything, I want to fight Randy Couture because I want to get my win back and I'm one of those guys that believe in redemption. I believe in trying to get the loss back and when I fight Randy Couture, if Vitor Belfort is the loser, I'll fight Vitor after that. If he's the champion then I guess I'm going to have to fight Belfort but I have have no problem man. I'd love to fight Vitor Belfort. It's actually been in the works for a long time. I think it's a big money fight also. I believe the UFC would make a huge amount money on that fight and I'd love for that fight to happen.

Ryan: Come April 2nd, what's going to happen in this fight with Chuck Liddell?

Tito: This fight with Chuck Liddell, I mean, in my mind, I'm going to try to stop the guy. I'm going to try to give him everything I have and I'm gong to go in with no abandonment, pretty much no respect and do what I do best and that's kick ass. On April 2nd, people are going to see the best of Tito Ortiz man. I mean, I'm ready for this fight. This is something that I never wanted to happen because I was or thought I was friends with Chuck Liddell. But I guess not and things have changed so let the beatings begin. April 2nd. people are going to see the best of Tito Ortiz.

Ryan: Tito, I mean how much pressure do you feel? I mean, both of you guys went on such an amazing win streaks. You've suffered a loss, he's suffered a couple of loses. There's a lot of pressure going in to this fight that the loser really drops in the 205 pound division. Do you feel the added pressure going into this fight?

Tito: For once, you know what man, I actually don't have any pressure at all to tell you the truth. I have nothing to lose man. I don't have the title anymore, I have nothing to lose. It doesn't matter to me. In my mind, I just want to go in there and do what I do best and kick ass. It seems like when I don't have no pressure on my back, I actually compete better. But now, I just can't wait to compete again. I'm not worried about, well I'm going to lose my world title, I'm going to lose my belt. I don't care anymore. It's kinda funny cause I'm gonna go in, like I said, with reckless abandonment and just try to hurt Chuck Liddell. I'm just going to go in and do what I do best and in my mind, it doesn't matter to me anymore man. I really don't care. I mean, to me, it doesn't feel like it did when I had the title you know. I'm not afraid to lose anymore. I'm going to give it all on the line, put it all out and just try to see what happens at the end.

Ryan: Tito, it's just weird hearing you say that because I remember, you know, Matt Hughes said that same thing. I mean, almost the exact same thing you just said. He said, hey the pressure's off which is surprising to a few of us. It's interesting to hear you say that. It's amazing how much pressure......

Tito: I had the title for so long, me and Matt Hughes, we both held the title for longer than anybody in the history of Ultimate Fighting Championship. The pressure can build up after a while man. It's over and over and over, doing the same thing, hopefully you can compete at the same level each and every time. We do get bored man. Your body gets beat up and you know what, sometimes we aren't able to train as hard as we usually are. Now, it's like every thing's kinda lifted off man. All the weight's lifted off my shoulders, I mean, there's not a bunch of people trying to crowd around me saying, oh this and oh that, you're the champ this and you're the champ that. More than anything, it's just time to compete at the level I did when I first started. When I lost to Frank Shamrock, I came back 100 times better the next time. So, I think this loss that I had kinda taught me a few things and now it's time for me to come back and do what I do best.

Ryan: Well Tito, always a pleasure man. I appreciate you making time out of you busy schedule for us. Always appreciate it my friend and I look forward to seeing you in Vegas.

Tito: Right on Ryan. Thank you very much. Of coarse, everyone out there, if you want to check out my website, www.TitoOrtiz.com. I'm on the live chat sometimes, you can chat with me, ask questions, whatever. That's at www.TitoOrtiz.com. And of coarse, on my world wide Punishment Athletics clothing line. Please get on and buy some gear for the up coming fight. We've got some good new gear on there and I've got some new stuff coming soon. It's www.PunishmentAthletics.com.

Ryan: I jumped on there, you guys got some new looks on the site. Looks good man.

Tito: Right on, thank you much man. I appreciate it.

Ryan: Tito, see you in Vegas, take care.

Tito: Alright Ryan, thank you.

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