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HMB w sportach wytrzymałościowych

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Jestem wielkim zwolennikiem stosowania HMB i przyznam że wiele niepochlebnych recenzji zamieszczonych na forum bardzo mnie żdziwiły, a najbardziej zbijały mnie ztropu wyniki badań przytaczanych przez wielu które twierdziły że hmb nie działa; bądż niedziała na wytrenowane osoby. z mojego doświadczenia wynika coś zupełnie innego i niemoge się zgodzic na całkowitą krytyke tego suplementu. Perawdą jest że działanie anaboliczne jest zabardzo podkreślone w reklamach ale niesposób zaprzeczyć działaniu tego specyfiku pod kątem antykatabolicznym oraz wydolnościowym. Dlatego proszę nie odradzać tak stanowczo stosowania HMB a jedynie podkreslać prawdziwe działanie.
może zaineresuje was ten art:
MB (ß-hydroxy ß-methylbutyrate) is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine. It is found in small quantities in some foods - catfish and citrus fruits are two - and is also normally produced in the body. Depending on your diet, from 0.3 gram to 1 gram of HMB is produced in the body per day. However, to receive the full benefits HMB can provide hard training athletes, it is necessary to supplement with commercial products.
What are HMB's benefits? Several studies involving both humans and animals have found HMB may help decrease stress-induced muscle protein breakdown, and studies with humans have found that HMB may enhance increases in both muscle size and strength when combined with resistance training.

For endurance athletes, HMB appears to be a real "supplement winner". A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Iowa examined the effects of HMB supplementation on endurance runners. Runners took either HMB or a placebo, in pill form, every day for five weeks. After the fifth week of supplementation, the subjects ran a 20-kilometer road race to test for muscle damage and soreness after exercise. Runners were tested for muscle damage and loss of strength after the race. Damage to muscle tissue was determined by measuring blood levels of creatine phosphokinase, which increases with muscle damage. The runners who supplemented with HMB had significantly lower levels of CPK, indicating HMB had a sparing effect on muscle tissue damage. Post-race leg strength measurements showed the HMB supplemented runners lost less muscle strength as well.

A study at Wichita State University indicated that HMB may also directly boost endurance by increasing V02 max. In this study, experienced cyclists who supplemented their diets for two weeks with three grams of HMB per day experienced a significant increase in V02 max in concert with a reduction in blood lactate levels. The placebo group did not experience these results, nor did the group that supplemented with three grams of leucine.

Another study demonstrated that women who train with weights and supplemented their diets with HMB experienced enhanced strength, an increase in lean body mass and accelerated fat loss. This study, conducted by Dr. Nissen and his colleagues at Iowa State University, offers evidence that HMB produces similar results in both men and women, possibly indicating that the compound does not depend on any specific androgenic hormones, such as testosterone, to exert its effects.

Research indicates that HMB is safe, does not cause adverse physiological or psychological effects, and does not alter any indicators of organ or tissue function. Endurance athletes looking to improve performance and reduce muscle tissue catabolism (breakdown) should consider supplementing with three grams of HMB per day. HMB can be used with a multi-nutrient/nutrition shake product or just regular food. HMB does not eliminate the need for any other supplement nor does HMB have to be used along with any other supplement.
podsumowując: TO DZIAŁA
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e-lite Moderator
Szacuny 3625 Napisanych postów 36550 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 260959
good shit

nie tyle na wydolnosc co na definiszyn
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Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 210 Wiek 62 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1534
Popularnosc HMB na swiecie to Polska i Czechy. Czy ktos potrafi to wytlumaczyc ? Dlaczego ten "swietny" suplement nie jest sprzedawany na rynku amerykanskim ? Tzn oczywiscie mozna go tam kupic, ale zajmuje marginalna pozycje na rynku. Rynek amerykanski momentalnie ocenia jakosc produktow.

Lesson to learn in life: there is very little correlation between muscle size and psychometrics. Idiots with good genetics can build absolutely ridiculous physiques with a few workouts a week and the occasional bit of drug use. By the same token, there are some very brilliant people in this industry who are less well-developed physically. And do you know why?? because 90% of phenotype is genetics + environment.

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e-lite Moderator
Szacuny 3625 Napisanych postów 36550 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 260959
jakbys mial do wyboru hmb 90g za 40$$ i m1t 60caps za 10$$ to co bys kupowal??
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" Rynek amerykanski momentalnie ocenia jakosc produktow" to sie usmialem...

tak samo jak amerykanscy koksiarze stosuja rozsadne dawki...
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