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ABCDE-Anabolic Burst Cycling of Diet and Exercise

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Czesc.Stosował moze ktoś tą dietke bo wydaje mi sie ciekawa.Ponoć w USA jest bardzo popularna?
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ABCDE-Anabolic Burst Cycling Of Diet and Exercise

Basic Introduction:

This diet is based on the way our bodies function due to our early ancestors who were hunters/gatherers. They frequently went through cycles of high calorie diets and low calorie diets. When they killed an animal they would live on it for a week or two eating plenty. Then, the food would run out and they would have to survive on a low calorie diet until the next successful hunt.

So, apply this to modern day. Well, our genes haven't evolved much. Let's say you are now on a high calorie diet (as many bodybuilders are). Your body is used to receiving lots of calories, so it uses the energy at no discretion because it knows it will receive plenty more calories for energy soon.

Then you suddenly switch to a low calorie diet. Your body continues to use energy at no discretion. Therefore, you start to burn fat because your body is using the same amount of energy. You are giving it less calories so it uses fat as its energy source. Then, after approximately two weeks, your body figures out that it is receiving less calories and starts to fight back. It starts to store energy sources to make up for the lack of calories it is receiving.

This is when you go back to the high calorie diet for two weeks. Now your body keeps storing the excess calories. After approximately two weeks, it figures out you are feeding it lots of calories again. Then your body starts to burn energy at no discretion again.

When you keep going through this cycle, you go through two weeks of underfeeding for fat loss; and two weeks of overfeeding for muscle building. Plus, when you are overfeeding, IGF-1, testosterone and insulin levels are increased.

This is a VERY basic description of the diet. I hope I have communicated this process clearly. There is a detailed description of this diet in the Sports Supplement Review 3rd Edition. This book is available from Muscle Media/EAS or most GNC stores.

Instructions for ABCDE.xls spreadsheet:

1. Weigh yourself at the beginning of each cyle.

2. Plug your bodyweight into the spreadsheet. Simply type the number into the cell beside the words "BODYWEIGHT=". This will automatically figure:

a. Your total daily calorie intake.
b. Your total daily calorie intake from the noted %'s of protein, carbs and fat.
c. Your total daily intake of grams of protein, carbs and fat.

4. The total intake figures should be obtained from approximately 6 meals daily.


Student Turystyki i Rekreacji

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Ktoś wie gdzie można kupic makaron razowy w Szczecinie??

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ej ludzie wypowiadajcie sie na temat diety a nie makaronu razowego trzeba bylo na gg mi to napisac

Student Turystyki i Rekreacji

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 28 Napisanych postów 2286 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 21699
Generalnie dieta nawiazuje do naszych przodkow ktorzy mieli raz na jakis czas mega wyzerke jak dopadli jakiegos mamuta a pozniej okres wielkiego postu jak mamuta nie bylo dzieki temu utrzymywali taknke miesniowa i tluszczowa na odpowiednim poziomie poniewaz w momencie uciecia kalorii organizm pracowal na trybie pobierania duzych ilosci energii i jak nie bylo zarla to czerpal to z tluszczu. pozniej znowu wskakiwalo sie na high- kalrie ktore wykorzystywane byly do budowy tkani miesniwej. autor sam pisze ze jest to tylko ogolna zasada i wiecej mozna znalezc w ksiazce ktora mozna sobie kupic

Student Turystyki i Rekreacji

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