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Methyl 1-P Legal Gear -szto to?

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"Jadl kto" ? ala M1T czy raczej shit???

You may not know this but LegalGear is the company that shook the world by FIRST releasing M1T. Don't let our competitors bullshit you, we were the first to market and our products are known to be the best and highest quality! LegalGear is a brand that is known for innovation and quality products. I can't tell you the countless emails stating “your M1T worked better than any other brand on the market".

So, everyone kept asking us “when are you going to have a replacement for M1T?" It took a long time because we were not about to bring out something lame, like a crappy tribulus testosterone booster mix and then try to tell you it is “new and revolutionary". That's not our style. We don't try to screw or fool our customers, people buying LegalGear expect something better. After so many questions, we knew we had to find something!

We had a tough job ahead of us, find an anabolic agent that is 100% legal and builds muscle like a pro-hormone . Impossible? Not from the labs at LegalGear! This search for the perfect anabolic lead us down many paths and many areas. Sure, we could have sold out and tried to hide a “steroid" by disguising it's name like some other's have done, only to get caught and forced to remove the product from the market, but we wanted to make a product that would last the ban and be available for years to come.

The first set of compounds we looked at certainly hit the mark when it came to building muscle, but we wanted to be on the FAR side of legal, not on the edge, so we had to skip the countless unscheduled steroids that were missed by Congress. We didn't want to sell anything that was even remotely edgy, but still gave AWESOME results.

We had to find something that built muscle, but didn't cross the legal line…

The law reads:

“(A) The term `anabolic steroid' means any drug or hormonal substance, chemically and pharmacologically related to testosterone (other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone), and includes-- “

That left us without the “luxury" of trying to skirt the law by bringing out anything related to testosterone or other androgens like some other's have done. (we personally want to stay out of jail) So, instead of trying to cheat the law, we decided to see what Congress left us. Estrogens? Nope, that wouldn't work, although we did find one estrogen derivative that might be useful for building muscle (it's not active as an estrogen though). Corticosteroids? Nah, they have a lot of uses, but building muscle wasn't one we found. DHEA? Well, I think the days of DHEA and muscle building sort of died in the 90's. People know DHEA doesn't build muscle.

That left us one choice…

Progestins! How do progestins build muscle you ask? Well, not any old progestin will do, you have to look long and hard for the “right" progestin. Our search for a progestin capable of building HUGE MUSCLE and without ANY side effects took months! We scoured the literature and found a progestin that is used in AIDS patients to prevent muscle wasting! This was a decent find, but we were not satisfied to give you just the bare minimum that nature has to offer. We looked harder and found a metabolite of that progestin used in those AIDS wasting studies that was even MORE potent at building muscle! In fact it is the 5aReduced form which makes it much more potent at building muscle and burning fat. Don't forget that some of the MOST POTENT steroids on the market are ACTUALLY VERY STRONG PROGESTINS TOO! Things like Mibolerone (Cheque Drops), Trenbolone (Fina), Nandrolone (Deca), and Anadrol are steroids but ALSO PROGESTINS!

Even a better muscle builder than many illegal steroids...

By finding the right progestin, we were able to deliver a totally legal muscle monster that is even more active than many illegal steroids. It's more potent that many of the favorite illegal anabolics on the black market. We then added in our nutrient partitioning agents and we had a winner capable of building 10 lbs of mass in 2 weeks! The great thing about the active ingredient in M1P is that it won't turn into estrogen and will give you dry, solid gains in mass with limited side effects. The best reported benefit of M1P by our testers is the body composition changes rivaling the most potent illegal steroids and pro-hormones and because it can't convert to estrogen and we added in our own patent pending aromatase inhibitor that is more potent than anything on the market, you can bet that M1P is guaranteed to be free from estrogenic side effects and frees up more of your body's own testosterone to act as a natural stack.

Finally, we added our special methyl delivery system and the most POTENT LEGAL ANABOLIC was born!!!

Only LEGALGEAR can give you the OMNIPOTENT M 1-P, t he only LEGAL choice for people wanting to build serious mass and gain massive strength. Trust only LegalGear to bring you the greatest discovery since M1T, a Methyl-Progestin capable of giving pro-hormone like gains with low side effects.

Sample Cycle

3-6 Weeks of M1P at 2-5 capsules per day. At least use Formdrol Extreme at 3 capsules per day for post cycle therapy to boost natural testosterone production. Better yet combine Formadrol Extreme with Product X Dermasize to keep size and strength gains post cycle. Use Formadrol and Product X Dermasize for at least 3 weeks before starting another cycle of M1P.

• Maltoni M, Nanni O, Scarpi E, Rossi D, Serra P, Amadori D. High-dose progestins for the treatment of cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials. Ann Oncol. Mar;12(3):289-300, 2001

• Mantovani G, Maccio A, Massa E, Madeddu C. Managing cancer-related anorexia/cachexia.Drugs. 61(4):499-514, 2001

• Mantovani G, Maccio A, Lai P, Massa E, Ghiani M, Santona MC. Cytokine involvement in cancer anorexia/cachexia: role of megestrol acetate and medroxyprogesterone acetate on cytokine downregulation and improvement of clinical symptoms.Crit Rev Oncog. 9(2):99-106, 1998

• Pascual Lopez A, Roque i Figuls M, Urrutia Cuchi G, Berenstein EG, Almenar Pasies B, Balcells Alegre M, Herdman M. Systematic review of megestrol acetate in the treatment of anorexia-cachexia syndrome.J Pain Symptom Manage. Apr;27(4):360-9, 2004

• Vadell C, Segui MA, Gimenez-Arnau JM, Morales S, Cirera L, Bestit I, Batiste E, Blanco R, Jolis L, Boleda M, Anton I. Anticachectic efficacy of megestrol acetate at different doses and versus placebo in patients with neoplastic cachexia.Am J Clin Oncol. Aug;21(4):347-51, 1998

• Mantovani G, Maccio A, Lai P, Massa E, Ghiani M, Santona MC. Cytokine activity in cancer-related anorexia/cachexia: role of megestrol acetate and medroxyprogesterone acetate. Semin Oncol. Apr;25(2 Suppl 6):45-52, 1998

• Mwamburi DM, Gerrior J, Wilson IB, Chang H, Scully E, Saboori S, Miller L, Forfia J, Albrecht M, Wanke CA. Comparing megestrol acetate therapy with oxandrolone therapy for HIV-related weight loss: similar results in 2 months. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Mar 15;38(6):895-902, 2004

• Numazawa M, Oshibe M. Further studies on 6-alkylandrost-4-ene-3,17-diones as aromatase inhibitors: elongation of the 6-alkyl chain. Steroids. Aug;60(8):506-11, 1995

• Numazawa M, Oshibe M, Yamaguchi S, Tachibana M. Time-dependent inactivation of aromatase by 6-alkylandrosta-1,4-diene-3,17-diones. Effects of length and configuration of 6-alkyl group. J Med Chem. Mar 1;39(5):1033-8, 1996

• Numazawa M, Yoshimura A, Oshibe M. Enzymic aromatization of 6-alkyl-substituted androgens, potent competitive and mechanism-based inhibitors of aromatase. Biochem J. Jan 1;329 ( Pt 1):151-6, 1998

• Numazawa M, Oshibe M. Further studies on 6-alkylandrost-4-ene-3,17-diones as aromatase inhibitors: elongation of the 6-alkyl chain. Steroids. Aug;60(8):506-11, 1995

• Numazawa M, Oshibe M. 6-Alkyl- and 6-arylandrost-4-ene-3,17-diones as aromatase inhibitors. Synthesis and structure-activity relationships. J Med Chem. Apr 29;37(9):1312-9, 1994

• Wilson JD, Foster DW, Kronenberg HM, Larsen PR. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 9 th edition. W.B. Saunders, 1998

Supplement Facts:

Anabolic Agent:
17-hydroxy-6-alpha-methyl-ethyletiocholan-3,20 dione 60mg

Estrogen Control Complex:
3,17-keto-etiocholene-4-ol 25 mg
3,17-keto-etiochol-diene 10mg

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Farmaceuta - Technik

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 183 Napisanych postów 12431 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 185431
no niezbyt ala m1t... jak przeczytales m1p to 5alfa zredukowany progestyn... czyli inna klasa substancji... w teorii wyglada calkiem niezle i moze sie sprawdzic...

dodatkowo masz tam 4-hydroxy androstenedione (czyli formestane) i dziadzein...

ten pierwszy wiaze sie bezposrednio z enzymem aromatazy i unieszkodliwia go... dziadzein jest substancja fito-chemiczna ktora wykazuje dwa dzaialania... laczy sie z receptorami estrogenowymi [tak jak clom lub nolva] i je zapycha oraz laczy sie z enzymem 5 alfa reduktazy

ogolnie formestane zbiera dosc dobre opinie jako dodatek do cyklow/pct...

pogadaj jeszcze z czarnuchem [czarnuchok] moze on cos wiecej wie...
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 44 Napisanych postów 2531 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15886
Kazam bez kitu ty jesteś genialny .....
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 183 Napisanych postów 12431 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 185431
wiem ...

edit: tylko ze wkleilem swoja stara wypowiedz z postu o legal gear a tu nie ma diadzeiny... nie zauwazylem...

Zmieniony przez - Kazam w dniu 2005-07-16 18:11:36
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 18 Napisanych postów 2595 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 17718
Thanks :)

Bring them home!!!

Farmaceuta - Technik

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 31 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1963
czy jak wezme jedno opakowanie methyl 1-P (75 kapsow) to potem musze brac cos na odblokowanie? Czy VITALMAX TRIBULUS starczy?


Zmieniony przez - k0rnik w dniu 2005-11-02 15:37:53
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nikt sie nie orientuje?
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