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Jakie jest wasze zdanie na temat rozkładu makroskładników?Co by było gdybym rozłożył je sobie np. tak białko 16%, węglowodany 41%, tłuszcze 43%. Wiem, że od razu powiecie, że to mieszanie dwóch paliw, ale właśnie na coś takiego trafiłem na stronie westonaprice.org. Już wcześniej pytałem o informacje z tej strony bo są dosyć kontrowersyjne, gdy porównamy je do tego co słyszymy w telewizji, ale wszystko jest tam przekonywująco argumentowane. Diety na które tam trafiłem wyglądają np. tak:

Day 1 - 2137 calories: 16% protein, 17% carbohydrate, 70% fat

Breakfast: Super scramble (1 egg, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon cream cooked in 1 tablespoon butter), 2 pieces soft thick bacon, 1 cup whole milk, 2 teaspoons cod liver oil, 1 teaspoon butter oil, 1 cup beet kvass.

Lunch: 2 ounces cheese, 1/4 cup crispy macadamia nuts, 6 ounces kombucha

Dinner: 3 cups salad with oil and vinegar dressing and 1 ounce blue cheese, 1 cup baked salmon with parsley butter sauce, 6 spears steamed asparagus with butter, 1/2 cup sauerkraut.

Day 2 - 2217 calories: 13% protein, 30% carbohydrate, 57% fat

Breakfast: 1 cup cooked oatmeal with 2 tablespoons raw honey and 4 tablespoons butter, 1 cup whole milk, 1 cup beet kvass, 2 teaspoons cod liver oil, 1 teaspoon butter oil.

Lunch: 1 slice sprouted whole grain bread, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 ounces smoked salmon, 6 ounces kombucha.

Dinner: 1 cup cream of vegetable soup, 3 ounces liver cooked in lard, 2 pieces bacon, 1 onion cooked in lard, steamed spinach with 2 teaspoons butter, 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 6 ounces kombucha, 1 cup beet kvass.

Day 2 - 2217 calories: 13% protein, 30% carbohydrate, 57% fat

Breakfast: 1 cup cooked oatmeal with 2 tablespoons raw honey and 4 tablespoons butter, 1 cup whole milk, 1 cup beet kvass, 2 teaspoons cod liver oil, 1 teaspoon butter oil.

Lunch: 1 slice sprouted whole grain bread, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 ounces smoked salmon, 6 ounces kombucha.

Dinner: 1 cup cream of vegetable soup, 3 ounces liver cooked in lard, 2 pieces bacon, 1 onion cooked in lard, steamed spinach with 2 teaspoons butter, 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 6 ounces kombucha, 1 cup beet kvass.

Day 1 - 2976 calories: 14% protein, 47% carbohydrate, 39% fat

Breakfast: 2 cups coffee with 4 tablespoons half and half, extra large soft boiled egg, 2 slices whole grain bread with 2 tablespoons butter and 2 tablespoons honey, 8 ounces V-8 juice, 8 ounces milk with 3 tablespoons cocoa mix, 2 teaspoons cod liver oil.

Lunch: 2 ounces goat cheese, 1/2 medium tomato, 1 baked apple with 4 tablespoons apple cider and 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 tablespoon butter, 8 ounces whole milk with 3 tablespoons cocoa mix.

Dinner: 1 cup lentil soup, 2 ounces lamb, 3/4 cup spinach, 8 ounces apricot/apple juice.

Day 2 - 4091 calories: 16% protein, 36% carbohydrate, 48% fat

Breakfast: 2 cups coffee with 4 tablespoons half and half, 1/2 English muffin with 1 tablespoon butter, extra large scrambled egg with 1 tablespoon butter, 4 ounces apricot/apple juice, 2 teaspoons cod liver oil, 8 ounces whole milk with 3 tablespoons cocoa powder.

Lunch: 6 ounces lox (smoked salmon) with 6 ounces cream cheese, 1/2 medium tomato, 1 large baked apple with 4 tablespoons apple cider and 1 teaspoon sugar, 8 ounces whole milk with 3 tablespoons cocoa mix.

Snack: 8 ounces whole milk yogurt, 4 Newman's Oreo organic cookies, 1 large pear.

Dinner: 2 rib lamb chops, broiled, 1/2 cup potato puffs, 1/2 cup green beans, 8 ounces whole milk with 3 tablespoons cocoa mix.

Day 3 - 3373 calories: 16% protein, 38% carbohydrate, 46% fat

Breakfast: 2 cups coffee with 4 tablespoons half and half, 2 ounces goat cheese, 1 slice whole grain toast with 1 tablespoon butter, 1 extra large soft boiled egg, 4 ounces apricot/apple juice, 2 teaspoons cod liver oil.

Lunch: 3 ounces lox, 3 ounces cream cheese, 1/2 medium tomato, 16 ounces whole milk with 3 tablespoons cocoa mix, 1 large baked apple with 4 tablespoons apple cider and 1 teaspoon sugar.

itd.(sorry, że nie przetłumaczyłem, ale wolę jak sami na własną ręke sobie przetłumaczycie. Napewno poszczególne składniki w diecie są ok. Ale co myślicie o takich proporcjach makroskładników?
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