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Cytat z ksiązki Toma Venuto:BURN THE FAT

The truth about the glycemic index and fat loss
Although the GI has some useful applications, such as in post-workout and preworkout
carbohydrate choices, it’s not the most relevant factor when it comes to fat loss.
The GI is only one of many criteria you should consider in selecting your carbohydrates
during a fat loss program.
The mistake in using the GI as your only criteria for making carbohydrate choices
is that the GI was developed based on eating carbohydrates by themselves in a fasted
state. The BFFM program is based on combining carbohydrates and protein together.
When carbohydrates are eaten in mixed meals that contain protein and some fat, the GI
loses its significance because the protein and fat slows the absorption of the
For example, mashed potatoes have a GI near that of pure glucose, but if you
combine the potatoes with a chicken breast and broccoli, the GI of the entire meal is
much lower than the potatoes alone. Rice cakes also have a high GI. But if you put a dab
of peanut butter on them, the fat slows the absorption of the carbohydrates, lowering the
GI of the combination.
The GI is also affected by frequent eating. The GI was developed based on eating
a food in the fasted state. On this program, you will be eating approximately every three
hours – that’s about as far from a fasted state as you can get. Because undigested food
from each previous meal can slow the absorption rate of the current meal and because
frequent eating stabilizes blood sugar levels, this also makes the index lose some of its
To say that foods like potatoes and carrots are fattening and shouldn’t be eaten
simply because they are high on the glycemic index is ridiculous. Although some
bodybuilders drop out potatoes, opting instead for lower GI starches such as yams and
oatmeal, many others, myself included, eat white potatoes up to the day of competition
and their body fat reaches the low single digits.
The GI is definitely a factor you can consider when deciding which carbohydrates
to eat, but using the GI as your only criteria for choosing your carbohydrates is a mistake.
If low GI foods were the key to fat loss, then you could eat ice cream, peanut M & M’s,
and sausages and you’d lose weight. There are more important factors than the GI. For
maximum fat loss and optimal health, a much more relevant criteria than GI is whether
your carbohydrates are natural or processed.
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 10 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 184
szukam is zukam tabel z indeksem glikemicznym...ale sporo jest nieaktualnych...czy ktos mi przesle stronke z tabelami:)?dzieki i pozdro!!!
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tez by mi sie przydaly:)
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domer ODŻYWIANIE Moderator
Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 6331 Napisanych postów 76346 Wiek 39 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 756659
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A ja jak Gamoń siedzę i rozmyślam.
Idealnie mi ten pościk podpasował, absolutnie się zgadzam.


-> Nie przejmuj się, przecież jutro będzie gorzej!<-

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