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Hydroxy Testosterone

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"This testosterone has come on the market recently in the form of transdermals and powder. It is actually nothing like its parent other than the name. It is very mild in terms of anabolic and androgenic potential and would be relatively weak on its own. However, this compound has some very interesting attributes that make it very different from all the other steroids on the market. With the 4 hydroxl position on the molecule, it has the added benefit of not converting to estrogen or DHT. This would make it very similar to the compound Clostebol and ideal for cutting when used on its own. It also has the very interesting attribute of being a mild aromatize inhibitor and 5AR inhibitor (which prevents conversion of testosterone to DHT). One of its metabolites is Formastane (4 hydroxy androstenedione) which is also an aromatize inhibitor. It has also been claimed that this compound will stimulate LH output, which would be great for bridging inbetween cycles and obviously not cause any form of supression. However, I have not seen any data to confirm this."

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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mysle ze malo gdzie jest dostepny...
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O Comodore się pokazał

Zmieniony przez - BadMad w dniu 2006-03-28 02:21:47

12 spampostów w suplach i MMA
15 w odżywianiu
dlugo dlugo nic...
DOPING - spampost nr 100 <brawo>

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co to conodore
Zgłoś naruszenie
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Nie co tylko kto inteligencie
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