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Nazi's Son Elected Governor of California!
Seig Heil to der neue furher Schwarzenegger !!
Thanks to the Kalifornia Krazies (no, not a rock band, just kooky voters), the Republican party has turned California into the laughing stock of the whole world. Not only that but they have horrified decent Americans by electing Arnold Schwarzenegger, the son of a Nazi whose biography quotes him as saying Adolph Hitler is his "hero". This is the same man who has boasted of living with and "hanging out" with whores and strippers, smoking hashish and marijuana, getting blowjobs from women just before he went onstage for his muscle shows and lord knows what else.

As if that weren't enough to disgust anyone, this foreigner now stands accused by numerous women of criminal sexual molestation. He has admitted to some of this and "apologized" for some of it. But he "can't remember" most of it. Maybe his memory is clouded by all those steroids and other drugs he has gulped down over the years.

Sexual molestation is a criminal offense. Not even the rich and powerful such as the new governor of California should be immune from legal prosecution. Use of illegal and highly dangerous drugs such as hashish is also a criminal offense. Arnie has admitted to using this so that makes him a criminal.

Admitted Criminal Dopehead Now Runs
America's Largest State
Can you believe it...the son of a Nazi is now governor (or is it 'der fuhrer'?) of California!! What damnable gall! A hell of a lot of veterans who fought against the damn Nazis and Japs are sick to their stomachs over this mess. And a hell of a lot of widows and survivors of those brave American boys who gave their lives to rid the world of the Nazis are furious over this ironic twist of fate. This is NOT what millions of folk all over the world died for!

But because of the way our laws are worded, even the son of a Nazi can come here and end up running for governor of one of our states. Thanks to one fatcat Republican congressman who just about single-handedly financed a recall petition, California held an election to 'recall' their governor. In a fair and square election just a few months ago, the folks of California reelected a Democrat, Governor Gray Davis. But the Republicans decided that if they could steal the presidency, they could just as well steal the governorship of California. That rich Republican congressman forked out several million dollers of his own money to get enough signatures for a 'recall' election. These are the same folk who voted against Davis in the election and LOST in the first place. But now, the folks of California have to foot the bill for yet another election. Somebody needs to kick that fatcat's butt and make HIM pay for it all.

Money talks. To top off their brazen gall, Republican US Senator Orin Hatch of Utah has proposed changing the United States Constitution to allow a foreigner to be elected president of our nation. Well, Hatch, the only way you will get that done is over the dead bodies of a LOT of Americans, including me! And we will be joined by the ghosts of the 405,399 American boys who gave their lives fighting the Nazis and Japs. Who the hell do you think you are!! You would bastardize our laws, our heritage, our culture � just so folk like you can gain more power!

The fatcat pulled out of the race to replace Governor Davis when motion picture actor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he was running. Arnie quickly became the favorite of the Republicans. Ain't it odd that all during and after World War II, the rich Republicans called World War II the "Roosevelt's War", saying President Franklin D. Roosevelt was to blame for getting us into it. Tell that to the damn Japs who bombed Pearl Harbor! Tell that to the millions of folks the Japs murdered. Tell that to the millions of folks all over Europe that Hitler murdered! And now the son of one of those Nazis is the Republican governor of our most populous state.

What really galls us is the fact that Arnie is STILL a citizen of Austria and still holds an Austrian passport -- yet he is governor of OUR largest state! What's the matter, Arnie -- can't make up your feeble mind whether you want to be an American or Austrian? I guess you wanted to keep your Austrian citizenship so you could vote for that Nazi who was elected president of Austria a while back. This revelation of Arnie's 'dual citizenship' comes on the heel of the scandal about him posing for nudie photos for a homosexual magazine in the 1970s. Opps!! Then there is the growing scandal about his fondling and trying to put the make on a lot of women who didn't appreciate his advances. Seems like Arnie was treating every gal like the whores he had lived and mixed with over the years. But, what the heck -- Schwartzie's past just goes hand in hand with the recent remark by vice president Dick Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate to a Senator -- "f*** YOU". Never before in the history of our nation has the hallowed halls of Congress been disgraced by such scum with this kind of language. So much for the Republican trick of trying to pose as the party of 'family values' !?!

In the past, Arnie's Nazi sympathies have been mostly ignored. But the fact remains, he still has ties to Nazi sympathizers today. In his unauthorized biography, Schwarzenegger was photographed in 1996 with a man named Horg Heider, who at the time was leader of Austria's extreme right wing Freedom Party (Nazi) and has publicly praised Hitler's 'sensible policies'. Additionally, according to the aforementioned biography, many witnesses over the years have seen Arnold break into Hitler's 'sieg heil' salute and been present when he plays his records of Hitler's speeches at home. When Arnie got married, he invited the infamous Nazi, Kurt Waldheim, former president of Austria, to the wedding; they are goof friends.

Arnie smokes hash, posed naked for gay mags

Kalifornia's neue kommandant - gouverneur
(Sorry, we had to blot out part of the photo. But you can do a web search and find this
and plenty more naked photos of California's new Republican governor)

I just heard on TV that Arnie's past was revealed recently, including his now famous interview in Oui magazine in 1977 in which he boasted of his life style and the fact he lived with strippers, hung out with prostitutes, smoked hashish and marijuana (this is the guy who served on Bush's Fitness Council), participated in sex gangbangs with other body builders, bragged about getting blowjobs during his Mr. Olympia contest and lord knows what else. At least little Georgie boy won't talk about his sordid past with drugs and sex. But this Austrian loves to brag about his orgies. Maybe with Schwarzenegger we can at least finally get a true picture of what the Republican Party's "family values" is really all about. But wait a minute -- isn't hashish and pot use illegal under federal law? By his own confession, Arnie violated federal laws and that makes him a felon apparently. Can a felon be elected as a governor?

Reckon Arnie will be 'impeached' if he gets 'oral sex' in the Governor's office while on the job and at taxpayer's expense? Hey, if they can do that to ole Bill, then some damn foreign Republican ought to be held to the same account!

Arnie's latest insult to Americans came in July when he called all the Democrats of California "girlie men". By the way, the vast majority of folk in California are Democrats. Yet this obnoxious son of a Naxi bastard has the damned gall to stand before a group and insult the majority of the California Senate and House of Representatives with this kind of foul language. He must still think he is back home in Nazi Austria.

This latest dumbness from the 'terminator' sounds mighty peculiar -- in light of the fact that he has had plastic surgery to look 'pretty', taken loads of drugs (many now illegal) to pump up his muscles and, according to several TV newscasts, uses 'more makeup than most women'. He never makes public appearances without the makeup. In our neck of the woods, MEN don't use makeup...only girls.

By the way, you can find a LOT of naked photos of Arnie on the Internet. After learning that he had posed naked for several gay magazines, I did a search on Google and lordy, lordy! There are gay sites all over the place featuring Arnie nude. Maybe they could print some of those up especially for the crazies who voted him into office! How about one on a billboard in front of the governor's mansion!!

Does this tell you anything folks?? Word going around on the internet now is that Arnie is going to change the California Highway Patrol uniforms to include black high jack boots and those funny-looking steel helmets with the spike on top. They will have to give the Nazi 'seig heil' salute for der new fuhrer!

Impeach Schwarzie !!
Hey, the Nazi's son did win...so now do what the Republicans did to ole Bill and IMPEACH the son-of-a-gun!! They impeached Bill for fibbing about his blowjob. That was a minor little thing that should have been private but what Schwarzie has been doing is a crime. Thus far, 15 women have come forward and accused him of sexually molesting them. Sexual molestation is a crime and even the rich and powerful should be punished for such crimes. So -- impeach this muscle freak foreigner and send his ass to jail. After he gets out, let's hope he will go back home to Austria and leave our women alone! And he can take all those Kalifornia krazies carrying the signs 'grope me' with him. We have enough kooks in this country without that kind of star idolizers.

Then there is the other alternative that has just come up...now that this weirdo has won the governorship, they should have a recall election for Schwarzie!! Tit for tat!!

Wouldn't surprise me if some of our World War II veterans who fought against Arnie's pappy were to grab him and send his tail packing back to Austria! What a twist of fate: we won the war but now the Japs and Germans own half of America (even Chrysler!) and half of Hollywood!! Just can't wait to see Arnie as a Nazi 'hero' in a World War II movie. Maybe he could play one of those Nazi SS storm troopers who murdered so many of our American boys after they surrendered.

The Republican Party got off to a bad start in the 1860s: what the "Radical Republicans" did to the folks of the South can never be forgiven. Yet, that wasn't the low point of the party. They once again began their descent to the depths of the outhouse in the 1960s under ("I'm not a crook") Nixon. The party that began boasting that it was the "party of family values" is now swimming in the cesspool of lies, deceit, whores, strippers, steroids, hashish, marijuana, Nazi sympathizers and wealth and power! It just may not survive the combination of Bush and Schwarzenegger~!
Ekspert SFD
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nie chce mi sie czytac po angielsku weno ginomen na polski przezuc

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12 spampostów w suplach i MMA
15 w odżywianiu
dlugo dlugo nic...
DOPING - spampost nr 100 <brawo>

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jestem za kasacją postu, zaśmieca tylko forum.

~ ex fatiga ~

~ masz pytanie? [email protected] ~

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jego nogi to pracha

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Naprawdę niebezpieczny człowiek nigdy nie grozi.

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