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Szacuny 12 Napisanych postów 1754 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12578
Ja wiem ze bylo duzo juz tego typu tematow ale tam juz nikt nie pisze
Chcialbym buty jumpsoles kupic od kogos moj numer gg 2825993
Ekspert SFD
Pochwały Postów 686 Wiek 32 Na forum 11 Płeć Mężczyzna Przeczytanych tematów 13120


Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 6 Napisanych postów 607 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3397
nie kupuj, te buty to tylko sztuczka reklamowa
nie maja zadnej przewagi nad normalnym treningiem
pamietaj, ze lydki to tylko 10-15% wyskoku, one tylko przenosza sile innych miesni do podlogi
uda, dupa, biodra i dol plecow to podstawa

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 12 Napisanych postów 1754 Na forum 19 lat Przeczytanych tematów 12578
mysle ze sie mylisz poniewaz pytalem pare osob co zrobilo ten trening i polecaja tylko ze jednym sie rozwalily buty a u innych sa za male
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 6 Napisanych postów 607 Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3397
podkreslam jeszcze raz: buty nie daja ci przewagi nad normalnym treningiem

bedziesz trenowal wyskok w tych butach, czy bez nich, mozesz zrobic postep

nie twierdze, ze nie bedziesz mial wiekszego skoka, ale mozesz osiagnac to samo bez tych butow

chcesz wyzej skakac - zacznij porzadnie trenowac, nie szukaj zadnych magicznych rozwiazan, one nie istnieja, nasi olimpijczycy by o nich chyba wiedzieli

nie wiesz jak trenowac wyskok - pytaj

przeczytaj ponizszy artykul:

"I was in high school attending a sports camp at Texas A&M University one summer when jumpsoles or strength shoes were first being introduced. A salesman showed up at the camp and picked one of the campers randomly and had him jump up and put a piece of tape on the backboard. He then had the camper put on this funky looking pair of shoes and had him do a few random drills for about 5 minutes. Remember these shoes were just being introduced so nobody really knew what they were for. Anyway, the salesman then had the athlete take the funky shoes off and put his regular shoes back on. He (the salesman) told the guy to go jump up again and put another piece of tape on the backboard. He did and it was amazing because his vertical jump had increased by a good 4 inches! I'm sure everyone at that camp, including yours truly, ended up purchasing a pair of those damn shoes.

Ok now sort've on the same story during that same camp a couple of days later we had the opportunity to check out A&M's sports training facility and got to sit in on a seminar with their strength and conditioning coach. Someone asked him about "strength shoes" and he said he'd never heard of them but felt pretty confident that what they could do with sound training methods could surpass any gimmicks. He then brought out one of their linebackers, John Roper, who would later play for the Raiders, to demonstrate. He had Roper jump from a standstill effortlessly on to a 48 inch box. Simple and hard training with no gimmicks. Nothing has really changed (except maybe the level of athletes on A&M's football team!).

The reason that guy increased his vertical jump within minutes so dramatically is because of a neurological phenomenon where his nervous system was "tricked" into recruiting more fiber by the weight of the shoes and the dynamic stretching he was putting on his achilles. If you're gonna use them they can be useful for helping you emphasize the feel of proper positioning on the balls of your feet and develop calf flexibility but studies haven't shown they do anything that regular training won't do. In fact one study showed the platform shoe group actually gained less then a group who did the same routine without the shoes and they had a lot more injuries. If you're gonna get a pair anyway I recommend you just use them during your initial warm-ups and go ahead and wear them around the house if you want to. There's just no need to train with them on because you're just risking injury."
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