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Jeu Marseillais a Capoeira

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There is a theory at the Bahia Federal University that capoeira had its origin on the Bahian docks. According to this theory, which the authors heard from Renato Alcantara, sailors and stevedores played physical games such as capoeiragem and batuque (bah-too-keh), that required the players to move their opponents outside a circle without the use of hands. Capoeiragem was therefore simply a physical game.

About the same time in the south, savate had given birth to a sport called chausson or jeu Marseillais, practiced chiefly in the military. The Marseillais method featured blows with the fist and higher kicks than savate, but was deficient in that the adversaries seldom faced each other and most of the kicks missed due to a lack of spatial orientation on the part of exponents. "Before a serious systematic sport," Charlemont says in his splendid text, "the Marseillais school could not hold up; it is, if one wishes, for gymnastics, for the dance, for clowning, but it is not for combat and for defense."

At the same time, another foot-fighting system existed in and around the old southern dockyards of France, and on board sailing ships. This, sailors and dock-workers, style of fighting was known as jeu marseillais (sport Marseille). A comparison of the two kick-fighting methods shows that the kicks used in jeu marseillais were often aimed and delivered much higher than in savate, and the hands were commonly used for support and balance. This included placing the hand, or hands, on the floor, or grabbing hold of any convenient handrail or object, whilst lashing out with the feet. This would not be such a strange thing to do for two people who might be fighting on wet and slippery dock sides, or the swamped and rolling decks of sailing ships. Towards the end of the 1820's, and perhaps in an attempt to change the general public's perception of these fighting arts, the name chausson (a sailor's deck shoe) began to be used.

Jak myslicie, czy jesli teoria powstania Capo uniwersytetu Bahia jest prawdziwa, istnialy zwiazki pomiedzy tymi dwoma sztukami? Obie wydaja sie byc podobne a portowe srodowisko powstania z pewnoscia ulatwialo wzajemne kontakty.

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ledwo co po powrocie a tu taki artykul!!!( i oczywiscie sog)
co do capo to badania nad jej hisoria caly czas trwaja. jak na razie najwczesniejszy okres z jakiego znaleziono dokumenty to ok 1800 roku. jedna z teorii glosi wlasnie ze niewolnicy (ale rowniez i emogranci, ktorzy nie byli niewolnikami) ktorzy pracowali w portach zabawiali sie wlasnie w taki sposob. wydaje mi sie ze jest mozliwy zwiazek miedzy tymi sztukami. jako ciekawostke moge podac, ze w pewnym okresie w rio (1850-1900), kiedy mianem capoeira okreslalo sie nie to co teraz znamy jako capo ale generalnie chuliganstwo i zamet uliczny oraz kiedy do grona capoeiristas dolaczali emigranci nie mogacy sie odnalezc w spoleczenstwie brazylijskim, nacja portugalczykow wprowadzila do uzycia w czasie walki roznego rodzaju kije, palki i generalnie tego typu bron.



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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 375 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 2217
pałki to na cześc mistrza Popo
btw: wierzysz w tą historyjkę, że on wszytkich pokonał??
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