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Co to jest Kina Mutai?

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Mai Tai po Muay Thai

Tylko trening, nie chęć szczera, zrobi z Ciebie rotweilera !

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The devastating Filipino Art of Biting, Pinching & Gouging

Kina Mutai is the lethal Filipino martial art of Biting, Pinching & Gouging! Consider yourself taken down by a professional Brazilian Jiu-jitsu grappler, locked on the ground, extremely vulnerable position!!!

How can you escape???

The answer is simple! By using Kina Mutai techniques! Kina Mutai uses more than 100 points in the human body for biting! The main principle is UNINTERRUPTED BITING, this means that you place yourself in such position that you can continue biting as long as you want, disabling your opponent from escaping your bites! Kina Mutai has 12 positions and each position has 4 variations! It can be used to inflict pain, to escape from a lock & it can be used to cut body arteries that can cause severe bleeding!!!

Also, for example, by pinching inside the biceps and inner thighs or rubbing and gouging the eyes with the the thumbs, are a very effective way to escape locks and definitely discourages and throws off balance the psychology of the opponent! Kina Mutai is a close quarter art used especially in the range of grappling as a counter-grappling art!

Many people consider it extreme, brutal and unethical, but no one can disagree for its effectiveness... Learning Kina Mutai is definitely making a fighter's arsenal more complete!

The Kina Mutai practitioner learns the different ways of biting, the positions, the transitions, the body points and even uses a special training drill in which he tries to cut a hole in the middle of a raw piece of meat only with his teeth, as fast as he can!!!....

9 Kina Mutai Artery Points

Arterial sites on the arms would be ideal targets if your life may be on the line, and perhaps if he is using/will use his arm to attempt to lock, choke, etc:

1. Radial artery: radial nerve runs very near this pressure point and is extremely painful when stimulated, especially by biting! If the artery is severed, person will bleed profusely, followed by shock, and well, death. (Area where you would feel for your pulse, follow the thumb going downward on your wrist)

2. Brachial artery: same thing as above, only difference is the brachial nerve is now the target.(Area where you would feel for your pulse on the antecubital fossa, or the inner bend of the elbow)

These sites would be ideal to use if your head is close to their neck:

3. Carotid artery: located right beside the Adam's apple. Secondary targets that may be affected by a bight are the external and internal jugular veins that run very closely on the side of your neck. If you bite here chances are you will sever any of these vessels causing profuse bleeding with similar results as with any trauma on the vessels.

Arteries that may be prime targets on the lower extremities:

4. Popliteal artery: located on the back of the knee. Might come into play if your opponent is using his legs to triangle lock, arm bar, etc. Whenever, your face winds up on back of his knee it presents a good opportunity to bite this region.

5. Femoral artery: runs on the inner thigh beside his scrotum. Would be difficult to apply a bite, too impossible? Would work wonders if a knife slash was used!

6. Dorsalis pedis: located on your instep of the foot. Too difficult to get at unless you're willing to bite into the bony area! Impossible?

Other sites on the body that might be good targets of opportunity, would be the :

7. Nipples on the chest: if you want to cause excruciating pain on someone, and he has you in his guard, well you know what to do!

8. Achiles tendon: you know where this is. Bite here and you'll have him limping, good time to bring in the Thai leg kicks if he gets up!

9. The cheeks: Paul Vunak's favorite target! If you're up there breathing your opponents bad breath you are definitely in the right vicinity! The maxillary artery runs close through this region but might be inaccessible with a bite.

For training information on Kina Mutai contact: [email protected]

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Kina Mutai


Kina Mutai war im Kampf auf Leben und Tod oft das letzte Mittel. Wegen des fehlenden sportlichen Anspruches und der gewalttätigen Ausrichtung wird Kina Mutai in Frankfurt natürlich nicht unterrichtet. Die nachstehenden Informationen dienen nur zur Verdeutlichung der philipinischen Kampfbereitschaft, die auch vor ethischen Grenzen nicht immer haltmachte.

Jak kto woli- teraz po niemiecku :)

Kto na ulicy raz porzadnie nie dostanie - ten sie nigdy wszystkiego porzadnie nie nauczy
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Kina Mutai

Another facet of the Kali system, Kina Mutai is a highly effective and specialized form of ground fighting, which incorporates the use of biting, gouging, pinching and clawing to aid in offensive and defensive grappling, while creating opportunities for striking and reversals of position

Kto na ulicy raz porzadnie nie dostanie - ten sie nigdy wszystkiego porzadnie nie nauczy
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 108 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1449
Super - dzieki !


Mai Tai po Muay Thai

Tylko trening, nie chęć szczera, zrobi z Ciebie rotweilera !

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Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
A tu taki maly przeglad po coponiektorych sztukach walk. Adresu witryny nie podam ze wzgledu na regulamin.

Jun Fan Martial Arts/ Jeet Kune Do

An Art founded by the late Bruce Lee, the Jun Fan Martial Arts are named after him (Lee Jun Fan being his birth name in Cantonese). This Martial Art incorporates very direct and efficient methods of striking (including eye jabs, shin and groin kicks, among others) and trapping and is designed to produce well-rounded and efficient fighters capable of handling any range of opponents.

Jeet Kune Do, the conceptual and philosophical foundation for the Jun Fan Martial Arts is the model that Bruce left his students on how to be a Martial Artist. For more insights on the nature of Jeet Kune Do, click here.

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Doce Pares Eskrima

One of the older and more popular contemporary forms of Filipino Martial Arts, Doce Pares has a large following worldwide. Following a regimented belt-ranking program, similar to that used in Karate or Tae Kwon Do, this Art produces highly flexible and skilled fighters. Areas of training include single stick, two-stick, sword and dagger, dagger, and staff, among others. For more information about this Martial Art click here.

Inosanto-LaCoste Kali

The second form of Filipino Martial Arts that we offer, this system is headed by the prolific Guro Dan Inosanto, and is based in part on the teachings of John LaCoste, a Masterful Practitioner and teacher of the Filipino Martial Arts who passed away in the 1980's. This method incorporates striking trapping and grappling both with and without a variety of weapons.

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Part of the Kali system, Panantukan represents the method of Filipino Boxing, namely a system of striking, trapping and manipulating involving the use of bare-knuckled strikes, eye gouging, striking the spine and the groin, making use of the fist, the elbow, the forearm and the fingertips in striking. This is a very highly effective system of street-level defense, and is based on the use of the knife, with many of the skills required coming directly form weapons training.

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Similar to Panantukan, Dumog is also a part of the Kali system. This method incorporates the use of trapping and grappling methods combined with hitting, both with and without weapons. This system also includes throws, sweeps and locks similar to Chin-Na and Aikido.

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Kina Mutai

Another facet of the Kali system, Kina Mutai is a highly effective and specialized form of ground fighting, which incorporates the use of biting, gouging, pinching and clawing to aid in offensive and defensive grappling, while creating opportunities for striking and reversals of position.

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Boxe Francios Savate is a French method of fighting in which kicking skills are emphasized, along the lines of traditional kickboxing with some interesting training methods, targets and striking methods. Savate L'danse Da Rue also has streetfighting applications, with connections to La Canne and L'Escrime, both methods of fencing. For more information about these Martial Disciplines, click here.

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Muay Thai Kickboxing

This devastatingly effective Martial Art comes from Thailand. Based on the Art of Krabi Krabong (literally, "sword and spear," which involves the use of weaponry, similar to Kali) this sporting method involves striking with the fists, the feet, the shins, knees and elbows and even the head. This method also incorporates an effective method of Stand-up Grappling used to throw and disorient one's opponent while defending against and delivering strikes at extremely close range.

Endurance is a major part of this Art, so a great deal of time is spent conditioning the body and preparing the fighting spirit necessary to withstand the rigors of fighting and training.

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Pencak Silat

From Indonesia come the Arts which comprise the many systems of Pencak Silat. The majority of our training methods come from the Mande Mude system of Pencak Silat, founded by the late Herman Suwanda.

Silat is an Art which combines a very complex and efficient system of movement with effective methods of trapping and manipulating the opponent's body while striking, so as to take them to the ground, usually causing injury in the process. Silat also incorporates the use of some rather unusual weaponry. For more information, click here.

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

When Jiu Jitsu was introduced to Brazil, the training methods and strategies were adapted to the streetfight mentality of the culture. Often times, back alley bouts took place, requiring a level of proficiency and tactical awareness that had not existed in the traditional Japanese version of this Grappling Art. As a result, today, nearly all of the most sound and efficient methods of groundfighting incorporate the strategies, techniques, and training methods of this Art. This is a highly structured system of joint locks, throws, positional movement, chokes and other submission techniques. For more information, click here.

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Shooto/Shoot Wrestling

Another system of grappling combined with striking methods, this competitive system is based on the Arts of Judo, Sambo, and more Traditional forms of Wrestling, in addition to Muay Thai Kickboxing. Though it shares many of the same strategies and training methods of Brazilian JiuJitsu, this system of grappling often does not include the use of the jacket or uniform used in the Brazilian Art, which drastically alters the tactics and strategies involved. For more information, click here.

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Modern Tae Kwon Do

Based on adaptations of a Korean Art which is in turn based on a Japanese system of Karate, the training methods involved in Modern Tae Kwon Do involve the development of kicking, flexibility, and efficient striking akin to kickboxing.

This Art serves as a great starting point for many Martial Artists, and serves to develop a strong base of flexibility, endurance and proper striking methods. For more information about the history and origin of Tae Kwon Do, click here.

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This Japanese system of locking and throwing involves the use of joint locks and a complex methods of harnessing an opponent's inherent momentum and intention to turn against them in a manner that will cause pain, a controlling takedown and/or a throw.

The movement characteristics of Aikido are highly stylistic and are based on the use of the sword (katana), such as in Kenjutsu. Aikido incorporates defense against the sword, the staff, and the knife. For more information about Aikido, click here.

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Similar to Aikido, though more direct in its approach, Chin-Na is a collection of locking, throwing and displacing methods taken from a group of Chinese Martial Arts.

The purpose of Chin-Na is to lock, dislocate, or displace the bones and joints of the body so as to cause pain and injury, bringing the opponent under control through pain-compliance and disability, as opposed to striking. Chin-Na also incorporates the use of Pressure Points used to emphasize the vulnerabilities of certain control positions. To learn more about Chin-Na, click here.

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Competition Full-Contact Stick Fighting

One of our Sparring and competition formats is the WEKAF method of stick fighting, both with single and double stick. This method involves the use of padded armor, gloves, and pads for the limbs, and a helmet based on a boxing headgear with a reinforced metal grill covering the face, offering protection against the flurry of strikes often delivered in such bouts. For more information about this method of fighting, click here.

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Real-Contact Stick Fighting

Made popular by the Dog Brothers, this advanced method of fighting involves the use of live sticks and much less protection than the WEKAF method. Often fighters use thin fencing masks to protect from lasting injury, street hockey gloves, elbow and knee pads.

This method also incorporates the use of groundfighting, and striking with other parts of the body. Due to the potential for injury, we reserve this method of fighting for our more advanced and highly motivated students, and is not a requirement. For more information about this method, click here.

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Other Styles Referenced throughout the Site


This system of Martial Arts has many spin-off systems, including Kajukenbo, Kempo-Gojo, American and Kosho Ryu Kempo, among others. Having both Japanese and Chinese origins, this Art is predominantly concerned with striking, though some locking and throwing is learned. For more information, click here.

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Wing Chun

A Chinese system based on close-quarters empty-hand fighting, this is one of the founding Arts for the Jun Fan Martial Arts. Much of the Trapping and many of the trapping drills used in Jeet Kune Do come directly from Wing Chun. For more information on this Art, click here.

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San Shou Kuai Jiao

San Shou is a Chinese system similar to Muay Thai, with a greater emphasis on Throwing one's opponent. The throwing aspect of this Art is very similar to that of Judo. For more information on this system, click here.

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A competitive Art, this system involves a great number and variety of throwing and sweeping methods with the purpose of throwing one's opponent to the ground so as to cause them fatigue or injury. This system also involves some limited groundfighting skills, including locking and choking methods similar to those used in Brazilian JiuJitsu. For more information, click here.

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Another Grappling-based Art, Sambo is Russian in origin, incorporating Russian Wrestling methods with Judo and Jujitsu. This system is often unorthodox and effective, known for its tenacity in strategy and diverse arsenal of techniques. For more information on this Art, click here.

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Greek in origin, proponents of Pankration claim it to be one of the oldest forms of Martial Arts, one of the activities held within the Original Olympics. This competitive system involves the use of striking and grappling, akin to shoot wrestling, with specific rules for the use of the ring or bout area. Form more information about this Art and its reintroduction to the Olympics, click here.

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