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nie ma ??
w magazynie FitnessAuthority ostatnio czytałem ze
w mleku matki jest proporcja serwatki do kazeiny 50:50
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e-lite Moderator
Szacuny 3625 Napisanych postów 36550 Wiek 42 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 260959
co do mleka i sloganu 'pij mleko bedziesz wielki'

ma to swoje przelozenie Marku albowiem u dzieci ktorym podaje sie mleko mozna zauwazyc wyzszy poziom IGF-1 anizeli tym ktorym sie nie podaje.

High intakes of skimmed milk, but not meat, increase serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in eight-year-old boys.

Hoppe C, Molgaard C, Juul A, Michaelsen KF.

1Department of Human Nutrition and Centre for Advanced Food Studies, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

OBJECTIVE:: To examine whether a high protein intake (PI) from either milk or meat, at a level often seen in late infancy, could increase s-IGF-I and s-IGF-I/s-IGFBP-3 in healthy, prepubertal children. IGF-I levels are positively associated with growth velocity in children and some studies suggest that a high animal PI can stimulate growth. During protein deprivation IGF-I decrease, but it is unknown whether a high PI can increase s-IGF-I in well-nourished children. DESIGN:: In all, 24 8-y-old boys were asked to take either 1.5 l of skimmed milk (n=12) or the same amount of protein as 250 g low fat meat (n=12) daily for 7 days. The remaining diet they could choose freely. At baseline and after 7 days, anthropometrical variables were measured, diet was registered (3-day weighed records), and s-IGF-I and s-IGFBP-3 (RIA) were determined after fast. RESULTS:: PI increased by 61% in the milk group to 4.0 g/kg/day (P<0.0001) and by 54% in the meat group to 3.8 g/kg/day (P=0.001). The high milk intake increased s-IGF-I by 19% (P=0.001) and s-IGF-I/s-IGFBP-3 by 13% (P<0.0001). There were no increases in the meat group. CONCLUSIONS:: High intake of milk and not meat, increased concentrations of s-IGF-I and s-IGF-I/s-IGFBP-3 significantly. Compounds in milk and not a high PI as such seem to stimulate IGF-I. This might explain the positive effect of milk intake on growth seen in some studies.

Zmieniony przez - e-lite w dniu 2007-03-20 20:42:48
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