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Witam panowie!!
Za dwa tygodnie wyjezdzam do Tajlandii, czy ktos sie orientuje jak tam jest z zakupem i wywozem towaru z kraju. Wiem , ze za narkotyki grozi kara smierci lub dozywocia. NIe chcialbym spedzic reszty zycia z dwudziestoma zoltkami w jednej celi za pare ampulek tescia lub deki!
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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The Thailand Trilogy
Part III: Steroid Vacation
by Chris Shugart

Viking Heaven

"Viking Heaven?" I asked. "Is that another name for Thailand?" The country in known by many monikers — Siam, The Land of Smiles, The Fifth Tiger — just to name a few. We were sitting at a "bar beer" as the Thais call them, escaping the heat and playing games with the bar girls.

"Nah," Chuck says, "that's just what I call it. You see, the Vikings thought that when you died you went to heaven. In their version of heaven, you did bloody battle all day long and could continue to fight no matter how badly you were wounded. In the evening, your wounds would heal and you'd go to a great hall to feast and have sex all night. In the morning, it would all start over again. That was Viking Heaven." He gestures around him at the city. "And so is this."

In many ways, Thailand really is Viking Heaven, especially for a bodybuilder. Steroids are sold over the counter, there are hardcore gyms available, the cost of living is low, and you never have to sleep alone if you don't want to. It's no wonder many bodybuilders and strength athletes come to Thailand to train and do their drug cycles.

A pharmacy, an internet café and a massage parlor all on one tiny street. Really, what more do you need?

The Gear

As noted, the steroid situation in Thailand is very much like Mexico. Steroids and ancillary drugs can be purchased over the counter at a pretty cheap price. But like Mexico, you can walk into a legitimate Bangkok pharmacy and still come away with bogus drugs. Some recommend you stick only to items made in Thailand while others told me they've had very little trouble with fake gear of any kind. Likewise, steroids produced in Thailand can be very cheap with imports being on the expensive side (by Thai standards).

One of the first things you'll notice is the number of pharmacies in Thailand. This is to be expected in Mexico as the pharmacias are there to cater to Americans close to the border, but why so many drug stores in Thailand? The answer is that most Thais can't afford to go to a doctor. Instead they may go to a pharmacy, describe what's wrong to the pharmacist and simply buy the drugs they need, no doctor visit needed. Of course, the pharmacies are there to service the tourists as well.

Most Thai pharmacies are tiny. This one only had enough room for two or three customers at a time.

Like Mexico, prices are usually a bit higher in the touristy areas like Patpong, and the larger chains (Watson's and Siam Drug) will have less to choose from. Your best bet is to find the small, independently run pharmacies away from the hustle and bustle of the farang (foreigner) hangouts.

D-bol runs around $65 for 1000 tablets. A generic version called Melic will run you much less if you can find it. Viagra (100 mg) runs about $10 a tab (about the same as in the US) but an Indian generic called Silagra reportedly runs only 30 cents a tab! We asked for this in two places, but both were out.

Clenbuterol is not locally produced, so it can be expensive (not that many people in the tropics want a thermogenic anyway.) T3 is produced locally by Glaxo-Wellcome and is pretty cheap. Clomid is also dirt cheap while arimidex can be pricey. There's lots of "T" available, mostly Schering 250-mg amps. Sustanon is also easily obtained. Deca is available in 50-mg amps, but the 100's are generally from Karachi, Pakistan. Opinions are mixed as whether these are legit or not. Organon deca is $4.80 an amp if you buy at least three amps.

Anabol was once reported in T-mag as being fake, but locals tell me it's real and quite good, being made by British Dispensary, the same folks who make D-bol. The cheap local version is known as Androlic and comes in a green bottle. A generic stanozolol from India known as Menabol is easily found. I'm told that HGH is not to be found anywhere for any price. Syringes and needles are OTC (over the counter).

Zmieniony przez - e-lite w dniu 2007-06-02 18:00:23
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Też ruszam w tym samym okresie...chciałem się zaopatrzyć, ale mam ten problem że lecę przez Singapur, a oni są grubo po******leni, w Tajlandii to jest ******lenie że więzienie/śmierć za dragi, najgorsze co może spotkać turystę to konieczność dania łapówy. Singapur to już nie przelewki Zobaczy się na miejscu, jak koszty będą śmieszne zrobię paczuszkę
Do tego co wkleiłeś e-lite jeszcze cetabon powinien być dostępny...

Zmieniony przez - Scorpio93 w dniu 2007-06-02 18:40:43
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