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Testy na sterydy w stanie Nevada

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Napisał(a) Temat przeniesiony przez KAIN z działu MixedMartialArt.
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Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
Dr. Flip Homansky of the Nevada State Athletic Commission recently gave an interview on probably the most important issue in mixed martial arts these days - steroid use. Dr. Homansky candidly explained the procedures the Nevada Commission will use to test the combatants in every MMA event held in Nevada. Homansky, along with the rest of the Commission - and with much-needed moral support from promoter John Lewis of the World Fighting Alliance - is beginning intense steroid testing for all MMA fighters in Nevada. It may be shocking, but it’s true.

Q: We’ve heard that Nevada State Athletic Commission will soon begin systematic steroid testing for mixed martial arts. Is that true?
A: Yes. To give you some background, for years we've intermittently spot-checked boxers. Starting last November, we spot-checked mixed martial artists for steroids. Our policy is that on January 1st, 2003, we will start penalizing those who test positive for steroids. There will be suspensions and fines and we will check everyone in selected mixed martial arts shows. Right now, we are just doing the champions and spot-checking people at random.

Q: Is there a specific type of steroids that you are testing for?
A: Any anabolic steroids.

Q: When a fighter does test positive, how long will they be banned for?
A: Well, that will depend. It will be up to the Commission. It varies in certain situations right now. Somebody comes up positive with marijuana, sometimes it's three months. If they do it again it might be six months. But if somebody comes up with cocaine, it could be anywhere from six months to a year - the same with other amphetamines. So it will up to the Commission on what to do about anabolic steroids.

Q: What is the reasoning behind starting the testing on January 1, 2003?
A: Why not right now? We were going to start doing it on June 1st of this year and one of the reasons why we didn't was because it was very hard to get the information out to the fighters. We tried going through some of the different promoters, but it didn't work as well as it should have. Some of the promoters promised to get the information out and they didn't. The main reason is that some forms of steroids can last in your system for six months. So what we finally decided was to get all of the information out so nobody can say they didn't know it was coming. Plus, we have given them enough time so that no one can say to us, 'Well, I knew about this and I stopped using those steroids for this fight, but they're left in my system from a long time ago.' We don't want a lot of hearings. We don't want there to be a lot of problems. We want people to not be using anabolic steroids. So the tack we're taking is trying to educate and give people plenty of time to stop. Then we'll bring a big stick out if we need to.

Q: Do you feel this steroid testing is more necessary in mixed martial arts than in boxing?
A: I just see that it is imperative that we do this. It is a different sport than boxing.

Q: What happened with Josh Barnett?
A: He tested positive for anabolic steroid use after his UFC victory over Randy Couture.

Q: What happened then?
A: There have been two continuances on the hearings for Josh and he is now set to go before the Commission on July 26. There will be a conclusion at that time for sure.

Q: Will you be testing for steroids before or after the events?
A: Well, it really doesn't matter on something like that, because you're not going to get the results back by the time of the fight. So we test right after the fight. That way it precludes anybody from doing anything between the testing and the fight. Right after the fight, and before the press conference, they're taken back by one of the inspectors and that's when they urinate. John Lewis brought this new testing scheme to my attention.

Q: How much of role is John Lewis playing in the testing process?
A: John has been very supportive. He wants to get this information out to the fighters. He knows what's coming and he wants his cards to be clean. We are glad to have John helping us. I'll give you an example from the sport of weightlifting. In powerlifting and bodybuilding, you have two different competitions - clean and dirty. It is well known but it is wrong. In the State of Nevada, the competitions will be clean. If some fighters want to continue to do steroids, they won't be doing it in Nevada.

Q: How much will the fines be?
A: I can tell you that we have fined boxers. Depending on their purses, the fine can be anywhere from $500 to $250,000 - so it's variable.

Q: This will become effective on January 1, 2003?
A: It's illegal right now. Don't get me wrong. We're testing right now. It's illegal and we don't want anyone to do it. Rick Roufus, for example, tested steroid-positive after the last K-1 and he had to come before the Commission. He knows he cannot fight again anywhere in the world until his urine is clean and tested by us and he gets counseling. Another thing I want to get out is about Pride FC. In order to get their Nevada license, they had to agree to uphold any drug suspensions from the State of Nevada. So if someone is suspended by Nevada, Pride can't use them in Japan. We're serious about this. I think some of these mixed martial artists got the idea that they don't need to fight in Nevada and can use steroids and fight elsewhere. That is not correct. If the UFC has a fight in New Jersey or England, or if Pride has a fight in Japan, they will not use a fighter who is under suspension in Nevada. Once people start thinking about this, they'll have to decide to be clean in Nevada mixed martial arts events or look for another line of work.

Q: What other states do you think will follow your lead?
A: They all will. What’s right is right. Everybody in the U.S. will soon be testing for steroids.

Hehe teraz sie beda musieli chłopaki "czyścic" i przez to jeszcze bardziej marnować zdrowie...ehh błędne koło. A i tak wiadomo ze koksów z NHB ne wyplenią tak jak i z innych zawodowych sportów

"Give me what I want and I will go away"
Ekspert SFD
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Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
No i teraz wyjdzie na jaw kto koksuje.

Moderator działu Sztuki Walki i Gry Komputerowe
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Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
Oficjalnie to nie wyjdzie-przynajmnej u tych najlepszych -beda sie po prostu "czyścić" przed walkami i tyle.

Walka z koksem to walka z wiatrakami. Środki i metody pozwalajace sie wyczyścic są zawsze o krok do przodu przed możliwościami wykrycia.

Wpadać raczej bedą mniejsi ranga zawodnicy itd.
Przynajmniej takie jest moje zdanie

Ale za to beda fajne paranoje jak z testow wyjdzie M Coleman z kolegą Randelmanem prasa zrobi im foty (prawie jak kulturystom heeh) a za kilka dni bedzie info--SA CZYSCI parodia heheheh

"Give me what I want and I will go away"

Zmieniony przez - KAIN w dniu 2002-07-25 10:10:27
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
Przecierz Coleman jest czysty

Moderator działu Sztuki Walki i Gry Komputerowe
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 1 Napisanych postów 273 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5843
Testy antydopingowe maja sens wowczas kiedy sa to tzw testy-niespodziewanki
Przed zawodami kazdy moze sie "wyczyscic" jednak jesli zawodnicy nie znaliby ani dnia ani godziny testu to co innego...

"Grzeczni chlopcy ida do nieba. Niegrzeczni ida tam, gdzie chca..."

"Grzeczni chłopcy ida do nieba. Niegrzeczni idą tam, gdzie chcą..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 21 Napisanych postów 4247 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 28873
Watpie zeby ucieli skrzydla swoim najlepszym orlom.

Moderator działu Sztuki Walki i Gry Komputerowe
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Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745

PRzeciez oni nic nie biorą-ryż kurczaki i banany mogą zdziałać cuda

"The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim."
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Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51595 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Czy to plus czy to minus?

Josh Barnett = +
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
Chyba mu zabronili startów na pół roku-Barnetowi

"The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim."
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Szacuny 143 Napisanych postów 4627 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 30336
Oszukać testy to zazwyczaj banał.

Son Gochan Moderator działów doping i sztuki walki

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Aleister Crowley

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