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Szacuny 49 Napisanych postów 5025 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 44471
no ale nadal nie otrzymałem konkretnej odp

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Szacuny 53 Napisanych postów 5239 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 75867

If your goal is to be able to do a lot of work over a sustained period of time with minimal rest then this is the exercise protocol for you. It is incredibly popular with combat athletes and something wrestlers/grapplers as well as MMA competitors use regularly, but it also has amazing potential for use with bodybuilders, Olympic lifters and other weights or physique interested trainees.

For those not familiar with the Tabata protocol, here it is:
1) warm up
2) 20 seconds work
3) 10 seconds rest
4) repeat 7 more times

You chose the movement and how many rounds you want to do but eight is the common number seen. You may want to start off with less: it's a full, hard workout in a few minutes. It doesn't sound incredibly difficult, after all it’s short and for a third of the time you are just stood there, but let me say it is some of the toughest workouts I know.

The History of Tabata
This method of conditioning was invented by Dr. Izumi Tabata and his team at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo. The team was looking at different exercise protocols and their effect on the energy production systems of athletes with the aim of finding ways to increase both anaerobic and aerobic conditioning. They tested a number of very intense protocols but found that the one called 1E1 tested both systems, this is the 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off method we see today.

Why use Tabata?
The Tabata method is incredibly good for conditioning and this is great for most athletes but what if you are not interested in the physiological conditioning but rather about conditioning and how it relates to body fat levels and muscularity?

a) Reduced body fat levels: Although Tabata has been used for energy system work it was quickly found that it is a hugely effective way to strip fat from the body. The training is itself brief, but the knock on effects are increased calorie utilization through the day and more importantly, an increased rate of fat burning in the hours after training. While low intensity long duration work has you burning fat on the bike for say 45 minutes, Tabata causes you to increase the rate for fat burning for many hours after.

b) Ability to train: If Tabata teaches the mind and body one thing, it is the ability to increase intensity and maintain a lot of hard work; this is incredibly useful to the bodybuilder. In my experience once a trainee has been exposed to Tabata they raise their game elsewhere in the weights room. Think you're working hard on that final set of squats? Do a Tabata session and then think again. Apart from the psychological aspects there are of course the physiological ones, anaerobic conditioning can be very useful when lifting especially on higher volume plans.

c) Time pressure: Plans are all very good but they have to be able to fit into our hectic schedules. Tabata at anywhere between 3-7 minutes is just such a plan.

Doing Tabata
Doing Tabata could not be simpler. As above you choose an exercise and perform as many reps (or as much work) as possible for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. You then repeat this cycle for a predetermined number of times. That's where the easy bit ends.

I have said it before but Tabata is very demanding, these protocols were first used to increase the performance of Olympic medal winning speed skaters – not exactly slouches themselves. The trainee has to make a deal with themselves that they are going to stick to the predetermined schedule i.e. work for 20 seconds and not take any more than 10 seconds rest. Anything else is not Tabata and very probably won't work anywhere near as effectively.

When using a weights movement such as dumbbell thrusters you should not put the weight down and walk away from them but either hold on to them or put them on an elevated surface in front of you. Similarly bars should not be racked unless it becomes necessary, which it may well do!

When training using Tabata, it is a good idea to have someone with you to spot and also to help with timing and counting of cycles. Tabata interval timers are commercially available and with a quick search you can easily find free timers as well, some even featuring some inspirational music. If you are not able to get these then make sure you are facing a large clock as you train.

Tabata is a good example of where more is not necessarily better. If you are able to do 15 rounds then you are not working hard enough. Also you should not consider doing this more than once every week at the most, ideally staying around once every two weeks.

Exercise choice
You can use most common forms of aerobic work to train in a Tabata style, indeed the experiments were carried out on stationary cycles, but in the weights community common choices of movement seen include:

Back squat - a good choice
Front squat - again a good choice but usually harder on the lower back and lungs
Dumbbell thrusters - probably the best choice for those utilizing resistance
Deadlifts - a good choice but form is an issue here as is back fatigue
Sumo deadlift high-pulls - again a great choice but those with shoulder issues may want to avoid these
Stationary bike - a great 'gym friendly' choice and an easy method to start with
Rowing (on the ergo) - huge full body impact
Sprints - great for speed and leg development
Cleans and jerks - I can't recommend these as form is hugely important, after rounds 3 and 4 your form will have gone to pot
The potential problems with Tabata
There are a few issues with Tabata that should be addressed by anyone interested in taking the challenge:

1) You have to be in good condition already before performing this type of exercise. Remember who and why this protocol was devised. If your health and fitness levels are an issue, then work on other forms of conditioning for a while.

2) Movement choice: Triceps kickbacks are not a valid choice here, the movement should be a large compound exercise (i.e. not bench press) but there is also another problem...

3) Ego: You are just not going to able use that much weight, you have to be really careful with loads here – a few percent too optimistic and you aren't getting through round four.

Will this put a training stress on the muscle though? YES! Remember training stress is both recruitment of the higher threshold motor units but putting a load of stress through them and also fatiguing motor units, fast repetitions will do this. It also causes a huge systemic reaction due to the sheer difficulty of the task.

You will also frighten the other people in your gym.

A word of warning though, it is an advanced technique and not for everyone, though it is used regularly by some it is regular but not often! Once every three weeks is enough for most and think long and hard about loads used and form when doing them.

NSCA, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 2nd Ed
Metabolic profile of high intensity intermittent exercises. Tabata et al Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (1997) 29, 390-395

Zmieniony przez - Mateo 1983 w dniu 2007-12-28 18:51:38

"Wszystkie rzeczy są trujące i nic nie jest bez trucizny,
Jedzenie i picie ponad miarę jest również trujące." - Paracelsus

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 49 Napisanych postów 5025 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 44471
Dziękuje za lekturę ale wiem co to TABATA

pytam tylko czy to coś da?
Mam diete na masę, więc o redukcji nie ma mowy, ale czy po treningu siłowym takie 4min obciążenie organizmu coś da? czy to jest bez sensu?

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"Jak nie wiesz to się dowiedz, wpierw pomyśl potem powiedz..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 53 Napisanych postów 5239 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 75867
King a jaki jest obecny cel?

"Wszystkie rzeczy są trujące i nic nie jest bez trucizny,
Jedzenie i picie ponad miarę jest również trujące." - Paracelsus

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 49 Napisanych postów 5025 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 44471
Miałem Cykl na Mono, teraz przerwa i startuje za 3 tyg S+S

Masa cały czas, ok 3800 kcal przy wadze 83 kg
zauważyłem lekko że mnei zalewa na brzuszku, więc obciąłem lekko WW, dodałem tłuszczy i wprowadziłem ta tabate.

Nie mam siły na nic innego, więc 30 min aerobów odpada...

Za redukcję biorę się w marcu

wtedy Dieta+HIIT i suple

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"Jak nie wiesz to się dowiedz, wpierw pomyśl potem powiedz..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 53 Napisanych postów 5239 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 75867
King jeśli Cię podlewa zmniejsz trochę kalorykę lub/i zwiększ aktywnośc
nie sądzę żeby 4 minty tabaty sprawiły cuda

"Wszystkie rzeczy są trujące i nic nie jest bez trucizny,
Jedzenie i picie ponad miarę jest również trujące." - Paracelsus

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 49 Napisanych postów 5025 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 44471
wydaje mi się że to wina WW

no Tabata może cudów nie zdziała, dorzucę w dzień wolny od treningów trening na worku i walkę z cieniem

Myślę że to winno wystarczyć, no i lekko dietkę zmodyfikuję

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"Jak nie wiesz to się dowiedz, wpierw pomyśl potem powiedz..."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 53 Napisanych postów 5239 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 18 lat Przeczytanych tematów 75867
Dobrze że obserwujesz i wyciągasz wnioski

"Wszystkie rzeczy są trujące i nic nie jest bez trucizny,
Jedzenie i picie ponad miarę jest również trujące." - Paracelsus

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 8 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 121
hmm aeroby. najlepiej robić je rano,zaraz po przebudzeniu.W tym okresie ,po śnie,zapasy glikogenu są na wyczerpaniu,dlatego też organizm szybciej zacznie sięgać po energię z tłuszczu.Jednakże trening o takiej porze nie zawsze jest możliwy czy wogodny ,
więc mozna go oddzielic od treningu siłowego lub łączyc z treningiem mniejszych grup mięśni ,np.ramion czy brzucha. Jednak dla wielu ludzi,którzy muszą iść do pracy czy do szkoły byłoby to trudne do wykonania.Jeśli musisz łączyć trening siłowy z aerobowym,najpierw trenuj siłowo,gdyż ćwiczenia aerobowemogą pozbawić cię siły i wytrzymałości potrzebnej do ćwiczeń z obciążeniem.


Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 49 Napisanych postów 5025 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 44471
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dużo się zmieniło od ostatniego czasu, ale dobrze że się udzielasz

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