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Progesteron - zmniejsza siłe działania SAA ?

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Podalem Ci wyzej opowiedz, ALE obnizony poziom DHT przez finasteryd o mniej wiecej 70%, nie koniecznie musi zalatwic sprawe z tradzikiem, to jedna z opcji, dowiesz sie tylko wlasciwej drogi poprzez praktyke.

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lekarze podają na HRT DHEA i pregnenolonu, więc podawanie ich na długich (16+) cyklahc może być ok

Pregnenolone can be converted to progesterone. The critical enzyme step is two-fold using a 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and a delta 4-5 isomerase. The latter transfers the double bond from C5 to C4 on the A ring. Progesterone is the entry into the delta-4-pathway, resulting in production of 17-hydroxy progesterone and androstenedione, precursor to testosterone and estrone. Aldosterone and corticosteroids are also derived from progesterone or its derivatives.

DHEA can be understood as a prohormone for the sex steroids. DHEA may be viewed as buffer and reservoir. Its production in the brain suggests that it also has a role as a neurosteroid. As most DHEA is produced by the zona reticularis of the adrenal, it is argued that there is a role in the immune and stress response.
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