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AAKG - Badania

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Znalazłem takie badanie dotyczące wpływu AAKG na wzrost masy:

Pharmacokinetics, safety, and effects on exercise performance of l-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate in trained adult men.
Bill Campbell , Mike Roberts , Chad Kerksick , Colin Wilborn , Brandon Marcello , Lem Taylor , Erika Nassar , Brian Leutholtz , Rodney Bowden , Chris Rasmussen , Mike Greenwood , Richard Kreider

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy of l-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) in trained adult men. METHODS: Subjects parti****ted in two studies that employed a randomized, double-blind, controlled design. In study 1, 10 healthy men (30-50 y old) fasted for 8 h and then ingested 4 g of time-released or non-timed-released AAKG. Blood samples were taken for 8 h after AAKG ingestion to assess the pharmacokinetic profile of l-arginine. After 1 wk the alternative supplement was ingested. In study 2, which was placebo controlled, 35 resistance-trained adult men (30-50 y old) were randomly assigned to ingest 4 g of AAKG (three times a day, i.e., 12 g daily, n = 20) or placebo (n = 15). Parti****nts performed 4 d of periodized resistance training per week for 8 wk. At 0, 4, and 8 wk of supplementation the following tests were performed: clinical blood markers, one repetition maximum bench press, isokinetic quadriceps muscle endurance, anaerobic power, aerobic capacity, total body water, body composition, and psychometric parameters tests. Data were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance. RESULTS: In study 1, significant differences were observed in plasma arginine levels in subjects taking non-timed-release and timed-release AAKG. In study 2, significant differences were observed in the AAKG group (P < 0.05) for 1RM bench press, Wingate peak power, blood glucose, and plasma arginine. No significant differences were observed between groups in body composition, total body water, isokinetic quadriceps muscle endurance, or aerobic capacity. CONCLUSION: AAKG supplementation appeared to be safe and well tolerated, and positively influenced 1RM bench press and Wingate peak power performance. AAKG did not influence body composition or aerobic capacity.

Nie jestem biegły z angielskiego, ale to zdanie zrozumiałem
"AAKG did not influence body composition or aerobic capacity."

Czy są inne badania potwierdzające wpływ AAKG na wzrost masy mięśniwej
Ekspert SFD
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 3 Napisanych postów 793 Wiek 33 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 34176
nie znam sie za bardzo na angielskim , wiec czy z tego badania wychodzi ze aakg nie ma zadnego wplywu na mase miesniowa ?
Zgłoś naruszenie
faftaq Dietetyk-SFD
Szacuny 1419 Napisanych postów 35562 Wiek 41 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 150829
Są, jak poszukam i będę miec czas to wkleję. Jak juz to w przyszlym tygodniu.

Jak interesuja Cie badania, generalnie na temat supli, to niedawno wrzucalem na temat BCAA, HMB i przedwczoraj - Tribulusa.

AAKG raczej nie ma istotnego wplywu na mase miesniową, ale warto poprzegladac badania przeprowadzone na sportowacach.
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