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dieta kulturysty przed zawodami ??

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Witam mam pytanie jaką diete kulturysci stosują przed startem na zawody ??
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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wiem ze ograniczają spozycie soli, pija jak najmnjiej wody, i jedza duzo ziemniakow (widzialem w tv)
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tak napewno jedzo 10kg ziemniakó dziennie i pija 5litrów miodu
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Fajny tekst znalazłem tle, że po angielsku

For this example, lets' assume the competition is on a Saturday. You should be drinking water every hour of the day. You will see how important water is later in the week.

On Monday, you should consume at least six to eight meals. The meals should be slightly higher in carbohydrates (no carbs after approx. 2:00pm). Protein intake should be moderate and you should be consuming vegetables high in fiber. For example, anything green and leafy is preferred. Sodium intake should be moderate. Sparingly using food flavorings and seasonings such as ketchup, hot sauce, barbecue sauce, etc.

On Tuesday, the diet should be exactly as Monday was. On Wednesday, the only change is in carb intake. It should be decreased to almost half of normal levels. Keep consumption of vegetables extremely high. Keep water intake extremely high.

Frequent visits to the restroom as a result if high body water is perfectly normal.

On Thursday, the diet should be exactly as Monday was with one exception: bring sodium intake down slightly lower (in half) than the previous days. Continue the high water, vegetables, low carb, low sodium intake. On Friday, eliminate sodium completely. Gradually bring carbohydrates back to normal levels, similar to Monday and Tuesday's levels.

Water is still high until midday Friday. After midday (about 3:00), cut water intake to half of normal consumption. This is where that high water intake I've been talking about comes into play. By drinking enormous amounts of water and eliminating sodium, you're basically manipulating or training your body to drop (by urinating) water, even when it is cut in half. Protein consumption should be slightly lower than normal. It may even need to be less than or equal to total carb intake.

Important: No meal should be just carbohydrates alone. Keep the diet as close to normal as possible or the body may have a negative reaction (i.e. bloating). At approximately 7:30pm Friday evening, cut water out of your diet completely. Do not drink anymore!

On Saturday, you should be losing body water. The body should be extremely vascular and the midsection should come in ripped. "Sip" water the day of the show as needed. For some people, this dieting technique will work and for some it may not. It is important to monitor (hourly) your condition throughout the dieting process.

An alternative to carb loading is fat loading. This method is basically the same as Friday except you would keep carbs low and add small servings of fat to the diet. This fat usually comes in the form of peanut butter or some type of nuts such as almonds.

It should be used approximately every 2 to 3 hours by the teaspoon or tablespoon, depending on what you feel is necessary. For some body types, the fat loading method is a much better alternative.

You might have heard of bodybuilders who eat pizza a day before, or even on the day of the show. This is true and it works for some. The end result is a tight, vascular body. The trick to this method is to drink very little with the pizza or whatever it is you're loading with.

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