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MLKV, you wrote that it's a polish forum and it should be polish language that is used here. And that you don't understand why I write in English to polish people. Then you add that in 95% of Poland people know english quite well.

My answer is so where is the problem? If 95% of people in Poland know english than I don't know what is your problem? My question to you is if you meet some foreigner in Poland and who would talk to you in English you will reply to him in polish or you will be demanding him to speak to in Polish as he is in Poland.- GREAT ATTITUDE Quite nationalistic.

Then Jodan you quoted me about aquiating with the JKD subject and add that I and Stefan should do it also...

My question to you is, how many times did you train JKD in your life? From which sources?
I quess that your critic that Stefan should get aquaited with the subjcet is little bit- IDIOTIC!!!as he knows JKD better than anyone on this forum and even anyone in Poland and it's for sure- in my opinnion. If you have different opinnion Jodan, I am waiting for some examples

Then you said that you are criticizing me and Stefan as it's seem to be very strange when comparing to what you know about martial arts. And that my statements aren't proved becouse I can prove them only by competing in prestige tournaments...
Jodan, do you competer in HIGH PRESTIGE TOURNAMENTS?
I have specify approach toward tournaments and in my opinnion sparring without a refferee is better

My question to you is why don't share with us your knowledge about martial arts JKD to be precise and from whom did you learn it. Becouse all you do is sensless critic and by that you are proving nothing, only the fact that you don't know much or that you are just another JANTELAGEN

You said that the top of the absurd to you Jodan is that JFJKD training can give you abilities of fighting in "stand-up" that you won't get out if Muay thai and becouse of which in UFC fight Muay thai world champion Orlando Weit lost with grappler.

I answered to your question that was why Muay that champion might lost with the grappler. My answer was that He might lost becouse of the stance and footwork that is in Muat thai, you know how Bruce defined Muay that fighters? J.Sullivans Do you know who it was? I quess that you do becouse you assured us here on forum about your broad knwoledge about martial arts, that's why you are you are crtiticizing us

You are explaining that the reason why you are mocking the JFJKD is that I don't compete in the torunaments and that my only proves that supports me are some myths of the actor of action movies.

By that statement you proved that you don't much about JKD

MLKV one more thing to you, you said that I and Stefan can as you said "adore" each other by private contact. I quess that by that statement you prove that you are GREAT EXAMPLE OF "JANTELAGEN"

But know my question to MLKV, Jodan Soul Reaver who said that JFJKD point of view is archaic and stucked in the 70s.

What can do you have to say about the comparison that I have made on page 32 ?

Jodan, SoulReaver, Why don't you want to speak about JKD but instead you are babbling, woeing that : " Michal you aren't competing in tournaments". And that Bruce lee's words, facts from his life the knwoledge that Stefan has isn't even words of Ted Wong Bruce Lee's last private student that I am sharing with you aren't in your opinnion enough to prove anything about JFJKD approach, but competing in tournaments does All I can say is that.... Jodan You are funny man

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michał - Nie dotarło widzę Moje przesłanie. W sumie nic dziwnego.

Przypominasz buraków którzy na poznali kilka słówek i "szpanują" w rozmowach z rodziną. Żałosne, podobnie jak twoja gramatyka w języku angielskim.

FOD, myślę że na stronie 44 miałeś dobry pomysł. Od dawna jeden użytkownik nie narobił w dziale takiego syfu.

"Real niggers do what they wanna do, bitch niggers do what they can do"

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 2 Napisanych postów 931 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 3377
MLKV, is that all you have got to say? Instead of insulting me, answer my question about JKD or elaborate the comparison post. Becouse your answers are telling me that you are a REDNECK not me. As the lack of arguments make you to insult me becouse you don't know what to say and instead of taking up the discussion about JKD you are bullshitting.

You complaint about my grammar in English, I am sure that you are better in that You also said that I didn't understand what you had said. I understood you perfectly, but your reply that deviates from the JKD subject proves me that you didn't catch up about what I am saying at all.

That's why I am asking you to answer on my questions, arguments that I had stated on page 32 .
Soul Reaver you can answer the same question if you like If not then you may answer the following question: If you think that JKD is archaic becouse it is from 70s, then what is adding a techniques from such ancient martial arts as Eskrima, Silat like concepts people do is it modernizing? Jodan, please answer my questions you complaint that I had skipped your question with silence, can you answer on my last questions to you? please tell us what do you have got to say about the compariosn from page 32?

Here is a polish translation for you as you seem not to understand me:

MLKV, to wszystko co masz do powiedzenia? Zamiast mnie obrazac, odpowiedz na moje pytania dotyczace JKD, ale wypowiedz sie na temat postu porownawcyego. Poniewaz Twoje wypowiedzi mowie mi tylko tyle ze to Ty jestes burakiem a nie jaBrak argumentow sprawia ze musisz mnie obrazac, poniewaz nie wiesz co powiedziec. Dlatego zamiast podjac dyskusje o JKD pierd****isz glupoty.

Narzekales na moja gramatyke w angielskim, jestem pewien ze Ty umiesz ja lepiej. Powiedziales rowniez ze nie zrozumialem co napisales. Zrozumialem Cie dokladnie, ale Twoja odpowiedz ktora odbiega od tematu wskazuje na to ze to Ty nie zalapales wogole o czym mowie.

Dlatego prosze Cie abys odpowiedzial na moje pytania, argumenty ktore postawilem na stronie 32.

Soul Reaver mozesz odpowiedzie na to samo pytanie, jesli nie to chociarz na nastepujace, jesli myslisz ze JKD jest archaiczne bo pochodzi z lat 70 to powiedz czym jest to co robia ludzie z JKD koncepcji czyli dodawanie technik ze starozytnych sztuk walki takich jak Kali czy Silat- unowoczesnianiem?

Jodan, prosze odpowiedz na moje pytania narzekales ze pominalem Twoje pytanie milczeniem, czy moglby odpowiedziec na moje ostatnie pytania do Ciebie w poscie powyzej? Co masz do powiedzenia na temat porownania dokonanego na stronie 32?

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All I can say is that....
wszystko co mogę powiedziec: jesteście ze swoim stefanem żałosnymi błaznami, a wasze jedyne "argumenty", na dodatek pisane kulawą angielszczyzną, to odwracanie się dupą i demonstrowanie wyższości.
szkoda mojego czasu: kenjiro ma rację, trolle do kwadratu.

Zmieniony przez - Jodan w dniu 2009-01-17 23:55:48
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