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kolejny ciekawy artykuł wklejony przez D.Palumbo na MD.

Przyda sie w tym dziale bankowo,gdzie wątroba i tematy z nią związane pojawiajasię dość często.

Muscular exercise can cause highly pathological liver function tests in healthy men

Authors: Pettersson, Jonas; Hindorf, Ulf; Persson, Paula; Bengtsson, Thomas; Malmqvist, Ulf1; Werkström, Viktoria1; Ekelund, Mats2

Source: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Volume 65, Number 2, February 2008 , pp. 253-259(7)

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing


What is already known about this subject

• The occurrence of idiosyncratic drug hepatotoxicity is a major problem in all phases of clinical drug development and the leading cause of postmarketing warnings and withdrawals.

• Physical exercise can result in transient elevations of liver function tests.

• There is no consensus in the literature on which forms of exercise may cause changes in liver function tests and to what extent.

What this study adds

• Weightlifting results in profound increases in liver function tests in healthy men used to moderate physical activity, not including weightlifting.

• Liver function tests are significantly increased for at least 7 days after weightlifting.

• It is important to impose relevant restrictions on heavy muscular exercise prior to and during clinical studies. Aim

To investigate the effect of intensive muscular exercise (weightlifting) on clinical chemistry parameters reflecting liver function in healthy men. Methods

Fifteen healthy men, used to moderate physical activity not including weightlifting, performed an 1 h long weightlifting programme. Blood was sampled for clinical chemistry parameters [aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LD), gamma-glutamyl transferase (γGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin, creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin] at repeated intervals during 7 days postexercise and at a follow-up examination 10-12 days postexercise. Results

Five out of eight studied clinical chemistry parameters (AST, ALT, LD, CK and myoglobin) increased significantly after exercise (P < 0.01) and remained increased for at least 7 days postexercise. Bilirubin, γGT and ALP remained within the normal range.


The liver function parameters, AST and ALT, were significantly increased for at least 7 days after the exercise. In addition, LD and, in particular, CK and myoglobin showed highly elevated levels. These findings highlight the importance of imposing restrictions on weightlifting prior to and during clinical studies. Intensive muscular exercise, e.g. weightlifting, should also be considered as a cause of asymptomatic elevations of liver function tests in daily clinical practice.
Keywords: clinical trials; liver function tests; physical exercise

Document Type: Research article

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2007.03001.x

Affiliations: 1: Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Lund University Hospital, Lund, and 2: AstraZeneca R&D Mölndal, Mölndal, Sweden

krótkie streszczenie dla nie znających ang:

-tachanie żelastwa samo z siebie wpływa na podniesienie wyników testów wątroby
-wyniki są wyższe na conajmniej 7 dni od treningu
-należy brać to pod uwagę podczas ewentualnych testów,badań w szpitalu,chociażby dla ludzi niebawiacych sie w SAA ,co po próbach watroby są zaskoczeni negatywnie podwyzszonymi wynikami

Wyniki badań sugerują,że należy ograniczyć podnoszenie ciężarów na chwile przed i podczas klinicznych badań (jeśli chce sie poznać "faktyczne" wyniki)

Zmieniony przez - Kacperson w dniu 2008-12-29 15:44:43
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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ponoc lepszym wyznacznikiem ewentualnych problemow z watroba jest GGT


adin, dwa, tri .... tolka spakojna

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to ja juz wiem czemu mam przekroczona kinaze fosfokreatynową trzykrotnie


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chudy stronka sie przyda na 100%. dalbym soga ale nie wchodzi.
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flex1976 Trener Personalny Moderator
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czytałem już podobny art. Wynika z tego ze przed badaniami abstynencja treningowa 7 dniowa
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