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Odszedł mistrz Toyama Seiko 10 dan!

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Dzisiaj na włoskim forum SW pojawiła się smutna wiadomość dla wszystkich karateka, szczególnie ze stylu Uechi-Ryu:

Oggi , venerdì 10 aprile alle 5 e 41 ci lascia il leggendario Toyama Seiko sensei...
Per ki volesse mandare fax di condoglianze o qualsiasi altra cosa questo è l'indirizzo

Zakimi 946
Yomitan-son, Okinawa
Japan 904-0301


Dzisiaj, w piątek 10 kwietnia o 5:41 opuścił nas legendarny sensei Toyama Seiko...
Oto adres dla tych, którzy chcieliby wysłać fax kondolencyjny lub inną wiadomość

Zakimi 946
Yomitan-son, Okinawa
Japan 904-0301


M. Toyama Seiko - wielki przykład całkowitego oddania się ukochanej sztuce! W tym roku kończył 81 lat. Patrząc na wideo z jego wykonaniem kata zawsze czułem, że ja także jestem w stanie pójść naprzód na drodze doskonalenia się. To prawdziwa strata dla karate!

Moje szczególne kondolencje dla jego wielkiego ucznia, mistrza Yukinobu Shimabukuro 9 Dan, którego miałem zaszczyt spotkać na seminarium w ub. sobotę!

RIP! [']

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-04-10 22:43:39

Najświeższe uzupełnienie: pogrzeb zaplanowano na 12 kwietnia. Mistrz zostanie pochowany w pobliżu swojego domu.

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-04-10 22:55:09
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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Przykro . Wielka strata .
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Witaj redar-san. Widzę, że dowiedziałeś się o tej stracie chyba jako jeden z pierwszych. Dzięki za umieszczenie tej informacji na forum. Szkoda, że sensei Toyama do nas już nie przyjedzie. Pozdrawiam
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Witaj, urkd! Może jutro uda mi się zamieścić jeszcze odpowiedź rodziny Toyama na list kondolencyjny. Jest po angielsku i dość długa (więc chyba nie dam rady teraz przetłumaczyć) ale to przepiękne świadectwo o życiu i śmierci sensei Seiko - kto zna angielski warto poświęcić kilka minut na jej przeczytanie.

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-04-14 23:49:34
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Niech pozostanie w naszej pamięci i spoczywa w pokoju . Osu ! [ * ] [ * ] [ * ]
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Jakiś czas temu obiecałem zamieścić list dziękczynny od rodziny Oyama Sensei. Przepraszam, że to tyle trwało, ale nie miałem czasu, bo... byłem na urlopie Obecnie wróciłem już do pracy, więc niniejszym zamieszczam list. Sorry, ale nie dam już rady zrobić tłumaczenia. Jeśli ktoś miałby wolną chwilkę (jak szef wyjdzie na papierosa ) to niech wrzuci tłumaczenie dla tych, co znają jedynie okinawski i japoński

Jeszcze jedno - tekst można znaleźć także na stronie The Uechi-ryu Journal: http://www.uechi-ryu-journal.com/in-memory-toyama-seiko-sensei/

Warto przeczytać - to był człowiek godny naśladowania! Cześć Jego pamięci!


Dear Friends, Students, and Family,

On behalf of Toyama Sensei and the Toyama Family, thank you for your
wonderful, heartfelt messages. Without exception all messages were
delivered to Mrs. Toyama and daughter Naomi, who handled this weekend's
family schedule. They were summarized at todays event for all to hear, but
will be translated in detail during the next week or so. Yours was great
and appreciated support in this time of loss.

Against all odds, Toyama Sensei battled his illness - he wrestled alone with
his enemy for 11 years, fully 8 years beyond medical predictions. He opted
to hospice at home, were he outwardly continued a normal life. He allowed
no signs of his increasing illness, no show of weakness, up until the last
moment. He was an active partici-pant in Dan testing up to late February,
and those who visited socially with him in that time saw no sign of weakness
or tiring, departing his home believing he was still strong and healthy.

He didn't simply pass away. His kata of life finished, he chose his time
and bowed out with the quiet dignity and grace worthy of the great Master he
was, in the comfort of his own home and in the bosom of his family. He
wished to express "tenju wo mattoosuru" - living fully to the natural extent
of his life. At the last, he had no regrets and was fulfilled.

The funeral was beautiful and smoothly run by Kitamura Sensei, the Buddhist
Priest who officiated at our ground-breaking ceremony when the Nagahama dojo
was built, and blessed the home and dojo after completion. His sonorous
voice and beautiful sutra are tailored for the individual, and this time he
and his apprentice gave an exceptional performance - he knew Toyama Sensei
for more than 20 years, and had the deepest respect.

The final viewing was this morning (Easter Sunday) at 08:00. Toyama Sensei
was taken to the crematory to begin the cremation process at 10:00, so there
was a break of 3 hours. At 13:00 all Toyama Family members and closest
friends and students returned to the crematory; along with the others,
Sumako and I took one of Sensei's bones and placed it in the burial urn. We
then returned to the Toyama Home for the funeral ceremonies.

Sumako and I were among the senior guests at the closed family funeral which
took place in the Zakimi Shubukan at 14:00, followed by the public funeral
at 15:00. All then walked to Sensei's tomb which is just behind his home.
Kitamura Sensei finished the ceremony and had the tomb opening closed up,
and the members of the closed funeral service lit and placed incense before
the tomb. Then all others placed their incense, and an afternoon meal was

To those who never met Toyama Sensei personally, it is a wonder and a
comfort to the family to hear your words from across the world, telling how
he impacted your lives in such positive and inspiring ways. Mrs. Toyama was
deeply moved.

To those who either performed for him or just met him briefly, you know how
his goodness and encouragement to do more and better touched us all
powerfully. Most of you who visited the Zakimi Dojo are remembered by Mrs.
Toyama and Naomi-san. They are comforted and thankful for your words, and
for sharing your heart with the Toyama Family at this time.

To those who are my students and who worked with Toyama Sensei under my
direction or tested at the Zakimi Dojo, he soul-crafted our hearts and minds
in a way no other teacher ever did or ever will. He gave instruction
specific to our individual performances and spirits - such instruction
extending to our lives as well as our karate. How we cherish those moments
of simultaneous kindness and severity! He often told that he cannot teach
his Way, he can only show and we can follow. On his last night he said
"Don't be sad - I only go ahead to prepare a place for our continued work".

For those of us who spent considerable time with him in the Zakimi Dojo, the
most eloquent and emotional descriptions fall short. Seeing and working
with him daily, feeling the power of his instruction, suddenly "seeing the
light" in a technique, laughing with his gentle humor over a cup of tea (it
was a special delight to make him laugh), listening to his stories of Kanbun
Sensei and his youth - all these made an everlasting impact on our lives.
We will feel his presence as we pass his street, see his home, or enter the
Zakimi Dojo. That he will not physically be there in his dojo waiting for
our greeting and to begin training is almost beyond imagination. Van Canna
Sensei (Foxboro Massachusetts) expressed what we all felt, even up to this
moment: "I always cherished the thought that somehow Toyama Sensei might be
immortal, infused as he was by the great Uechi spirit. And now, he surely
sits by the side of his karate father, Kanbun..."

There are far too many equally eloquent messages from around the world to
quote here. We thank you all.

Toyama Sensei was not a man who changed our lives; his impact hasn't
stopped, and he is still changing our lives. In this way, he has indeed
achieved a sort of immortality.

Finally, I apologize that this response to all your gracious and
well-written messages and cards that came so swiftly was not immediate.
Since Sensei's passing we were all occupied with preparations, in-person
meetings, carrying out Sensei's wishes regarding today's procedures, and
receiving Sensei's last guidance through the Toyama Family.

Traditionally the time of mourning is 49 days including the day of passing.
Every Thursday (or Sunday as an alternate) for the next 6 weeks Sumako and I
will visit the Toyama home to light incense and breathe a prayer of thanks
for knowing the man who impacted our lives in ways and depth beyond words.
We will be happy to offer a message to Mrs. Toyama and Family on your behalf
anytime. If you prefer, you can mail directly to the address previously
provided (care of "Naomi Toyama"), or send message via any other means or
acquaintance available to you. Also, Sensei's tomb is right next to his
home; he expressed that all are welcome to visit him anytime.

I will write some personal messages to my own students, expressing some of
Toyama Sensei's sentiments and wishes in which they figure directly. But I
wished to share a much more detailed description of the past few days with
you who sent supportive messages.

On behalf of the Toyama Family and from the depths of our hearts, Sumako and
I thank you. Please keep in touch and follow Zankai events as time goes on.

Best regards to all,

Seizan (Gordi Breyette)
And Sumako Matsuda-Breyette

Okinawa KarateDo
UechiRyu ZanKyoKai
Nagahama Shibu Dojo

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-05-04 16:28:46

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-05-04 16:30:31

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-05-04 16:31:29

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-05-04 16:39:06

Zmieniony przez - redar-san w dniu 2009-05-04 16:39:46
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"Jakiś czas temu obiecałem zamieścić list dziękczynny od rodziny Oyama Sensei."

Witam. Naturalnie chodzi o rodzinę Toyama. Pozdrawiam
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O, sorry! Literówka jak 150...! A może skutek "naczytania się" o Kyokushin w poprzednich dwóch dniach? Oczywiście, że miało być "rodziny Toyama Sensei". Dzięki urkd!
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