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Finaplix bez Finakitu jak zrobic Tren?

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Witam. Posiadam 2 Cartrige Finaplixu H. Zamowilem 4g kit z Fina kits ale jeszcze nic nie doszlo i chyba nie dojdzie. Wiem ze jest mozliwosc zrobienia samemu. Czy ktos juz robil Tren bez kitu?
Co jest potrzebne i w jakich ilosciach?
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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znalazlem takie cos, moglby ktos przetlumaczyc?
Zkad wziasc te Alkohole? Mozna je kupic w aptece? Chyba nie

FINA injectable conversion method with NO KIT...Big Daddy Chemo Style
There seems to be a surge in fina interest and a few threads on conversion kits. This thread is meant to give OPTIONS to those that are serious...
As posted in an earlier thread for response:
Homebrew Fina without the kit
To dispel the myth of having to purchase a kit for fina conversion.
Items Needed:
1. Oil of choice (cottonseed, peanut, sesame, vegetable, etc.)
2. Benzyl alcohol
- bacteriostatic agent and solvent
3. Benzyl benzoate
- cosolvent that helps to alleviate crystallization at the depot
4. 2 syringe needles
5. 1 .45 um sterile syringe filter
6. 1 syringe (30 mL or larger)
7. 1 vial (25 mL or large, preferably sterile)
8. Fina
1. Take ~50 mL of oil and heat in the microwave until hot. This is done to sterilize the oil to be used. You can use a small Pyrex dish (with cover) from Wal-mart, large shot glass, etc. Be careful when removing because it will burn. After removal immediately cover (with saran wrap, plastic lid, etc.) to maintain some degree of sterility.
2. With the oil still warm (not hot) mix 30 mL of 5% benzyl alcohol, 15-20% benzyl benzoate, and 75-80% sterile oil.
i.e. - 1.5 mL BA + 6 mL BB + 22.5 mL oil = 30 mL of BA/BB/oil
A syringe may by used to measure the amounts with great convenience.
3. Use 10 mL of this solution to soak and crush the pellets. If this is done quickly the solution may still be warm and aid in extraction. If not, gently heat may help. Simply boil a pot off water, remove the water from the heat, and swirl the fina pellets/BA/BB/oil mix around for a few minutes.
4. Allow to settle and remove the layer of oil. Don’t worry about getting ALL the oil. It is more important to keep from sucking up the sediment at the bottom. Place this oil into a sterilized container (big shot glass that has been microwaved) and cover.
5. Use an additional 10 mL of the BA/BB/sterile oil mix and repeat steps 3 & 4.
6. After adding the oil mix and extracting 2 times you may want to dump the sludge into a coffee filter and gently squeeze to remove additional fina.
7. There should be a combined ~ 20 mL of BA/BB/oil/fina in the sterilized shot glass now. Suck all this up in the syringe and measure what you have. If it is less than 20 mL add more oil (from step #1) until it is EXACTLY 20 mL. If you have 20 on the dot don’t worry about adding any more.
8. Sterile filter this 20 mL into a vented vial.
9. Get an additional 5 mL of oil (from step #1) and send it through the filter as well. This flushes the good stuff out of the filter (purging). You now have 25 mL of good stuff TOTAL in the vial.
10. While still vented, heat the vial in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. Do this a total of 3 times.
11. After it has cooled, ENJOY 76-80 mg/mL OF HOMEBREWED GOODNESS!
Some helpful hints:
It is best to be as clean as possible when making homebrew injectables. BA and the heating step at the end go a long way for sterilization but cannot stand up to a slob.
Use the BB. Homebrew injectables have a long standing history with BA alone but it is miscible with water. After injection the BA leaves the depot site which is not too bad if using a long chain ester. Fina has an acetate (2 carbons long) and tends to crystallize at the depot without a solvent or cosolvent = PAIN. The BA leaves the depot after injection but the BB hangs around to keep the fina in solution = LESS PAIN. I have prepared 200 mg/mL and the pain is less than 100 mg/mL with just BA...I can tell by the cows moo
For those familiar with kits notice that these are basically the same steps. The only difference is that you now know what “magic ingredients” are in YOUR magic solution…BA + BB (bacteriostatic agent / solvent / cosolvent).
BTW, this is best employed by those that do not prepare large quantities at a time (a cycle or two's worth). For larger quantities there are alternative methods that I will post given sufficient interest.
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Jest liderem w tym dziale Szacuny 24737 Napisanych postów 68404 Wiek 36 lat Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 538923
jest na forum opis z fotkami jak zrobic tren
wystarczy uzyc wyszukiwarki

"... Nie ważne czy dobrze, ważne że z efektem..."

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no jest ale szukam sposobu bez Finakitu. Dzieki
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Wreszcie coś ciekawego.
Ale ja laik jestem, chętnie poczytam.
coś się z tego może przydać.

Zmieniony przez - Jendrek74 w dniu 2010-01-24 23:30:10
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Niewiem zkad wziasc te Alkohole, znalazlem tutaj jeszcze cos:

I found this at the anabolicreview board and I was wondering what you opinions were on it. I know this is my first post, but I have been monitoring the boards for a couple of months. I just didn't want to post anything until I had something useful to say. Please let me know what you think. This could save us a lot of money if it works out.The author of this is MeBoach from anabolicreview.com

Disclaimer: The following is for educational purposes only. I take no responsiblity for any adverse effects.

Two cycles ago, I was recommended a method to prep the Fina tablets for injection without the kits since I was too impatient to wait for it (If I remembered who he was, I'd give him credit). I found it to be flawed but I perfected it on my own and I have come to firmly believe that the kit is bull**** and my method is both more convenient, easier to get an accurate dosage, and just plain more fun! I've never had a problem with clogging, infection, or anything else that may be associated with glues, dyes and such.

For my method you will need the following items:

-Everclear alcohol (found at any liquor store)
-Sesame Seed oil (found at some gnc's, supermarkets, health food stores, or chinese restaurants)
-One toothpick
-One Straw
-Some adhesive tape
-A spoon
-A cart of Fina
-Access to an oven and microwave
-Two shotglasses
-A box of 22-23g syringes and needles (I recommend buying syringes and needles seperately as you will soon see)
-A medium sized pot

Step 1 - Begin by using the toothpick to poke the Fina tabs from the top out the bottom. Since they are equal to 20mg per tablet, you can prepare one shot with as much fina in it as you wish. For the sake of this thread, I will use 80mg (4 fina tabs).

Step 2 - Take your straw and seal off one end by folding it and taping it closed. Seal it well so you it won't allow fina to get stuck in the creavices. Throw the tabs in the open end of the straw and fold over the other end leaving about 2.5 inches to crush the pellets between each end. Make a nice powder. The more it's crushed, the easier Step 4 will be.

Step 3 - Open up a new syringe and pull out the plunger. Pour the crushed fina pellets into the syringe from the straw and place the plunger back on. Place a needle (if it isn't already on) on the syringe and pull enough Everclear alcohol to cover the powder and no more. Don't worry--If you put too much, it will hurt when you inject but it won't ruin the shot at all. If you are using 80mg, the alcohol should come up to the first line on the syringe.

Step 4 - Put the pot filled with water on the stove and heat till it's hot but not boiling. When the water is ready, hold the syringe with the fina/everclear solution by the capped needle and stir the entire syringe in the water so it will heat up and dissolve. The mix should turn from cloudy yellow to cloudy brown.

Step 5 - put some sesame seed oil in the shotglass and microwave it for about a minute till it's very hot, to disinfect. Uncap your syringe with fina/everclear and pull 1 cc of sesame seed oil.

Step 6 - Pull another half cc or so of air just to leave space between the top and the fina. Take off the needle and place the syringe, plunger down, in the clean shotglass so it won't fall over. Put this in the microwave and nuke for about 30-60 seconds till it bubbles.

Step 7 - Now you have two choices. You can either wait for it too cool off before using a new needle and injecting or storing it and making more so you have them ready to use when it's time to inject. If you store them away, store them with a capped needle in a dark place and get rid of that extra space in the needle. When it's time to inject after storage, start from step 6 and right before you inject, flick the syringe a few times to disperse the fina around. This will make sure you inject it all and none is left in the needle or stuck to the rubber stopper on the plunger.

This is my 2nd cycle (12 weeks total EOD) using this method and I'm quite happy with how it works. Plus it makes me feel like Julia Childs! I know there will be flames but I really think the kit is overkill and people are just paranoid. Glues and dies are not to be worried over. Thank you. Comments and questions are welcome!

Z tego co on tam pisze to wystarcza jakis zwykly alkohol , moze sie ktos wypowie? Paru kolegow robilo tutaj Trenik z Finaplixu
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sluchaj masz tu na forum dokladny opis z fotkami, co jak do czego i po co

glupie pytanie z tym czy musi byc jakis skladnik do zrobienia trenu
jesli czytales cos o trenie i wiesz z czego sie go robi to widocznie musi byc

"... Nie ważne czy dobrze, ważne że z efektem..."

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ten link troche lepszy od GPZ-a
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