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Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 6 (GHRP-6)

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Doping - zdjęcia

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to odpowiedz do mnie na FB przez bardzo kumatego goscia , prowadzi tez strone wysylkowa peptydow ,moze wam pomoze moze nie ale wklejam

Barbero HI W. 100mcg is sufficient to saturate up the GHRP receptor for any person with weigth below 100 kg. More only will give you a very small increment in the release of GH (waste of money and risk of develope anti bodies). Isn´t linear above 100 mcg/100kgs. If you want to amplify the release effect, mix it with CJC 1295 w/o dac (100 mcg of GHRPs + 100mcg of CJC 1295 w/o DAC will give to you a 7X release efect than only 100 mcg og GHRPs alone).
With what frecuency? Depends on your age. If you are below 25s, the pre bed dose is NOT recommend, becouse you natural GH release still high, only the pre work dose. If you are betwen 25 and 35 years old, one pre bed and one after work dose is sufficient. If you are > 35 one pre bed, one in the morning before breakfast and one after work its ok. And remember always a minimun of 1:30 hs betwen any meal and the dose. Bye
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