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krótka dieta po angielsku

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Musze napisac dietę tygodniową po angielsku np.
poniedziałek: (i wypisuje
Wtorek (wypisuje)
I tak do niedzieli
Potrzebuję pilnie, proszę o pomoc kogoś kto na prawde dobrze zna angielski;)
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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Wszystko znalezione w internecie w 2min. Za żadne błędy nie odpowiadam, także w razie czego proszę na spokojnie przeczytać i sprawdzić.

breakfast: bread, ham, coffee with milk
II breakfast: milk jelly, honey sandwich, tea
Lunch: vegetable soup with pasta, veal, potatoes, beets, apple compote
Afternoon: jelly, biscuits
Dinner: rice with apples, tea

breakfast: sandwich with jam
II breakfast: carrot juice
Lunch: tomato soup with rice, chicken baked in parchment, potatoes,
Afternoon snack: fruit jelly
Dinner: dumplings with meat

breakfast: sandwich with fillet and tomato
II breakfast: cottage cheese sandwich, tea
Lunch: chicken soup
Afternoon snack: fruit juice
Supper: bread and honey, tea

breakfast: pasta with milk, sandwich with jam
II breakfast: bread with ham, tea
Lunch: soup with white and egg ziemiakami
Afternoon snack: cherry jelly
Dinner: Risotto, tea

breakfast: bread with jam
II breakfast: hard boiled eggs, tea
Lunch: fish fillets, potatoes, lettuce, fruit jelly
Afternoon:, fruit jelly
Dinner: white cheese sandwiches, tea

breakfast: semolina with milk
II breakfast: bread with cottage cheese, tea
Lunch: tomato soup with noodles,
Afternoon: a cocktail with syrup, yogurt and fruit, biscuits
Dinner: pudding

breakfast: sandwich with cheese, fruit juice
II breakfast: wheat bread with ham, tea
Lunch: chicken soup
Afternoon tea: biscuits with jam
Dinner: carrot with apple


breakfast- two eggs, one glass of milk,
lunch- one apple and sandwich with cham and cheese
dinner- potatos, salat and fish
supper- one cup of tea, cucumber and cabbage
breakfast- one cup of tea, youghurt and two bananas
lunch- tomatos and bun with becon
dinner- pork chop, rice, salat of lttuce and onion
supper- two carrots and doughnut
breakfast- two eggs with becon, one cup of cofee and carrot
lunch- sandwich with onion, chceese and tomato
dinner- fish, rice and salat
supper- cookies with milk
breakfast- Scrambled eggs with onion, becon and tomatos
lunch- tea and sandwich with cheese
dinner- potatos, carrot with been and ground pork
supper- chocolate and tea
breakfast- salat with tomatos, onion, cabbage, mayonnaise and apple
lunch- sandwich with cabbage, onion and cham
dinner- potatos, pork chop and cabbage
supper- pancakes with jam
breakfast- three eggs with becon and tea
lunch- cheeseburger and cofee
dinner- salat, rice and fish
supper- slice of pizza and coke
breakfast- salat with onion, cabbage, cucumber, carrots and apple
lunch- bun with chceese and apple
dinner- fish chop, rice and salat
supper- chocolate cake and milk

wersja skrócona:

Monday - cornflakes with milk, orange juice, white bread, soup.
Tuesday - cookies, tea, tomatoes, chicken with potatoes
Wednesday - brown bread, cola, potatoes, spaghetti
Thursday - soup, sparkling water, coffe, fruit
Friday - potatoes with vegetables, bread, still water
Saturday - milk, stawberry, pasta, apple juice
Sunday - soup, ham and cheese sandwiches, pizza
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