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Ortiz "wymieka" Liddella ?

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Ostatnio Liddell rzucił wyzwanie do walki o tytuł wagi lekko cięzkiej dla Ortiza.

Wczoraj w nocy Ortiz odmówił twierdząc że ma kontuzje .......
A najdziwniejsze ze Sam Tito po walce Chucka z Belfortem wygadywał hasła w stylu ze niedługo skopie dupe Liddelowi.

Szkoda bo ta walka mogła być naprawde good!

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Zmieniony przez - KAIN w dniu 2003-01-22 09:27:34
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Lidell mu na***bie!! Mnie się coś o uszy obiło że mają walczyć na UFC42, ale czy do tego dojdzie?? Fajnie by było zobaczyć jak ktoś wykańcza Ortiza (jakoś gościa nie lubie), tak jak Frank to uczynił

You are not a warrior, You are Beginner!!

Sogów nie odbijam, jak podobała Ci się moja wypowiedź, to wejdź na www.pajacyk.pl !

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A to fragmenty wywiadu z Liddellem z maxfighting:

"...I waited a long time for this," an obviously disappointed Liddell told MaxFighting. "I've been patient. He got up in the ring after I fought Vitor (Belfort) and started talking about how he was going to beat me. All of a sudden it's time to put up and he doesn't want to do it."

"I know all along he's never wanted to fight me," said "The Iceman"...

“...I just don’t understand why he won’t fight me,” he said. “He’s a fighter. He’s a champion. I’ve been the number one contender for a long time and I’ve done nothing but make my position better since I’ve been waiting. I don’t know what else he wants me to prove. I’m the number one contender for him. Why doesn’t he want to fight me? Even if he thinks I’m going to beat him, if that’s what it is, then he should still step up and fight. I’m a fighter. I’ll fight anybody. I’ll fight him anywhere, anytime...”

...Officially, Ortiz claimed injury, however according to Liddell, UFC doctors found nothing wrong with either Ortiz’s knee or wrist following an examination on Friday. In his mind, the alleged injuries just don’t add up...

My wet dream is drying up...
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Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51594 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
Taką odpowiedź Ortiza znalazłem dziś na sherdogu :

Tito had this to say tonight on the UG

Date: 23-Jan-03 12:39 AM
Member Since: 01-Jan-01
513 Total Posts

You people are getting to crazy over nothing.I get away from the computer for two days and I turn into the biggest puss in MMA. How can I train for the biggest fight of my life,If I am not 100%.It takes me three months to prepare for a fight. I wasnt 100% for the Ken fight ,had a broken foot for the Vladdy fight. I never had an excuse when I took those fights. I fought those fights for the fans.This will be the biggest fight of my life. I want to make sure that I will be at the top of my game. So for all of the one Chuck fans, he will be getting his ass kicked soon enough. Tito Ortiz UFC Champ for life!

My wet dream is drying up...
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
"So for all of the one Chuck fans, he will be getting his ass kicked soon enough" ejheeheh

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"Basketball,golf,football they take one ball ...No Holds Barred takes two "

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ja tam jestem za tito:]

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