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Dana White Video Blog

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Chętnie obejrzał bym go na żywca w Polsce.
Wiadomo co oznacza UFC ale płaczu z mojej strony nie będzie.

Miło by było jednak opuścić organizację z wygraną np. w Reematchu z Igorem.

Zmieniony przez - namjan w dniu 2011-12-28 16:05:08
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E tam, rzadko bywało że, po jednej porażce wykopywali. Co innego Jardine, 4 porażki z rzędu to jest inna rozmowa zupełnie

Wpadki zawsze mogą się zdarzyć, nawet najlepszym. Po jednym takim incydencie nie powinno się wyrzucać, każdy ma swoje gorsze/fatalne dni.
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Krzysiek ma warunki, jest niezly technicznie, ale tak jak Parowka pisze, nic ciekawego ostatnio nie prezentuje, tak jakby zarzymał sie w miejscu, wprawdzie porazka z Chorwatem zaskoczyła, zwlaszcza tak szybkie rozstrzygniecie pojedynku, ale słowa Soszynksiego o koncu kariery jakoś mnie nie zdziwily, zwlaszcza po ostatnim wywiadzie z Karyn Bryant, w ktorym wiecej mowi o swojej karierze filmowej niz fighterskiej. Mimo wszystko mam nadzieje, ze po tej walce otrzasnie sie troche i da jeszcze jakis dobry pojedynek. Co do jego wystepow na polskiej scenie to nie wydaje mi sie, zeby Krzychu skusil sie na taka opcje.

Never Too Late
"Nie w szczepionkę k***O!!!"

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Szacuny 7 Napisanych postów 9094 Wiek 39 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 37391
Wypowiedź Soszyńskiego nt. tego co powiedział po walce :

"I'm sitting down surfing the net, and I come across Dana White's video blog," said Soszynski. "I pop it on because I'm always a fan of those things, and next thing you know, there I am."

"The last thing I remember before the knockout was going into the cage, setting up across from Igor, and then shaking hands. The next thing I remember is I'm woken up in the back, fully dressed, and Joe Silva came up to me, sort of gave me a hug and told me to keep my head up."

"It's rough. But I had wondered for the last two weeks if Igor came up to me and said anything. And we did talk, so that was pretty cool."

"The knockout has nothing to do with anything. I've been dealing with a lot of injuries. Ever since UFC 110 in Austrailia with that crazy war with Stephan Bonnar, my body has not been the same. Not even close. I don't think I've ever fought close to 70 percent since that first fight with Bonnar. The retirement thing has been on my mind for a little while, only because I can't train the way I want to train because of all these injuries.

"I have to go see my doctor again this week. I have to see if I need any more surgeries, and it's just been really rough, mentally. I've trained 15 weeks for my camps, and I've pushed my body to the limit, but there's no security. It's myself, too. I started in the sport really late. I don't have those kind of skills that the top fighters do where I can make it in the top-five, top-10, and start making $50,000, $60,000 and $70,000 per fight. I'm in the lower echelon when it comes to the money the UFC gives out to the fighters, and it's tough to survive with that kind of money. I have to supplement my income. I have to work other jobs. So moving on from MMA is something that's been on my mind for the last little bit."

"I don't want to go out the way I did. I definitely want to fight one more time. But it's not up to me; it's up to my body. If my body lets me, I'll be in that octagon once again, smiling across the octagon from my opponent, shaking hands and going to war. But until I talk to my doctor and get checked out, I won't know what's going on."

"I have to weigh all the options and see what the right option is for me. I've always said that I am a better coach than a fighter, and if this opportunity comes my way with the UFC gym in Torrance, it could be a great opportunity for me to pass on the knowledge that I have to some of my new students."

z mixedmartialarts.com
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UFC on FOX 2 (Chicago) part. 2

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chael rozkvrwia system

Business as usual

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Never Too Late
"Nie w szczepionkę k***O!!!"

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