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omega 3

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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 431 Napisanych postów 56364 Wiek 37 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 184874
Śmieszne to trochę. JEm nie odczuwam zwiększonego apetytu. Poza tym prozdrowotne działanie tcyh kwasów tł należy stawiać nad domysłami mamy. Wybacz ale są śmieszne.

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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 149 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15599
ja po omedze nie czulem nic takiego, zadnego wiekszego glodu. caly czas chodze moze nie najedzony, ale nigdy nie jestem glodny ani nigdy nie jestem nazarty, tak bym to okreslil.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 431 Napisanych postów 56364 Wiek 37 lat Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 184874
TO tka cąłkiem na szybko 2 min szukania:
"Diet and exercise are the keys to effective weight loss, but sometimes it's hard to stick to your diet - especially when you've avoided your favorite foods for so long. Fortunately, there are healthy ways to stick to your weight loss regimen. New studies by the University College Cork and University of Navarra, Iceland shows that taking Omega 3 supplements can help you lose weight by curbing your appetite and making you feel full for longer periods of time. This is great news for dieters, especially when you consider that Omega 3 essential fatty acids also bring a host of health benefits.

Omega 3 for good health

Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA) is a nutrient many of us are deficient in. A number of studies have shown that Omega 3 EFA is the key to cardiovascular health, improved cognitive abilities, decreased risk for depression and dementia, and improved memory. Omega 3 EFAs also have anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe sports-related injuries and chronic muscle pain.

There are two reasons why most of us are deficient in Omega 3 EFAs. First is that the body cannot produce Omega 3 fats, which means that we have to obtain them through foods like fatty deep-sea fish. However, the average Western diet is startlingly deficient in Omega 3 EFAs; what little Omega 3s are there in our food tend to be destroyed by processing techniques. What's more, most of our foods are rich in omega-6 EFAs, which tend to interfere with the health benefits of Omega 3s. These factors can account for the deficiency of Omega 3s in most people today, which leads to various health problems like ADHD, obesity, and Alzheimer's disease.

Thanks to the growing awareness of the importance of Omega 3 EFAs to good health, many people now take Omega 3 supplements as a natural treatment for brain conditions or to improve their overall health. Today, the exciting relationship between weight loss and Omega 3 supplements will probably have more people consuming Omega 3 EFAs.

Omega 3 and weight loss

The study on Omega 3 and weight loss involved the participation of 200 overweight or obese volunteers. Researchers each imposed a restrictive weight loss program, which was supplemented with a low dose of Omega 3s (260mg/day) or a high dose (1,300mg/day) for eight weeks. Appetite was then measured during the last two weeks of the trial. According to the findings, the participants who consumed high doses of Omega 3s felt less hungry and felt full up to two hours after their meal. A blood sample analysis also indicated that a high ratio of Omega 3s to omega-6s was correlated to higher satiety. The effects of Omega 3s on appetite are perhaps due to the hunger-influencing properties of Omega 3 fatty acids. Although more research still needs to be done on the exact mechanism that acts upon appetite, it certainly won't hurt to supplement a weight loss program with healthy dose of Omega 3 EFAs."
Dr. Yannick Pauli is a Swiss natural health expert

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Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 149 Wiek 35 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15599
kolejna sprawa. można ser żółty na redukcji? nie chce wrzucać go na stałe do diety ale od czasu do czasu dla urozmaicenia i smaku, w ilości powiedzmy 100g? mam plan jutro na zapiekanke z wieprza kury, sera i warzyw dlatego pytam.
a tak poza tym to 5 tyg już za mną, 4.2 kg poleciało w dół
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