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Sizen Serono HGH 8.8mg 26.4iu

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ze strony saizena org zbity proch walek pokruszony pyl

Features of Counterfeit lot #MNK612A
Serostim® Vial:

Label has straight cut corners
Contains white, powdery "snow-like" substance and is sometimes stuck to the stopper.

Features of Authentic lot #MNK612A
Label has slightly rounded corners
Product is white lyophilized "cake", approximately 1/8" thick at the bottom of the vial.
tlumaczyc chyba nie trzeba

Zmieniony przez - B-50 w dniu 2013-03-14 22:18:31

maly duzy gruby czy chudy kazdemu nalezy sie taki sam szacunek

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Sustanon, Malay Tiger

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