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Ponizej wywiad z Kazuyoshi Ishii:
We recently caught up with Master Kazuyoshi Ishii, Producer of K-1, to ask him about the rumors concerning K-1 fighters appearing in the upcoming PRIDE 20: Armed and Ready.
PRIDE Fighting Championships: Mr. Ishii, after the end of the K-1 event in Nagoya (August 3rd, K-1 World GP 2002), you declared war on Nogueira, Silva, the Inoki Army, PRIDE and even the WWF.

Kazuyoshi Ishii: Yes. Last year K-1 took its first step into mixed martial arts and I think we've entered a new level. When K-1 fought the Inoki Army, it was called the "Inoki Festival" but I wasn't there to party. We were there because we're aiming to make K-1 the strongest in the world.

PRIDE: So, K-1 fighters will be in the PRIDE ring or will PRIDE fighters fight in K-1?

Ishii: Both. Nogueira said he wants to fight under K-1 rules and of course, he's welcome to. There are tons of strikers in PRIDE like Silva, Semmy Schilt, Vovchanchyn, Goodridge, etc. All of those guys have a standing invitation to fight in K-1. There are also fighters in K-1 who want to challenge themselves in MMA, so they'll fight in PRIDE.

PRIDE: It's just a rumor but, I heard that at the upcoming PRIDE 20 (April 28th, Yokohama Arena) Mirko vs. Silva might be a possibility and maybe even an appearance by Sam Greco and Bob Sapp.

Ishii: I originally suggested the Mirko/Silva card in an interview with Tokyo Sports. I would really like to see that fight. Mirko said he wants to do it and that he has the confidence to win. Will Silva accept? There's still a lot of problems that have to be overcome like weight differences and rule differences. But, we're trying to make the adjustments necessary so we can bring it to the fans.

PRIDE: What about Greco?

Ishii: He really depends on what kind of opponents that PRIDE offers up. Greco is active in K-1, so if PRIDE can put someone deserving against him, he'd do it. Regardless, he's already started training.

PRIDE: Sounds exciting.

Ishii: But, I don't want this to be perceived as just another PRIDE event. If we're going to do this, I want to have a K-1 vs. PRIDE event. I want to put on a fight that will have a lot of drama too. So if Mirko/Silva becomes a reality, it will be the beginning of the K-1 vs. PRIDE war. Just leave it up to me. I've got a lot of really interesting things in the pipeline.

Props to Pride
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