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[Studia] Białko przed snem

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''Protein ingestion following resistance-type exercise stimulates muscle protein synthesis rates, and enhances the skeletal muscle adaptive response to prolonged resistance-type exercise training. As the adaptive response to a single bout of resistance exercise extends well beyond the first couple of hours of post-exercise recovery, recent studies have begun to investigate the impact of the timing and distribution of protein ingestion during more prolonged recovery periods. Recent work has shown that overnight muscle protein synthesis rates are restricted by the level of amino acid availability. Protein ingested prior to sleep is effectively digested and absorbed, and thereby stimulates muscle protein synthesis rates during overnight recovery. When applied during a prolonged period of resistance-type exercise training, protein supplementation prior to sleep can further augment gains in muscle mass and strength. Recent studies investigating the impact of pre-sleep protein ingestion suggest that at least 40 g of protein is required to display a robust increase in muscle protein synthesis rates throughout overnight sleep. Furthermore, prior exercise allows more of the pre-sleep protein-derived amino acids to be utilized for de novo muscle protein synthesis during sleep. In short, pre-sleep protein ingestion represents an effective dietary strategy to improve overnight muscle protein synthesis, thereby improving the skeletal muscle adaptive response to exercise training.

a day of habitual food intake and the ingestion of 20–25 g of protein during and/or immediately after an exercise bout performed in the evening does not suffice to augment overnight muscle protein reconditioning.

additional pre-sleep protein ingestion represents a practical strategy to increase the total daily protein intake, add another meal moment, and increase the overnight muscle protein synthesis rates; this effect is likely additive to muscle protein synthesis rates observed throughout the day''

Pre-Sleep Protein Ingestion to Improve the Skeletal Muscle Adaptive Response to Exercise Training. Nutrients 2016, 8(12), 763.


Krotkie przetłumaczenie: 40 g białka przed snem jest potrzebne zeby utrzymac synteze białka przez noc.

Kolega do mnie gadał z autorem i powiedział nastepujace - ''Whether pre-sleep protein is better, similar or worse compared to protein during the day, you simply would want to eat some additional pre-protein prior to sleep because it's likely additive.

Basically, it just a good idea to eat some additional protein prior to sleep if you want to maximize gains" - Trommelen.''

Przetłumaczenie: Czy przed snem białko jest lepsza, take same czy gorsze w porownaniu z białkem w ciagu dnia, ty po prostu chcesz zjesc cos z białkem przed snem bo jest prawdopodobnie dobry dodatek.

Istotnie, to jest dobry pomysł zjesc troche extra białka przed snem jak chcesz z maksymalizowac wzrost miesni.

Zmieniony przez - Stefanski w dniu 2016-11-29 23:40:42
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